A&P Basics BIOL 2404 Case Study: Lymphatic / Immune Dr. Weis
Specimens submitted:
Cytology and punch biopsy of cervical and axillary lymh nodes.
Blood smears stained with modified wrights and several unstained smears.
Lymph nodes appear enlarged, pale, and firm.
Cytology of lymph nodes reveals blastic lymphocytes with many mitotic changes.
Histology of lymph nodes reveals lymphoblasts with nodular fibrosis and necrosis.
Blood smear reveals normochromic normocytic anemia with moderate anisocytosis with occasional microcytes. Thrombocytopenia was noted, possibly due to clumping.
There is a marked leukocytosis with a neutrophilia, lymphopenia, and a moncytosis.
Several blastic forms were seen.
Lymphoblastic lymphoma; Stage II Hodgkin’s Disease