Week: 6          Dates 09/27-10//03
Day 1: Lecture Day 2: Lab Day 3: Lecture Day 4: Lab Day 5: Lecture
Chapter 6 Check lab schedule for assignments Chapter 6 Check lab schedule for assignments Review Chapter 6 summary
Skeletal System   Skeletal System   do chapter 6review questions
6/1-6/6   6/7-6/12    
do IRS for skeletal system   do IRS    

            Quiz     Lecture          none

Lab Quiz over week six exercises


            Exam        none


            Homework      Development of skeleton

                                    Surface anatomy : Palpation points of skeleton

course calendar

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Instructor Review Sheet (IRS) on the skeletal system

Biology 2404  A&P Basics    Skeletal           Review Sheet              Dr. Weis

1. Give the divisions and components of the skeletal system.

2. Regarding bone, explain the following:

            a)  the connective tissue coverings (external and internal)

            b) the classification (5 classes) and function

            c) the composition and cells of bone

            d) the gross anatomy of a long bone

            e) the microscopic anatomy of compact and spongy bone

3. Define ossification and give the two types of bone formation

4. Define fracture, name two types, and give the steps of bone repair.

5. Name 2 hormones and 2 vitamins that affect bone and explain their functions.

6. For the axial skeleton

            a) Name all the cranial bones of the skull and their function

            b) Name 4 facial bones of the skull and their function

            c) define sinus and give an example

            d) define foramen and give two examples

            e) give the function of the hyoid bones

            f) define fontonelle and give it’s function

            g) name the regions of the vertebral column and the number of vertebra per region.

            h) Give the general anatomy of a vertebra

            i) Give the function of an intervertebral disc

            j) Give the bones of the boney thorax and their structure and function.

7. For the appendicular skeleton

            a) name the bones involved with the pectoral and pelvic girdle & their function

            b) name the bones involved with the upper and their function

            c) name the bones involved with the lower limbs and their function.

            d) Know the markings for each of the bones in the appendicular skeleton

8. Know major landmark palpation points and relate them to bone markings.                   

9. Know the three types of cartilage and their function.

10.  Regarding joints :

a) define articulation

b) name the three types of joints, their composition,  type of movement(s), specific examples

c) know the 5 components of a synovial joint                                    

d) define related terms: range of motion, flexion, extension, ad/ab/circum-duction, supination, pronation, etc.                          

e) 2 problems related to joints.

11. Be able to explain the relationship between the skeletal system and other body systems.

12. Name aging changes that can happen with the skeletal system.

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