Biology Course Information Sheet

Instructor: Dr. Mary Weis

BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II

Sections: Lecture and/or Lab, which meet at ______________________________________

Office:  McKinney Central Park Campus (CPC): C200A

Contact Number: 972-881-5725

Office Mail box:  Instructional Office, CPC

Instructor Email:

Office Hours: ____________________________________________________________

Collin Course Syllabi

Departmental syllabi are available on line at

Students are directed to the departmental site using Internet Explorer and requested to print out a copy for each appropriate course (lecture and lab) to read and keep these documents in their records for reference. If you use the college library computers, you may be charged a fee for printing.

Instructor Addenda (Faculty Syllabus) for the Biology Departmental Syllabi

Using Internet Explorer, the course Addenda are available on line at

Click on the appropriate course word link (BIOL 2401  OR  BIOL 2402) to access the main navigation page with generic syllabi, instructor addenda, course objectives, scans, and other important informational links for both A&P lecture and A&P lab.

Students are requested to print out the instructor addenda for lecture &/or lab, carefully read and understand this information, and keep these documents in their records for reference.

Course Withdraw Policy

Any student who wishes to drop the course for any reason must officially withdraw on or before the drop date [see syllabus schedule]. Failure to officially drop the course will result in the student being assigned a performance grade based on the work completed.  Withdraws after the posted drop date are not permitted without bona fide documentation of extenuating circumstances.  Late withdraws will be done on a individual basis and determined by the Dean of the division.