Chris Doumen, Ph.D.
Use the Links to download your first PPT presentation for Chapter 1
Biol 2401
A&P for Majors

Use this site for Information before your Canvas shell opens.
I strongly suggest the following as this semester will go fast .
- Start reading/studying these first 3 lecture powerpoints PPT's and Lab PPT. Use the Open Source Link as well.Try to get through this before Class starts on June 5
- Chapter 2 is part of the Online Exam portion of Exam1. I will not devote much time to this and is thus mostly a self study.
On Monday, June 5 at 1 after midnight, your Canvas Lecture and Lab Course Shell will open. The absolute first thing to do is to get access to your digital material via Course Material 2020 in your module
- There will be a link in your Lecture Canvas shell Module (Course Material 2020)
- Instructions with help is shown on the right
- Do the same to get your Lab Manual but do this within your Lab Canvas shell.
- You should all have your digital copies and be registered with Mastering by the end of Monday June 5. Delays in doing this only puts you in a catch- up mode with assignments and learning.
Biol 2401Summer 2023
A&P for Majors
Chapter1 PPT
Chapter2A PPT
Chapter2B PPT
LabExercise1 PPT
Instructions for Mastering Registration in Canvas
Video on 1st Day access from Barnes/Noble
Open Source Anatomy/Physiology
For the Rest, go to your Canvas Site when it opens
To prepare yourself, Read Chapters 1-3 in the Open Source Textbook NOW.
Please note that an ipad, tablet or phone will not work for taking Exams.
You should use Google Chrome Browser (works best with Canvas)