I asked Jeeves about color, and here's what my query delivered:

A remarkable number of references to color are expressed in our language using slang, metaphors and colloquial expression. Some of them, such as feeling blue, seeing red, or green with envy, associate colors with specific human emotions. Others, such as blue blood, white cockade, and red carpet originated in the Middle Ages. And still others, among them yellow journalism, the Red guard, Purple Heart, Black Market and the yearly favorite among sports fans the Orange Bowl, all have an interesting, although more recent history.

The foundation for color symbolism has been built upon many centuries of history, religion, tradition and superstition. Practically every race and culture has used color symbolically assigning a variety of qualities and even specific objects to certain colors. The reason is probably that the sensation of color is a primitive one. Reaction to it, recognition of it, requires little effort of intellect or imagination. Color conveys moods that affix themselves quite automatically to human feeling.


RED has been part of the English language since about A.D. 900. It is the primary color at the lower or least deflected end of the visible spectrum. Its name is used for shades ranging from very bright, bold red, to reddish yellow or reddish brown. Found not only in the lore of ancient medicine but in the superstitions of modern times, red has been viewed as the vigorous color of health. Red wool was applied to relieve sprains in Scotland, sore throats in Ireland, and to prevent fevers in Macedonia. The ruby, a precious gemstone with a brilliant red color, was worn in China to promote long life. The color red has also been a representation of love within a relationship between two people. A red rose, given to the bearer's lover or mate has always been known as a symbol of love. As well as the ever-popular red heart on valentine's day.


ORANGE is the only color of the spectrum whose name was taken from an object, the well known and popular fruit called the orange. The fruit come from an evergreen tree, Citrus aurantius, and the word "orange", comes from the Old French orange. Since about 1300 it has used as part of the English language. Because the tree is evergreen and overbearing, the color orange became associated with fruitfulness. On the visible spectrum this reddish-yellow color lies between, red and yellow the two colors that when blended together are the creators of the color orange. In folklore the color orange stands for fire and flames, lust, vigor, excitement, adventure and wholesomeness.


YELLOW lies between green and orange on the visible spectrum and is, along with red and blue, one of the primary colors. Since about A.D. 900 the color yellow has been integrated into the English language, stemming from closely related words in the Latin and various Germanic languages. In heraldry, where it is called or (for gold) the color yellow stands for the positive virtues of faith, constancy, wisdom, and glory. It also has been thought of as being a color that represents playfulness, light, creativity, warmth and an easy going attitude about life. The color yellow also has many negative associations as well. Among them are jealousy, treachery, cowardice, aging, and illness.


GREEN is the color of freshness and renewal, and has been in Western culture since the earliest of times. The word "green" comes from the Old English grιne, in turn from grκne in Old Frisian and various related Germanic languages. Reappearing in springtime, after the dull, seemingly colorless winter, it became a symbol of fertility and growth, of abundance and external life. The color green represents harmony, nature and radiates a feeling of fullness. When thoughts of nature come to mind, green, being the color of grass, trees and plants, 99% of the time is the dominant color of one's mental images. On the visible spectrum green lies sandwiched in between blue and yellow.


Traditionally BLUE is the color of constancy and faith, the color painters used for the Virgin Mary's robe, the color of the heavens and the oceans. The soothing color blue stands for sensitivity, peace, loyalty and ones desire to nurture. The word "blue", from Middle English blew and Old English Blaw, has been used since about 1300 to describe a color of the spectrum. In the symbolism of heraldry blue is called azure and signifies piety and sincerity. Around the twentieth century it became a symbolic representation of the male gender. PINK being the color representative of the female gender. Young children are usually dressed using these two colors to distinguish the "boys" from the "girls".


COMBINATION of RED and BLUE, PURPLE is a color that has been associated with royalty since ancient Roman times. The color purple is symbolic of power, leadership, respect and wealth and has been worn by emperors, military commanders, and other high ranking officials. The word "purple" comes from the Greek porphura, a species of shellfish that yielded, through an elaborate process, the dye called Tyrian Purple. Very expensive to produce, it was reserved for special cloth and garments, such as those of kings.


Literally, BLACK means absorbing all light, without reflecting any of its rays. Yet long before the physics of light was understood, the word black was in common use. In Old English it was blaec, closely related to its equivalents in Old High German (blah, blach) and Old Norse (blakkr). In many languages and cultures, black was associated with evil (and white with good).  In both the art and religion of Western culture, black signified despair, sin and mourning whereas white is associated with grief and death in many Eastern cultures. The Western association of black with mourning is very old; it probably comes from the ancient Semitic custom of blackening the face with dirt or ashes to make it unrecognizable to the malignant dead, as well as a mark of grief and submission. Our funerary tradition still uses black garments to indicate mourning the loss of a family member, relative, or close friend. Despite the color's many negative associations, in heraldry black, called sable, also stands for virtues of constancy, prudence and wisdom.  


WHITE is, literally speaking, the absence of all color, or rather, is the "color" produced by reflecting almost all kinds of light found in the visible spectrum. This is why white clothing is considered cooler than other colors on a hot summer day; since it reflects back sunlight (and heat) rather than absorbing it; as black does. The word white comes from the Old English hwνt, which in turn is related to very similar words in old Germanic languages. Symbolically white has long represented purity, goodness, light and innocence. In heraldry white is also called argent. This word comes from the Latin argentum, for silver. The color white projects feelings of calmness, relaxation and an inner peace with one’s surroundings and inner soul.



The following excerpt came from (Unfortunately, this website no longer contains this information.)


When you favour one colour over other, you are telling a story about your personality and behaviour. For example, a person who dislikes all colours is also likely to hate music, children and the world as a whole. Most of all the colour haters intensely generate negative feelings within them, which lead them to frustrations and helplessness.

Colour preferences are innate. You are born with an attraction for particular colour. What you feel about them will probably remain with you throughout your life. Your colour choice is the result of your genes, early childhood memories, education, parent's beliefs, cultural trainings, political learning's and other aspects of life-style.

Tender children who can't speak whole sentences will often express themselves eloquently with a set of crayons. A general delight in colours shown by an adult is thought by psychologist to demonstrate the normal emotional tendencies in him. Normally all children love bright colours.

A child's preference for the black crayon probably indicates repressed emotion or strict parental domination. A love of yellow is classified as revealing a youngster's infantile traits and a dependence on adults. Red shows carefree feelings. Green indicates that the child is balanced, with few emotional out bursts and having a simple and uncomplicated nature or mind structure. Youngsters' colour representations of their mothers are always nearly with pastel shades and that of their fathers with darker shades. And so it is with adults. A preference for one colour over another reveals your true personality - the characteristics of your real trait. You then feel and see within yourself through your inner vision. Following are some of the personality traits associated with the colour you adopt as your own.

Color Adoption Associated With Personality Traits


It shows that you are outgoing. You are assertive, vigorous and prone to impulsive actions and variable moods. You feel deep sympathy for fellow human beings and are easily swayed. You have a strong sex drive, entertain stimulating fantasies and would dive into extramarital affairs if a strong sense of duty did not hold you back form acting on your secret desires. You are an optimist, but you are also a complainer and do not desist to voice you complaints or discomforts.



You're good natured, enjoy being with others and are swayed by outside opinions. You do good work, have strong loyalties, feel good will and possess a solicitous heart. However unwarranted feelings of elation often pervade your psyche.



You have a well functioning imagination, nervous energy; neatly formed thoughts and an urge to help the world. You tend to be aloof and more align to theory than to action. You are inclined to speak of lofty ideas without applying them in practical. Secretly you are shy, long to be respected, crave admiration for you sagacity and are a mental loner. You are a safe friend and a reliable confident.



You are a good citizen and a pillar of the community and are sensitive to social customs and etiquette. You are frank, moral and reputable. You make yourself a splendid teacher, have a normal sex drive and feel deep affection for your family.



You are deliberate and introspective. You have conservative convictions and retreat to gentler surroundings in times if stress, but are sensitive to the feelings of other. You keep a tight rein on you p0assions and enthusiasms, are a loyal friend and lead a sober life. You nourish preposterous dreams but do not act on them. Stupidity in other annoys you, as does superior intelligence.



You have a good mind, a ready with and an ability to observe things that go unnoticed by others. You are easily incensed and are verbose when witnessing misfortune. You have a degree of vanity. Display fine-arts creativity and relish the subtle but recognise the magnificent.



You perform you duties conscientiously, are shrewd what it comes to money, obstinate in you habits and convictions and you are parsimonious. You are dependable and steady, disdain impulsiveness and can bargain as that of a horse trader.



You are cautious, try to strike a compromise in most situations. You encounter and seek composure and peace. You try very hard to fit yourself into a mould of your own design.



You are above average, worldly, conventional, proper, polite and regal. Black is a colour that means one thin (depression) to the clinical psychologist and quite another (dignity) to you.





Colours are most readily applied to a specific dysfunctional human or animal body parts or organs in the form of coloured lights. Various shades of each colour are employed by therapists depending on the strength of the physiological effect.



Red stimulates the sensory nerves, so it benefits the senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch. It activates blood circulation, excites the cerebrospinal fluid and rouses the sympathetic nervous system. Haemoglobin is built with red rays. Red rays produced heat that vitalizes and energises the liver, the muscular system and the left cerebral brain hemisphere. As a muscle relaxant, for spasm, red counters, its irritant effects are excellent for therapeutic purposes.

Red decomposes the body's accumulated salt crystals and thus catalyses ionization. The ions created then carry electromagnetic energy throughout the body. The rays split ferric-salt crystals and liberate heat.

Common Disorders Treatable with Red Colour Include:

• Anaemia
• Listlessness
• Asthma
• Paralysis
• Blood Dyscrasias
• Physical Debilitation

• Bronchitis
• Pneumonia
• Constipation
• Tuberculosis
• Endocrine System Dysfunction

Conditions Contraindicated for Using Red Colour Include:

• Emotional disturbances.
• Hypertension
• Excitable temperament
• Mental illness
• Fever

• Neuritis
• Florid complexion
• Red hair
• Inflammations



Yellow activates the motor nerves and generate the energy for the muscles. A disturbance in the supply of yellow vibrations to any part of the body can bring about a disturbance of function there including partial or full paralysis. Yellow, as a mixture of red and green rays has the stimulating potency of red vibrations mixed with the reparative potency of green vibrations. Therefore, it tends both to stimulate function and repair damages. Directed at the gastrointestinal tract for short periods, yellow is a digestive aid: For longer periods it acts as both a catharsis (Purge) and a cathartic (Laxative). It helps to eliminate parasites and worms and stimulates the flow of bile.

Nerve building takes place in the presence of yellow. It has a stimulating, cleansing and eliminating action on the liver, intestines and skin. It energises the alimentary tract, purifies the blood stream, activates the lymphatics and depresses the spleen. It lifts despondency and suggest joy, gaiety, intellect perception and merriment.

Known Disorders Treatable with the Colour Include

• Arthritis and rheumatism
• Digestive problems
• Constipation
• Eczema
• Diabetes
• Exhaustion
• Flatulence

• Liver disease
• Hemiplegia
• Mental depression
• Indigestion
• Paralysis
• Kidney disease
• Paraplegia

Conditions Contraindicated for Using the Yellow Colour Include:

• Acute inflammation
• Heart palpitation
• Delirium
• Neuralgia

• Diarrhoea
• Over excitement
• Fever


Orange combines of red and yellow rays and its heating power is greater than that of either red or yellow alone. Orange stimulates the thyroid glands and depresses the parathyroid. It expands the lungs and has an antispasmodic effect on muscle cramps. It also aids calcium metabolism, acts as an emetic and increases the pulse rate, but orange does not effect the blood pressure. Milk production in the breast is stimulated after childbirth when a new mother wears orange clothing. Orange also acts on the spleen and pancreas to help assimilation and circulation.

Common Disorders Treatable with the Orange Colour include

• Asthma
• Kidney ailments
• Bronchitis
• Menstrual difficulties
• Cold
• Mental exhaustion
• Epilepsy

• Prolapsed uterus
• Gall stones
• Respiratory and arthritis
• Hyperthyroidism
• Tumors (Both malignant and benign)
• Hypothyroidism

Note: Conditions contraindicated for using the orange colour are not known.


Green, both dark and pastel builds muscles, bones and other tissue cells. It is neither acidic nor alkaline and can be used the same way as blue is used. Green is soothing, cooling and calming, both physically and mentally. It relieves tension, lowers blood pressure, acts as a hypnotic upon the sympathetic nervous system, dilates the capillaries and produces a sense of warmth.Green rays help to stabilize the emotions and stimulate the pituitary. They can be used for their aphrodisiac quality and for sexual tonicity. Vibrations of green disinfect bacteria, virus and other germs.

Common Disorders Treatable with Green Colour Include

• Asthma
• Laryngitis
• Malaria
• Back problems
• Colic
• Malignancy
• Erysipelas
• Nervous disorder
• Exhaustion
• Neuralgia

• Hay fever
• Over stimulation
• Heart problems
• Syphilis
• Haemorrhoids
• Typhoid fever
• Insomnia
• Ulcer
• Irritability
• Venereal disease

Note: Conditions contraindicated for using the green colour are not known.



Blue vibratory rays increase the metabolism, build vitality, promote growth, slow down the action of heart and act as a tonic on the body in general. They have antiseptic properties, contracting potencies for muscles and blood vessels and a soothing or cooling effect on inflammations.Blue is the balancing and harmonizing colour that regulates the blood stream to normal. It reduces the nervous excitement. It is an astringent and can absorb from the environment during meditation and spiritual expansion. It relaxes the mind. It helps the introvert come out of his shell and comfort the maniac depressiveness. But after ten minutes of concentrated treatments with blue rays, mental depression tends to set in. However blue clothing's and furnishings sometimes make a person tired. Blue is the colour of truth, devotion, calmness, sincerity, intuition with higher mental faculties.

Common Disorders Treatable with Blue Colour Include

• Baldness
• Biliousness
• Bowel irregularity
• Burns
• Cataracts
• Chicken pox
• Cholera
• Colic
• Constipation
• Diarrhoea
• Dysentery
• Epilepsy
• Eye inflammation
• Febrile diseases
• Glaucoma
• Goiter
• Gonorrhoea
• Headache
• Hear palpitations
• Hydrophobia

• Hysteria
• Insomnia
• Itching
• Jaundice
• Laryngitis
• Measles
• Menstrual difficulties
• Poliomyelitis
• Renal (Kidney) diseases
• Rheumatism (acute)
• Scarlet fever
• Shock
• Skin diseases
• Syphilis
• Tonsillitis
• Tooth infection
• Typhoid fever
• Ulcer
• Vomiting
• Whooping cough

Conditions Contraindicated or Using the Blue Colour Include

• Cold
• Gout
• Hypertension
• Muscle impairment
• Paralysis
• Rheumatism (chronic)
• Tachycardia



Indigo is a soothing and cooling astrigent. It is a parathyroid stimulant and thyroid depression-a blood purifier. As a phagocyte builder and hemostatic agent. It reduces or stops excessive bleeding and promotes muscular tonicity, respiratory depression and hypnotic, like insensibility to pain.Indigo rays control the psychic currents of the subtle spiritual bodies. They also control the forehead chakra and influence vision, hearing and smell on the physical, emotional and spiritual planes.

Known Disorders Treatable with the Indigo Colour Include

• Appendicitis
• Asthma
• Bronchitis
• Cataracts
• Convulsion
• Deafness
• Deurium tremens
• Dyspepsia
• Ear diseases
• Eye diseases

• Hyperthyroidism
• Mental illness
• Nasal diseases
• Nervous ailments
• Nose bleed
• Obsession
• Palsy
• Pneumonia
• Respiratory diseases
• Throat diseases

Note: Conditions contraindicated for using the indigo colour are not known.


Violet stimulates the spleen, upper brain and bones. It depresses the lymphatics, heart muscles and motor nerves. Violet is calming in cases of mental illness. It controls irritability, reduces hunger, builds leucocytes and maintains ionic balance especially of potassium and sodium. The power of meditation can be ten times greater under violet light falling through the stained glass window.

Known Disorders Treatable with Violet Colour Include

• Bladder problem
• Bone growth dysfunction
• Cerebrospinal meningitis
• Concussion
• Cramps (abdominal)
• Kidney disease
• Mental illness

• Nervous disorders
• Neuralgia
• Rheumatism (acute & chronic)
• Scalp diseases
• Sciatica
• Skin diseases
• Tumors (benign and malignant)

Note: Conditions contraindicated for using the violet colour are not known.


Ultraviolet has chemical and bacteriocidal properties that break down bacterial toxins. Ultraviolet light at the extreme end of colour spectrum accelerates the lymphatic and circulatory system, antibody production, grandular activity and metabolism. It also enchances the action of the lungs, heart and sympathetic nervous system.

Known Disorders Treatable with the Ultraviolet Colour Include

• Goiter
• Gonorrhoea
• Heart disease
• Respiratory disease

• Rickets
• Syphilis
• Ulcers
• Wounds