A&P Basics                                                                                                    Dr. Weis

BIOL 2404                              Endocrine and Blood                                      Work Sheet

Each worksheet is worth 25 points.  Point values are listed for each question. 

Only answers with corresponding numbers are to be submitted as an email attachment in

a MS Word document.  Check calendar for due date.

Anatomy Section                                                                               10 points total


(0.5 points each)

            Identify the following endocrine organ described by the following statements:

                        __________1. found close to the kidney, classical endocrine gland

                        __________2. found in the roof of the third ventricle

                        __________3. found in the mediastinum, dorsal to the heart

                        __________4. embedded near and in the thyroid

                        __________5. mixed gland, inferior to the stomach, near the small intestine

                        __________6. located in the ventral neck, bilobed gland with an isthmus

            7. Define hormone

            8. Define target organ

            9. Chemically, hormones belong chiefly to two molecular groups. Name both

            10. How does the hypothalamus control the pituitary?


(0.5 points each)

            Identify the following component of blood

                        __________11. liquid portion

                        __________12. fiber of blood

                        __________13. biconcave disc containing hemoglobin

                        __________14. most numerous white blood cell, second line defense

                        __________15. phagocyte in chronic infections

                        __________16. red granules, seen in response to allergens


            17. What is the average of blood volume in liters for adults?

            18. Name the blood cell precursor found in red marrow

            19. Define hemostasis

            20. What are the major classes of antigens (agglutinogens) found on RBCs?

Worksheet                               Endocrine and Blood                                      pg 2

Physiology Section                                                                             10 points total


(0.25 points for each blank)

            Fill in the following chart using the hormone and source for each function

            Function                                  Hormone                                 Source

21.  Basal metabolism


22. Mimics sympathetic

       nervous system


23. Blood calcium decreases


24. Blood calcium increases


25. Milk ejection


26. Milk production


27. Sodium reabsorption


28. Cortisol, cortisone



29. Sleep, wake cycles


30.  Lowers blood sugar



(0.5 points each)

Give examples of the following components of plasma:

            31. Two nutrients

            32. Two gases

            33. Two ions

            34. Two waste products

35. Name two of the three types of lymphocytes and their function.

36. Define hematocrit

37. Name two blood tests not mentioned in this worksheet and their function.

38. If a person has type O blood, what if any are the plasma agglutinins?

39. Name two blood pathologies (diseases)

40. What is the average lifespan of an RBC and why?

Worksheet                               Endocrine and Blood                                      pg 3

Medical Terminology Section                                                           3 points total

(0.5 points each)

Define the following medical terms

41. anemia

42. hyperadrenocorticism

43. pseudohyperparathyroidism

44. hypokalemia

45. uremia

46. leukocytosis

Essay Section                                                                                     2 points total

(0.5 points each)

47. Why don’t all tissues respond to all hormones?

48. How are the nervous system and endocrine system linked?

49. Explain the difference in the causes for agglutination and coagulation

50. Explain why an Rh negative person does not have a transfusion reaction on the

       first exposure to Rh positive blood, but does have a reaction to a second exposure.