“I think, therefore I am…confused” 

The only thing I know for certain is that I know nothing for sure.”




[    Briefly, tell the story of Plato's cave and explain how it is an allegory of enlightenment.

[  List other things allegorical possibilities for this story, i.e. Buddhist thought. Explain the parallels.

[Think about Plato’s cave and how sense apparent reality tricks us all the time. 

[    List as many examples as you can of ways in which we are tricked by our senses. 

[    Consider the ways in which you come to believe the truth of things.  How is truth/information ascertained in the following fields of knowledge:  math, science, philosophy, religion, history, mythology, art?



[    Where would you go to find something that is absolutely, unequivocally, incontrovertibly, undeniably true?

[    What does the process of becoming enlightened entail?  How do you come to know what you think you know?

[    In your opinion, is the mind truer than the flesh?  Or the flesh truer than the mind?

[    What is enlightenment?

[    Why do we want it?

[    How do we get it?