Chapter 13: "First Impressions"

This crossword was created by Mindi Bailey (from Henry Sayres' "Discovering the Humanities") with EclipseCrossword -

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  1. important political treatise that argues that class struggle characterized all past societies and that industrial society institutionalized the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and proletariat, the haves and have-nots, and ultimately calls for revolution against existing social conditions that lead to such class divisions
  2. a term that refers to the capitalist or merchant middle class comprised of shopkeepers, businesspeople, and others who reap the profits from the labor of the working class
  3. a novel that is a fictionalized account of the life of Delphine Delamare, the adulterous wife of a country doctor who died of grief after deceiving and ruining him
  4. an instrument that works by admitting a ray of light through a small hole that projects a scene, upside down, directly across from the hole
  5. co-author of _The Communist Manifesto_ and author of _Conditions of the Working Class in England_, wherein he issued a “scathing indictment of industrial life” by publishing
  6. a "plein air" (open air) artist whose painting "Impression: Sunrise," played a significant role in “giving Impressionism its name”; in 1888, he began using a different series format than before, painting the same subject at different times of the day and in different atmospheric conditions.
  7. a slave who was sold four times before she was 30 and who ultimately became an abolitionist, a suffragette, and a preacher who promoted God's truth and salvation
  8. artist was considered a flâneur and determined to shock the bourgeoisie, as he accomplished in his Le Déjuner sur l’herbe
  9. poet who wrote _Leaves of Grass_; he wrote, “I am the poet of the woman the same as the man,/And I say it as great to be a woman as to be a man …” and “I am large, I contain multitudes..."; revolutionized American literature by linking the Romantic, Transcendental, and Realist movements
  10. laborers and wage-earners who lack both ownership of the means of production--tools and equipment--and control over the quality and price of their own work


  1. groundbreaking Realist artist who painted The Stonebreakers and A Burial at Ornans
  2. author of _Walden, or Life in the Woods_, which was “dedicated to teaching the satisfactions and virtues of living simply and wisely in communion with nature”: educated at Harvard; resigned his first job as a school-teacher in Concord because he refused to inflict corporal punishment on students; became one of the nation's most vocal abolitionists; briefly jailed for refusing to pay a poll tax to a government that tolerated slavery.
  3. Credited with having established nursing as an honored profession during the Crimean War in the 1850s
  4. president of the New York State Woman Suffrage Association who said, “In erecting a Statue of Liberty embodied as a woman in a land where no woman has political liberty, men have shown a delightful inconsistency which excited the wonder and admiration of the opposite sex.”
  5. the author of _Nature_, which became the “intellectual beacon” for the “Transcendental Club” (made up mostly of local ministers); in his essay "Self-Reliance" he stated, "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist....Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
  6. co-author of _The Communist Manifesto_ and author of _Das Kapital_, which was a forceful critique of the effects of the free market and which, in turn, became an influential factor in advancing reforms in working conditions, as well as providing higher wages and greater social equality
  7. most influential tract of the abolitionist movement that describes the different fates of three slaves from Kentucky; written by Harriet Beecher Stowe; a derogatory term derived from this narrative refers to anyone who is servile or deferential to white people
  8. female figure painter who was one of the most successful of the American expatriate painters in Paris; she moved to Paris in 1874 and was befriended by Edgar Degas, one of the founders of Impressionism; her art focuses almost exclusively on women in domestic and intimate settings.

This crossword puzzle was created by Mindi Bailey (from Henry Sayres' "Discovering the Humanities") with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!