The Natural Paradigm (~ 3,000 Years Old)

Philosophy: Understanding the Cosmos based on Nature and Reification (Metonymy)

Nature: The physical Creative-Power that produces the order that adorns the World

Reification: The belief that Forces and Forms are parts of Nature, are Natural Things

Science: Understanding and Manipulating the Universe through Causality & Analogy

Causality: The Generation of one Thing from Another, based upon Contiguity

Analogy: The Comparison of one Thing with Another, based upon Isomorphism

Logos: The language of Causal and Analogic Structures; used in Science and Philosophy

Hypothetical Logic: Causality and Analogy in the Science of Natural Things

Deductive Logic: Implication and Equivalence in the Science of Ideal Symbols

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Hermeneutic Paradigm