BIOL 2404 Integumentary , Lymphatic and Immune Worksheet
Each worksheet is worth 25 points total. Point values are listed for each question.
Only answers with corresponding numbers are to be submitted as an email attachment in a MS Word document. See calendar for due date.
Anatomy Section 10 points total
(0.5 points each)
Identify the following regions or structures
__________1. epidermal region exhibiting the most mitoses
__________2. superficial portion of the dermis, contains capillaries
__________3. dead cells that account for most of the epidermis
__________4. region where most melanocytes are to be found
__________5. fatty regions also known as the superficial fascia
__________6. majority of dermis, extensive collagen and Elastin
7. What is the difference between apocrine sweat glands and eccrine sweat glands?
8. What is the protein formed in the cells of the epidermis.
(0.5 points)
Identify the following
__________9. filter lymph
__________10. filter blood to destroy old worn-out red blood cells
__________11. lymphatic tissue that surrounds the pharynx
__________12. lymphatic tissue in the ileum
13. Name two locations for lymph nodes.
14. What is the cysterna chyli?
(0.5 points)
Identify the following
__________15. lymphocytes that police the body for cancer cells
__________16. lymphocytes that produce antibodies
__________17. lymphocytes that form the cell mediated defenses
__________18. secretes thymosins
19. What are cytokines?
20. Define antigen
Physiology Section 10 points total
(0.5 points each)
21. Explain the function of hair
22. Explain the function of sweat
23. Explain the function of sebum
24. Explain the function of nails
25. Why is Elastin part of the dermal structure?
26. Name two sensory modalities of the skin
(0.5 points each)
27. Why are the digestive lymphatics called lacteals?
28. Why do lymphatic vessels have valves?
29. What is meant by the acronym MALT?
30. Name a lymphatic duct that drains lymph into the circulatory system
31. Give the function of macrophages
32. Define lymph
(0.5 points each)
33. Define immunity
34. Name and explain a first line body defense
35. Name and explain a second line body defense
36 Name an antibody, its location, and function
37. Name an end result of complement activation (fixation)
38. Name two cardinal signs of inflammation
39. Name the two subdivisions of the specific/adaptive immune system
40. Explain the term immunocompetent
Medical Terminology Section 3 points total, 0.5 points each
41. dermatomycosis
42. hyperhidrosis
43. leukemia
44. lymphadenopathy
45. athymic aplasia
46. autoimmune
Essay Section
2 points total, 0.5 points each
47. Some injections hurt more than others. Using the skin structure, can you determine why.
48. How does the skin regulate body temperature?
49. How does the macrophage link second and third line body defenses.
50. Explain the process of agglutination