A&P Basics                BIOL 2404                  Case Study: Hematology         Dr. Weis

Metroplex Medical Associates                 Clinical Pathology Summary Report

Blood specimens were sent in EDTA, serum clot, with aerobic and anaerobic blood culture bottles. Tests requested were CBC with differential, Chem 12, and blood cultures

Clinical Pathology Results:

Macrocytic, normochromic anemia with a reticulocyte count of 1.3

Leukocytosis due to a neutrophilia and lymphpenia.  Band neutrophils were observed.

Serum chemistries revealed

             normal Renal function based on BUN and creatinine

             abnormal Hepatic function based on increases in AST, ALT, ALP

             normal Pancreas function based on amylase, lipase

             normal Endocrine function based on glucose, thyroid

             normal electrolyte levels based on Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++, Phosporus

             normal Acid-Base status based on pCO2 and HCO3-


Anaerobic cultures revealed a Gram(-) rod.  Identification and sensitivities are pending.


            Bacteremia causing a left shift with a responsive anemia.

            Hepatic function changes possibily indicate the source of the bacteria.


            Abdominal ultrasound of the liver

            Start on appropriate IV antibiotics.

            Recheck CBC and Hepatic Function in 6 hours.

            Submit blood for coagulation times