Modern Western Logics
Fundamentals of Logic

The Three Stages of Belief
The Four Grounds of Belief

The Four Types of Logic
The Two Applications of Logic
The Logic of Discovery

The Logic of Discovery
The Nature of Abduction
The Nature of Adduction
Material Causality
Rules for Causality
Methods of Causal Analysis

The Nature of Induction
Types of Analogy
Material Arguments
Aspects of Definition
Various Logical Fallacies
The Logic of Corroboration

The Nature of Deduction
Defining The Logical Language
The Master Logical Matrices
Tautologies & Contradictions
The So-Called Laws of Thought
The Rules of Transformation

The Deductive Apparatus
The Axioms of Algebra
Some Algebraic Truth Tables
The Complete Deductive System
The Structure of Modern Logic

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