Life Span & Introduction to Sociology

Professors Barbara Lusk & Larry Stern
Fall 2017

Please answer each part of the following essay. The entire essay should be roughly 1,500 words (five types pages). Remember: this final exam is the equivalent of a final exam for TWO different classes. It combines both of the classes in the learning community.

The goal of this learning community has been to provide you with tools to better understand yourself and others.This blended essay - in two parts - is designed to have you think carefully about the many theories and concepts covered during the semester and to apply them to (1) your life up until this point and (2) to what you expect to be true for you as your proceed through the remainder of your life.

Part 1: "Who Am I?: The Sociological and Psychological Me"

Demonstrate how your understanding of psychological & sociological factors (i.e., physical and cognitive changes, culture, race, class, gender, geographical area) enhanced your understanding of human development and shaped your understanding of how you came to be the person you are today?

Part 2: "Who Will I Come to Be?: Navigating the Remainder of Life Span"

How will the aging process, the new statuses you will acquire throughout the remainder of your life course, and the way you will be treated by society as you proceed through the remaining stages of your life affect who you likely will come to be?