Welcome to my web page at Collin College! I have been teaching web and mobile development full-time for Collin since 2003. I've added some links to Collin Resources if you are interested in learning more about Collin or Web and Mobile Development!
Enjoy the site!
Some of the Courses that I Teach
BCIS 1305
Business Computer ApplicationsIntroduction to information systems and applications
COSC 1315
Introduction to Computer ProgrammingBeginning programming using Alice and Java
IMED 1341
Interface DesignUsability, accessibility, design and CSS frameworks
INEW 2334
Advanced Web ProgrammingAdvanced Javascript and JavaScript Frameworks..
ITSE 1301
Web Design Tools--GraphicsWeb tools and creating graphics for web using Photoshop
ITSE 1311
Beginning Web ProgrammingHTML and CSS
ITSE 1333
Mobile Applications DevelopmentIntroduction to mobile applications
ITSE 2302
Intermediate Web ProgrammingJavaScript
ITSE 2310
iOS Application ProgrammingIntroduction to iphone programming using Swift
ITSE 2374
Web and Mobile Application DevelopmentCapstone project class
Out on the Farm
I live on a ranch near the Red River. We raise cows and calves and spend the summer cutting and bailing hay. Here are some summer and spring scenes from the farm.
Pet Gallery
At the moment I have 2 dogs, 2 house cats and a group of outside cats who only show up for supper time. In honor of her memory, I've included a pic one of my favorite dogs, Yuffie.
Dangers of Working from Home
Working one night on my computer while doing online office hours I had a surprise. Luna likes to keep me company while I work. This needs the shark theme from jaws playing.