Faculty Sponsor Letter of Recommendation


This information is confidential and will be used only by Collin College Faculty/Staff.

Each Student Application for study abroad must be accompanied by the attached faculty recommendation from one of the student’s high school (allow dual credit?) or college teachers. If the student has already attended a semester at a college or university, he/she must supply the recommendation from a college faculty member where he/she has attended or is attending.


This professor may be contacted by telephone concerning this recommendation.

This page must be completed by the student before giving it to a faculty sponsor. It must be returned in the envelope with the recommendation and mailed directly by the faculty member or sponsor to Collin Global Connect.

Faculty/Sponsor Recommendation

This recommendation and student information sheet must be mailed or emailed directly by the faculty member to:




Professor’s/Sponsor’s Name:


Last Name First Middle Initial

Address: ________________________________________________________

Street Address

_________________________________________________________________ City State Zip

Telephone Numbers:

Home: (_____)______________________________

Work: (_____)_______________________________

Mobile: (_____)______________________________

Email address: _______________________________

How do you prefer to be addressed? ___________________________________

Preferred time of day: _______________________________________________

University/College/High School where employed: __________________________

In what capacity have you known or do you know this student? ______________



How long have you known this student?_________________________________




Please put a check by the following traits you think apply to this student:

____ Sociable

____ Sensitive

____ Spontaneous

____ Warm Personality

____ Loner

____ Serious

____ Responsible

____ Traditional

____ Insecure

____ Mature

____ Optimistic

____ Reserved

____ Dependent

____ Informal

____ Independent

____ Quick-tempered

____ Calm

____ Casual

____ Patient

____ Adaptable

____ Emotional

____ Formal

____ Open

____ Good sense of humor

____ Quiet

____ Friendly

____ Neat

____ Shy

____ Self-reliant

____ Adaptable

____ Flexible

____ Resourceful


Is there anything pertaining to these traits (both positive and negative) that you would like to express concerning this student? Please explain.





This program is a very intense, yet flexible program that requires a student to learn many things, both academically and culturally, in a short period of time. Students must be open and possess a strong sense of self-discipline. They must have good "people skills" and be able to learn and adapt quickly to the new living experience as well as fulfill scholastic requirements as expected. They must do so while facing the challenges of living away from home, possibly for the first time, with many new freedoms and experiences to digest.

Briefly, in your own words, how do you think this student might function in this new cultural and academic situation? What problems do you foresee he/she might have? What strengths might he/she have that would aid him/her in overcoming obstacles and learning?







Would you accept a personal telephone call from a faculty/staff person from the program to discuss the information you have provided? ______________


Thank you for your time in completing this recommendation. We want to be able to assure the student and parents/guardians that this program is a match for them. We have their safety and well being in mind as well as their academic success.


Faculty/Sponsor Signature Date





To be completed by student:





To be completed with Study Abroad Professor:

Faculty Professor :

Total Credits earned to Date


Has the student completed the mandated information session?


Has the student completed the faculty interview?


Anticipated transfer/graduation information.




What major requirements still remain to be completed?




Does the student need to complete major requirements abroad in order to transfer or graduate when planned?



Which classes abroad will count toward these requirements?

Faculty Signature


Collin College

Study Abroad Program Application



Name of Program of Interest:_________________________________________________________

Proposed Dates of Program:__________________________________________________________

1. Legal Name: (as it appears on your passport)


Last/Family First/Given Middle Initial

2. Collin CWID#: _____________________________________________________________________

3. Name you prefer to be called: ________________________________________________________

4. Collin E-mail Address:
____________________________________________________________________________________(VERY IMPORTANT! This is how we prefer to contact you.)

5. Date of Birth: ____________________________________ Gender: o Male o Female

Month Date Year

6. Home Phone: (_____) ________________________ Cell Phone: (_____) ______________________

7. Current Address:


Street Address Apt. #


City State Zip

8. Permanent Address: (an alternate address where mail will reach you if you change your address for any reason)


Street Address Apt. #


City State Zip

9. Name/Address of Mother/Guardian/Wife/Partner: __________________________________________


Street Address Apt. #


City State Zip

Telephone: Work: (_____) ________________________ Home: (_____) _______________________

Cell: (_____) _________________________


10. Name/Address of Father/Guardian/ Husband/Partner: _____________________________________


Street Address Apt. #


City State Zip

Telephone: Work: (_____) ________________________ Home: (_____) _______________________

(____) _________________________

11. In case of emergency, contact: (may be one of the above; please complete this question)


Name/Relation Street Address Apt. #


City State Zip

Telephone: Work: (_____) ________________________ Home: (_____) _______________________

Cell: (_____) _________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________

12. Your major field of study: __________________________________ Overall GPA: ____________

13. Have you ever been on academic probation? o Yes o No

(Probation status must be cleared, in writing, with your academic advisor one month prior to departure in order for you to participate in study abroad programs.)

14. Are you currently on academic probation? o Yes o No

15. If yes, please list which college or university ____________________________________________

16. Semester hours completed by end of current semester: ___________________________________

17. College, university, or last high school attended: _________________________________________

18. Do you intend to apply for financial aid or loans? o Yes o No

(As the financial Aid process is lengthy, you must apply immediately.)

19. What is your country of citizenship? _________________________________________________

If you are a citizen of any country other than the USA, you may perhaps be required to apply for a tourist visa from a consulate in another city. You may also need a special visa to re-enter the USA after the study course. You must ask XXXXX XXXXXX with Collin Global Connect (XXX) XXX-XXXX concerning this.

20. What Languages (other than English) can you read/write/speak? At what Level?


21. Summarize any of your previous travel experiences and/or residence abroad:



22. Do you have a passport? If so, please give all information on your passport: your name, birthday, passport number, nationality, gender, place of birth, date of issue and expiration date.

Full Legal Name as appears on the passport:


Passport #:__________________________________________




Place of Birth (often the state): ___________________________

Date of Issue:_________________________________________

Expiration Date:_______________________________________

(You must send a scanned copy of your passport to Collin Global Connect at CGC@collin.edu before your departure.)

If you do not have a passport, you need to begin the process immediately, as it can take several weeks to receive it after application.

About You:

23. Check all words/phrases below that best describe your character or habits:

____ Sociable

____ Sensitive

____ Spontaneous

____ Warm Personality

____ Loner

____ Serious

____ Responsible

____ Traditional

____ Insecure

____ Mature

____ Optimistic

____ Reserved

____ Dependent

____ Quick-tempered

____ Informal

____ Independent

____ Calm

____ Casual

____ Patient

____ Adaptable

____ Emotional

____ Formal

____ Open

____ Good sense of humor

____ Quiet

____ Friendly

____ Neat

____ Shy

____ Active

____ Resourceful

____ Fun loving

____ Early riser

____ Night owl

____ Messy

____ Flexible

____ Good listener

24. List and describe three of your greatest character strengths:

    1. __________________________________________________________________________

    2. __________________________________________________________________________

    3. __________________________________________________________________________

  1. List and describe three things you would like to change about yourself:

    1. __________________________________________________________________________

    2. __________________________________________________________________________

    3. __________________________________________________________________________


  1. On a separate sheet of paper, please write a letter to an imaginary family you might meet during this experience. What would you like them to know about you? Tell them about how you see their culture now and what you want to learn about them. Tell them about yourself, your interests, skills, family, and friends. Tell them what your reasons are for wanting to participate in this program, what you hope to accomplish, what you want to see and do. Please include all the above. This is required for your application.

27. Are you a smoker? o Yes o No

If not, does being around smokers bother you? o Yes o No

Explain: ________________________________________________________________________

Would you be able to room with a smoker? o Yes o No

28. Do you have any dietary requirements? Please describe: __________________________________


29. Have you participated in any Collin College honors programs? o Yes o No

If yes, please list courses and dates:


Please read carefully:

All students are required to attend all orientation meetings.

  • Payment schedule to be added along with topics to discuss in each meeting.


Since the Collin College deposit is fully refundable until _________, and merely reserves a student’s place in the program, Collin College retains the right to refuse the admittance of any student to the program if it’s felt that he or she is not ready for the responsibilities of the program at this time. Any students requesting admittance after this date, will be considered on an individual basis.





I certify that that I have read and understood all the above information and that all the information I have given above is true and complete.


________________________________________________ _____________________________

Signature of student Date

Collin Global Connect
Student Study Abroad Application and Acceptance Process

Before Applying

Starting the Application Process

One Year Prior to Study Abroad

The Semester Prior to Study Abroad

Submitting the application

Notification of approval to study abroad

  • Notification of Collin’s approval to study abroad can be expected within three weeks after submitting a completed application. Notification will be sent via your Cougarmail account.

Preparing to leave for Study Abroad


Other significant preparations

Common Collin College Study Abroad Application Forms

Before completing the forms below, be sure you have: