Biology 2401            Anatomy and Physiology                    Dr. Weis

LABORATORY ADDENDUM to the Biology Discipline Laboratory Syllabus

See information sheet for office hours and email address.

Biology Discipline Syllabus can be found:

I.        Laboratory seating will be assigned by the beginning of the second week of lab. Choose your primary lab partner(s) wisely.  You may be working in groups of two, three, or four.

II.      Take advantage of your scheduled lab time. 

           DO NOT expect access to the lab or lab materials at any other times.
The Collin Science Place located in the campus LRC does have some A&P materials for review.

III.    Holidays may prevent the lab from meeting and the schedule has been adjusted accordingly.
If the college is closed for other reasons or if you miss a lab, you will be responsible for the materials and information covered.  Additional lab times are listed in the class schedule which is available in print as well as on line at the college website.

IV.     Each lab will run for only one (1) week and will not be repeated.

Students may make up the work for that week at another appropriate lab after obtaining permission from the "new" instructor.

The student must then return a signed form from this instructor, with the grade for that lab, within two (2) weeks, or a ZERO (0) will be given for that lab.  This zero grade will not be dropped for any reason.

V.       Lab Practicals (60% of the lab grade)

 Three (3) major lab practical exams will cover material from all labs for that portion of the  semester as well as any previous relative A&P or biology information.

Students will be expected to take the practical exams during their assigned lab times.
Take note and reference the course syllabus as to when your lab practical exams will be held.

Each lab practical will be worth 20% of your lab grade for a total of 60% of the lab grade.

These lab practical  grades WILL NOT be dropped for any reason.
Absence will most likely be counted as a zero.

Additional information regarding the format of the lab practical will be given prior to the exams.

VI.     Quizzes

            Weekly quizzes will be given, numbering ~ twelve (12).

            Each quiz will be worth ten (10) points.

            Two (2) quiz grades may be dropped, unless otherwise indicated.

            The questions may cover any previous lab and currently assigned material.

            Only ten (10) quizzes will make up 20% of the lab grade

                    (10 quizzes @ 10 points each = 100 points total)

Critical Thinking Skills:

To be successful in the allied health sciences as well as on any exam, quiz, or lab practical, knowledge is expected to be learned and applied but not memorized. For full credit on a particular question you must be able to completely answer the question and leave the reader with a thorough understanding of the material and concepts.

A grading rubric will be used to determine the credit given for a particular answer.

Full Credit :

All points for question awarded

You have submitted a full and complete description. The reader has no more "why", "how", or "and" type questions. All appropriate vocabulary has been used correctly.

Partial Credit:

2/3 - 3/4 total point value awarded

Your description is fairly complete; however, the reader may still be able to ask you "how", "why", or "and" at least once. Appropriate vocabulary has been incorporated in your answer.

Partial Credit:

1/2 total point value awarded

Your answer is fairly complete; however the reader may still be able to ask you "how", "why", or "and" type questions more than once. Not enough appropriate vocabulary has been included.

Partial Credit:

1/4- 1/3 total point value awarded

Your answer is on the right track, but is underdeveloped in terms of explanations and use of appropriate vocabulary.

No Credit

0 points awarded

Your answer is missing or does not address the question that has been asked.

VII.    Videos

When applicable, videos will be shown in lab prior to an exercise / dissection activity. Students are responsible for the material discussed in the videos shown during regular class / lab time. Videos on reserve are for review and reference.

VIII. Lab Reports

            TWO lab reports will be required as follows :

a. One (1) typed disease paper. Your topic must be approved by instructor prior to mid-semester (8th class week)

b. One (1) worksheet report on tissues

         Lab report Due Dates

Remember: The disease paper is to be done by each student individually and no topic may be shared.
The tissue worksheet may be done with one (1) other student. One report will be turned in with two names.

          The lab reports will make up 20% of your lab grade.

                    lab reports totalling 100 points = 100 points x 20% = 20 points

IX. Laboratory Safety and Regulations

          ^ Consideration for classmates.

          ^ Care of equipment, models, specimens, etc.

          ^ Following instructors directions.

          ^ Common Sense

Failure to follow safety precautions and laboratory regulations  will result in IMMEDIATE removal from the lab area and a grade of zero will be given to the student and/or students for that lab.

This grade WILL NOT BE DROPPED and any corresponding lab report WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  If there is a second incident, the student(s) will be asked to leave lab permanently.

Misconduct in the lab will be brought to the attention of the lab director, dean of the division, department chair, dean of students, campus provosts, and the VPAA.

X. Course Repeatability:

A course in which a grade (including W) has been received can be repeated only ONE time to replace the grade.

XI. Course Withdraw

Students are responsible for knowing the last day to withdraw to recieve a "W" grade. Students on the course roster after this date will receive a performance grade based on the work completed.

XII. Cheating

Cheating on assignments, quizzes, exams, or any other evaluation method used will be dealt with according to the procedures described in the student code of conduct portion of the Collin student handbook. Please read this material and be familiar with its contents. Discussion about answers during any evaluation timeframe will also be considered as cheating and handled as previously described. Each student is responsible for their own thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions.

Students found guilty of violations of the college's Academic Ethics / Honor Code policy in either lecture and/or lab will receive the strongest penalty available. This penalty will usually be a failing grade for the course (whether the student withdraws or stays enrolled), no matter how much work was accomplished.

Classroom disruptions: If you need to leave early or come in late, please do so quietly and use the exit door closest to the back of the room or sit near the exit if the door is in the front. As a courtesy, please inform your instructor if you need to leave early.
Please turn the ringer selection on all cell phones, pagers, PDAs, and any timers or watches, etc. to the OFF setting ! Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be put out of sight in purses/backpacks/etc.during class or lab time. Unapproved use of electronic devices will result in confiscation of that device for the duration of the class. If classroom disruptions continue, the dean of students will be contacted.

Use of electronic devices for medical purposes must be addressed with the instructor prior to the start of any class or lab.
Other student disruptions and consequences are addressed in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.

Electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, cameras, audio or video tape recorders, and computers are prohibited without prior approval of the instructor. When allowed for note taking or recording of lectures, no authorization is granted for redistribution by student to any social media.

ALL Collin students are responsible for the information contained in the college's handbook. The handbook is available at the registration / information desk.

Tissue Workbook Report Format

Proper heading and format

Format : typed (with hand drawings)


Lab Exercise: Tissue Workbook Lab Report

0.5 points (all or 0)
General information paragraph discussing the major tissue types and their general functions. List the various sub divisions for each major tissue type.
4.5 points

Draw the trilaminar disc and label the three embryonic layers that create the major tissue types. Discuss which layers create which major adult tissues for Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm

3 points
Hand Draw with colored pencils/markers a representative 3" x 3" (minimum size) picture of each SPECIFIC tissue type. Label specific and unique parts for each tissue drawing that help to identify each specific tissue.
12 points

Give two locations for each specific tissue and give its specific function at these unique locations.

6 points
Discuss the importance of studying histology and how this knowledge is used clinically
1.5 points 
Application Name and describe three of the four tissue membranes and how they will be used in BIOL 2402 (A&P II) and BIOL 2420 (microbiology) coursework. 3 points

Discuss the cell cycle and tissue repair for the 4 major tissue types as it relates to the possible sequella for Fibrosis vs. Regeneration

Name two diseases/conditions that can occur for each major tissue group and briefly discuss cause and treatment if any.

8 points

Cite all references (3 minimum) used to create this report using MLA formatting for the bibliography section.

1.5 points

Tissue Workbook Lab Report Total possible for accurate and complete work done =
40 points

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Disease Lab Report Format (One report per student)

Worth 60 points

Typed, single spaced paper, double space between paragraphs.
Make sure to reformat Microsoft Word defaults for single spacing.
[See reference format page provided in LMS module.]
One inch margins.
  Minimum three (3) FULL pages (not 2 and 3/4).
This does not include the cover sheet or bibliography pages or photos.

Choose disease relevant to the current semester's material and one that you are interested in researching for this paper.
Topic MUST be approved by the instructor and topics will be chosen by the 3rd week of school.

Any changes to the topic must be completed and cleared by the 8th week of school with the instructor.
Failure to select a topic or change a topic without permission will result in a 25% reduction in the overall grade.

You must have at least three (3) references outside of your textbooks. 
You may have more than three, but cite ALL references. 
References :

Due date :: Week 14, but you may turn it in earlier.

An optional oral presentation of the disease paper will be available during the last lab review time.
This presentation is called a “three minute” summary and students may bring notes from their paper on a 3x5 card to help with their presentation and any discussion or questions. Classmates are encourage to ask questions or make comments about the report.
This optional presentation value will be up to 5 points maximum added on to this lab report TOTAL.
Points will be given for presenting (2.0 points) and quality of presentation (3 points).

Disease Paper will consist of the following 6 parts:

I. Cover Sheet -- Title, Date, Course & Section, Name, CWID (last 4 digits) : centered on page

II. Introduction -- History of disease (when / who discovered, causative agent(s) or processes), general information about the disease and its impact on society, etc) [Intro is a minimum complete 4 sentances]

III. Body

     Major Portion and content of paper should include college level medical information
(not general public information as that was addressed in the introduction, e.g. WebMD generalities)

a. Signalment History [HX] (who gets disease --> sex, age, race, etc AND how they get it)

          b. Clinical Signs (disease syndrome, chief complaint, symptoms and signs)

       c. Differential Diagnosis [DDX] (what other diseases could it be)

          d. Diagnostic Tests done (Blood work, Radiographs, MRI, etc) and why.
What is a positive or confirming result.  Definitive test if any.

          e. Treatment [TX] options (types of medications used, etc.)

          f. Prognosis [PX] (outcome --> disease cured, palliative, fatal) and Prevention

g. Any new research being done on treatment, cure, diagnostics?? (may or may not have info)

h. Any alternative (homeopathic) therapy that may be done ??  If so, what and why would this work or help.

 IV. Illustrations

You should hand draw and label the normal gross and histology of the organ you have selected. Then you will also hand draw the gross and histology for the pathological proccess for your disease topic.

Note: The illustration section does NOT take the place of 3 full pages of typed written content!

V. Conclusion :: Nursing care you would give for this patient.  List six (6) things you would specifically discuss with your patient and/or their family. What did you learn by researching this disease/condition?

VI. Citations and Bibliography page :
: Properly cited references in paper as style directs.
Use correct format listing found in reference books the writing center in the library or on line under bibliography citation styles for bibliography page.

Preferred citation style uses MLA, second choice would be APA style. This is for the bibliography ONLY.

MLA style web site reference: Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

See Collin College writing center for help regarding the grammar, punctuation, etc.

Students may want to reference writing center texts, English writing texts, or related Internet sites for questions about how to cite your Bibliography references.

Disease Paper Grading Rubric
Typed format, Cover sheet, 3rd person writing style, spelling, grammar, approved topic, punctuation, following directions, etc
4 points
Meaningful content creating 3 Full Typed Pages of undergraduate College level medical content (not general public info)
9 points
Introduction, History, Signalment, etc.
6 points
Clinical Signs/symptoms/chief complaint, differential diagnosis, specific diagnostic tests, final diagnosis, specfic treatment(s), prognosis and prevention, Must be detailed medical information properly using medical terminology terms and explanations.
21 points
New research, new treatments or alternative treatments
3 points
Labeled Hand Drawn Illustrations [4 minimum]
8 points
Conclusion, Nursing care, etc
6 points
Bibliography and proper citations in paper
3 points
60 points

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