General Psychology
Professor Barbara Lusk Stern
Reading Assignments, PowerPoints, Videos & Web Sites

Unit 3: Research Methods


Lilienfeld, Psychology, From Inquiry to Understanding, Ch. 2

Bennett, Diamond, Krech and Rosenzweig, "Chemical and Anatomical Plasticity of Brain" (optional reading)

Graeber, Charles, "Meet the Carousing, Harmonica-playing Texan Who Won a Nobel for His Cancer Breakthrough," Wired Magazine, October 22, 2018.

Interview: Jim Allison


Lilienfeld, Unit 3-ch.2

Visit the following websites:

The Pseudoscience of Beauty Products (The Atlantic, May 5, 2015)

Stanley Milgram "Obedience to Authority" (1974)


"Breakthrough," film trailer

60 Minutes: Placebo Effect