1. Squamous (Apical View) .. .. mouth smear
2. Simple Squamous ..lung (alveoli, blood vessels)
3. Simple Cuboidal .. . ..kidney
4. Simple Columnar (Nonciliated) .....digestive tract
5. Simple Columnar (Ciliated) .. respiratory tract
6. Stratified Squamous
7. See slide # 77 for Stratified Cuboidal in sweat gland ducts of skin
8. Stratified Columnar ..male urethra
9. Pseudostratified Columnar (Ciliated) .. respiratory tract
10. Transitional contracted & distended .. .urinary bladder
11. Glandular Epithelium (Exocrine) ..parotid salivary gland
12. Glandular Epithelium (Both Exocrine and Endocrine) .pancreas
13. Stratified Epithelium Composite
15. Mesenchyme
16. Mucous .. umbilical cord
17. Areolar
18. Adipose
19. Reticular
20. Serous Membrane (Epithelial and Connective Tissue) ..pericardium
21. Dense Regular ..tendon
22. Elastic (Subtype of Dense Regular)
23. See slide # 77 for Dense Irregular in dermis of skin
24. Elastic (Subtype of Dense Regular) . aorta
25. Yellow Elastic
26. Hyaline Cartilage
27. Elastic Cartilage
28. Fibrocartilage
30. Bone (Ground) .Use with low magnifications only (compact)
31. Bone (Decalcified) (cancellous)
32. Osteogenesis Intramembranous ossification fetal skull
33. Human Blood
34. Cat Blood
35. See demonstration slides of Blood Diseases
37. Skeletal (Striated)
38. Cardiac
39. Smooth
40. Three Types of Muscles
42. Neuron with Neuroglial Cells .. ..neuron smear
43. Peripheral Nerve cross section and longitudinal section
44. Spinal Cord Section .cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral
45. Spinal Cord with Dorsal Root Ganglion Section
46. INSTRUCTOR BOXES ONLY Motor Nerve Endings
47. Medulla Oblongata
48. Cerebellum
49. Cerebral Cortex
50. Cerebrum and Cerebellum
DEVELOPMENT (lime dot or square)
51. Gametogenesis .. testes
52. Zygote uncleaved/unsegmented frog egg
53. Early Cleavage
54. Late Cleavage
55. See demonstration slides of Morula
56. Blastula (Blastocyst)
57. Blastodisc (Blastopore)
58. Gastrula
59. See slide # 15 for Mesenchymal Tissue
60. See demonstration slides of the Neural Groove, Neural Plate & Neural Tube
61. See demonstration slides of the Embryonic Membranes
62. Female Chromosomes
63. Male Chromosomes
SPECIAL SENSES (orange dot)
64. Eye General Structure
65. See demonstration slides of Accessory Structures of the Eye
66. Eyelid
67. Eye cornea
68. Eye .retina
69. Ear (Inner) cochlear duct
70. Touch . .Pacinian corpuscles
71. Touch ..Meissners corpuscles
72. Taste .tongue
73. See demonstration slides of the Nasal Epithelium for Smell
74. INSTRUCTOR BOXES ONLY - Crista ampullaris
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM (white rectangle)
75. Hairy Mammal
76. Scalp ..human scalp
77. Thick Skin ..plantar
78. Hair
79. Nail Development .fingertip
SKELETAL SYSTEM (pink dot or square)
80. Developing Long Bone
81. Developing Cartilage Bone
82. Developing Cartilage Bone Showing Ossification
83. Developing Membrane Bone
84. Red Bone Marrow
85. White Bone Marrow
86. See slide # 37 for Skeletal Muscle
87. See slide # 38 for Cardiac Muscle
88. See slide # 39 for Smooth Muscle
89. See slide # 21 for Tendon
90. See slide # 22 for Ligament