Text, Context, Subtext



mediumwhat it’s made of

FORM—outward shape

§        visual art: color, line, texture, space, light

       in general visual art is special

        representational—looks like sense apparent reality; the image takes the shape/form of its subject


        nonobjective or nonrepresentational—without identifiable subject matter

    §     music: melody, rhythm, harmony, tone color (timbre) + is durational—unfolds over time (literature, especially poetry have same qualities as music)

CONTENT—the subject it describes


v     historical and cultural environment

v     ask: 

o       In what time and place did the artifact originate?

o       How did it function within the society in which it was created?

o       Was the purpose of the piece decorative, didactic (designed to teach a lesson), magical, propagandistic?

o       Did it serve religious or political needs (or both) of the community?


[     its secondary or implied meanings

[     embraces the emotional or intellectual messages embedded in, or implied by, a work of art

o       Greek epic glorifies prowess and physical courage in battle (embody male virtues)

o       Louis XIV portrait imbued with power and absolute authority

o       Andy Worhol’s serial soup cans and Coke bottles comment on late 20th century/postmodern commercialism and consumerism.