Cathy Donald-Whitney
Photo Courtesy of Robert Laughon

Donald-Whitney, at the Collin ME office-Sabbatical Research Project

Cathy Donald-Whitney

M.S., Texas Woman's University (Biology)
B.S. Biology, Panhandle State University
Office: C200B, Central Park Campus
Phone: 972-548-6717
Professor of Biology- M/NS, Collin-CPC


I generally teach Introductory Biology and General Biology I and II. My academic interests are Immunology, Genetics and
Forensic ScienceI have taken several advanced Forensic courses via a program sponsored by the National Science Foundation. In the spring of 2007 I was awarded a sabbatical.  I did research at the Collin County Medical Examiner’s office. In addition to my teaching assignment, I have served as departmental chair for Math and Natural Sciences since 2006 at the Central Park Campus.

Special Projects: I am the coordinator of the Collin College district M-NS outreach program with Bowman Middle School in Plano.  One of our annual programs is the Day of Science. I am also co-chair of the African American History month district task force.

Personal Note:  I really enjoy reading all kinds of books because knowledge is power! I enjoy inspirational writing and my favorite recreational activity is bowling.  My husband and I love to travel.  Our favorite travel destination is Hawaii and Jamaica!

Inspirational Note: You have to believe to achieve. To accomplish your goals start by saying "I Can", while you are going through the process say "I Will", and when you have accomplished your goals, you can say "I Did!"

Professor Whitney's "Tips for Academic Success"

Book Worm

Professor Whitney's Class Prep Checklist




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