A&P Basics    BIOL 2404                  Case Study: Skeletal               Dr. Weis

Medical Center                                                          Radiology Report

Previous History:

A 76 year old female presented with pain at the left lateral pelvic region after a recent fall.  Physical exam and blood work were unremarkable.  Pelvic radiographs taken in the E.R. revealed a closed transcervical fracture of the left femur with moderate articular changes due to osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

A bone density scan and total hip arthroplasty were recommended.

A total hip prothesis was used to replace the defective femoral head and neck with a reaming of the hip socket.

Current History:

Postoperative radiographs show a clean acetabulum with no evidence of previous arthritic changes after surgeons reamed the socket. Plastic joint cup allows for good articulation with the functional metal ball and stem.  Cement attachment of the device to the femoral shaft appears adequate.  Minimal joint effusion was noted and a drain tube was in place.