(click on all blue underlined text for access to hyperlinked material)
WORTH: 50 points each
To collect knowledge and learn important information that will serve as a shared database of knowledge.
* To obtain and retain the information included in tests and crossword puzzles so that you can apply it to course work.
* To store important information and expand both your knowledge base and cultural horizons.
The first step of thinking about anything is to gain a working knowledge, learning important material by inputting information and then repeating it until you know it well enough to apply it easily and confidently!
* Online unit tests are designed to measure reading comprehension, so they are open book and open search. See
calendar for availability dates.
- Access tests by clicking on the TESTS tab on the Blackboard menu.
- There will be five unit tests available.
- Unit 1: Chapters 1-2 + pp. 100-114 of chapter 3
Unit 2: Chapters 4-6
Unit 3: Chapters 7-9
Unit 4: Chapters 10-12
Unit 5: Chapters 13-15
- Test questions vary from test to test since they are drawn from a randomized database of questions, but after a few attempts, you should begin to see some repetition.
On multiple choice questions, select as many correct answers as need be. (Partial credit given.)
- You
have one hour for each attempt.
- You may take each unit test up to 10 times within the available timeframe (see calendar).
- I will take your highest grade on each unit test.
- 5
bonus points awarded
to the student with the fastest time with a grade of 80 or above.
bonus points awarded
to any student who makes 100 on the first attempt of any unit test.
- 5 bonus points awarded to any student who takes the test all 10 times with 80 or above on every test.
CLICK HERE FOR crossword puzzles that provide all of the information you'll need for the tests.
FYI: When crossword answers have multiple words, leave spaces between the words.
- Please read the Blackboard test taking tips guide to avoid problems during testing (also available in the Blackboard TESTS tab on the course menu).
- If you repeatedly have trouble taking tests on Blackboard, consult Online Student Support