A&P Basics    BIOL 2404                  Case Study: Male Reproduction          Dr. Weis

Doctor’s Hospital                                                      Summary Report

Admission Date: March 16, 2002

Discharge Date: March 16, 2002


A 44 year old male presented with lower back pain, urinary urgency, nocturia, dysuria, and cloudy urine.  Urinalysis and culture were performed.  Prostatic palpation revealed a slightly enlarged, warm, painful gland.  PSA results were normal.  Prostatic fluid was obtained and submitted for analysis.

Assessment: Acute Prostatitis

Plan: Systemic antibiotics were prescribed

Follow up exam revealed an enlarged firm prostate that was nonpainful upon palpation.  The patient is still experiencing some degree of urinary obstruction and a persistent urethral discharge.  Culture results from the previous exam revealed a gram negative bacteria that was sensitive to the antibiotics previously prescribed.

PSA and the urinalysis were repeated and a prostatic massage was performed.

Assessment: Congestive Prostatitis

Plan: Regular Prostatic massage and a prescription for analgesics was recommended.

            A TURP may be scheduled if medical management is unsuccessful.