OBGYN Reports:


Apgar Score is a numerical expression of the condition of the newborn that is determined 1 minute and 15 seconds after birth. The score ranks from 0-2 with 0 = abscence and a 2 = highest rating. The sytems evaluated are: cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, newvous, and membrane color.

Apgar Score

Physiological Factors
Ratings (0-2)
Heart Rate 2
Respirations 2
Muscle Tone 2
Reflex Response 2
Color 2
Total Rating 10


Medical Records Obstetrical History

Terms used to describe a women's obstetrical history are gravida, number of times a women is pregnant and para, the number of pregnancies that resulted in a viable birth and does not account for the number of children born during that pregnancy, i.e. twins, triplets, etc.

When a women is pregnant for the first time (primigravida), it is expressed as gravida I, par 0. When the child is born, her records will reflect gravida I, para I. These will normally be written in shorthand as GI P0 for the first pregnancey or GI PI for the first pregnancy with a viable child.

If the same women is pregnant again, it would be written as GII PI. Once she has the child it would be written as GII PII. If she has twins, the numbers of babies are not indicated, so the records would still reflect GII PII.

If the same women is pregnant for the third time, but loses the pregnancy, it would be written as GIII PII

If the same women is pregnant for the fourth time, but aborts the pregnancy it would be written as GIV PII AbI, with Ab standing for abortion

Example :


A thirty five year old women who is GIV PII has just delivered a premature baby girl. What does GIV PII mean ? After this birth, what should her record reflect ?

The baby girl was evaluated and her apgar values are : HR = 1, Resp=1, Muscle Tone=2, Reflex Response=1, Color =1. What is this baby's apgar tota ? Why do you think a premature baby would have a lower agpar score than a full term fetus ? What can be done to correct and improve this apgar score for this infant?


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