BIOL 2401 A&P I Lab Practical I Information Sheet Dr. Weis
Date: ________ Time:_________ Campus: _______ Room: _______
Format : 50 questions, 2 points each. Possible
extra credit.
Timed Stations at ~ 2 minutes each. 25 Stations (A-Y) with 2 questions
each = 50 questions x 2 points = 100 points.
Once everyone has gone through the practical one time, you will have ~15 minutes
to go back to any station(s).
The lab practical will include vocabulary
/ definitions / medical terminology and word parts from the vocabulary sheet(s).
There will also be models, drawings, slides, photos, specimens and dissected
tissue of the cat.
NO books allowed. Only writing utensils (x2)
are needed. Recommended: 2 pencils and an eraser.
The answer forms will be provided. Remember to answer correctly and write
in a clear and concise manner
This lab practical WILL NOT be repeated. If you are absent, you will receive a grade of zero (0) and this grade will not be dropped for any reason.
No cheating of any kind (written, verbal,
nonverbal, etc.) will be tolerated.
Cheating in any form or manner before, during, or after the lab practical
will result in a zero (0) grade.
Keep your eyes on your own paper. There will be no more warnings.
Questions will be taken from the lab exercises and any handouts given during lab time or available on the instructors web site for the following labs:
Lab safety handout(s)
Metric System
Microscope: ID parts, usage, handling, and care
Human Body orientation, directional and other terms, specimens
Cell: definitions, structure ID, function, membrane transport and physiology, cell cycle
Tissues: ID slides and structures, functional groups, specific location and function
Drawings, etc. Membranes : slides, drawings, location, structure & function.