Biology 2401
A & P I Chapter 2
Dr. Weis
Chemistry : all living things are made
of matter and require Energy to live
of Matter and Energy.....
Matter --> anything that occupies space and
has mass
In chemistry, how building blocks are put
together and interact.
exist in solid, liquid or gaseous state
--> capacity to do work or put matter into motion
living things are composed of matter and require Energy to grow and function.
A. Energy (E) Components
Total Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic
Potential E...stored energy, when
released becomes Kinetic energy
Kinetic E ... energy of action or energy
of work related to heat or thermal energy --
the hotter something is, the faster its
molecules move
B. Energy Forms
* chemical energy --> E stored and
released in chemical bonds
i.e. ATP --> ADP + P + E
* electrical energy --> movement of
charged particles (e.g. electrons, ions)
i.e. electrical currents in nervous
system & heart
use ions in solution called ELECTROLYTES
that move across cell membranes creating
electrical events
* mechanical energy --> energy to move
matter (e.g. movement of muscles)
* electromagnetic energy --> radiant E
that travels in waves
i.e. X-rays, light, UV, radio, microwaves, infrared
(E) Conversions
Remember that Energy can neither be
created nor destroyed.
Conversions involve changing one form of
energy to another (chemical---> mechanical)
process is inefficient, some E
"lost" (unusable) to the environment as heat
.....all matter is composed of fundamental substances called elements.
fundamental elements make up 96% of body and
can be designated by a chemical shorthand called an Atomic Symbol.
The most common elements found in the body are listed below
1. carbon
2. oxygen
3. hydrogen (H)
4. nitrogen (N)
elements of importance are Sulphur (S), Phosphorus (P), Sodium (Na), Potassium
(Mg), Calcium (Ca), and Iron (Fe).
Each element is composed of particles
called atoms which are unique to that element
give it specific
physical properties....color, texture,
chemical properties....bonding behavior
Level of Organization
I. Atoms and Molecules
smallest chemical units of matter and can contain many subatomic
Three (3) fundamental subatomic
1. Protons + electrical charge
2. Neutrons neutral
3. Electrons - electrical charge
in the center of the atom --->
The number of protons is also
known as the ATOMIC NUMBER.
A chemical element is a substance that
has atoms with the same atomic number.
The number of protons = number
of electrons, in the electrically neutral atom.
in the center of the atom --->
do not change properties, except Atomic
can have a variable #, even
with the same element. These are called
isotopes and
refer to atoms whose
nuclei contain different umbers of neutrons.
Radioisotopes emit subatomic particles (alpha,
beta, gamma particles) that are used as
tracers in Nuclear imaging.
Electrons circle around the nucleus and can occupy a
series of energy levels (orbitals)
The outermost energy level
will determine the atom's chemical properties
Each orbital has a maximum
number of electrons it can contain
atomic symbol is used for chemical shorthand to identify the element as well as
its atomic number, mass number, and atomic weight.
Atomic number.... is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus.
This number is found as a subscript, to
the left of the atomic symbol
hydrogen 1 proton
O oxygen 6
In an electrically neutral atom, the
number of protons will equal the number of electrons
+ charges balance out - charges =
neutral atom
Element Symbol |
Element Name |
# protons |
# electrons | charge |
He |
helium |
2 protons |
2 electrons | neutral |
K |
potassium |
19 protons |
19 electrons | neutral |
N |
nitrogen |
7 protons |
7 electrons | neutral |
to summarize.......
Atomic Number (AN) = protons (p)
Protons (p) = electrons (e) in the neutral
2. Mass
number is the sum of its protons and neutrons
MN = p + n
electrons have a small mass, so are
The mass number is found above the atomic
He 2
= AN 4 = MN
MN = P + N
AN = P
..............MN = 2 + N
4 = 2 + N......4 - 2 = N, then 2
= N
= 6, therefore 6 = protons
MN = 14
and MN = p + n
14 = 6 + n........14 - 6 = n.......8 = n
this is an example of an isotope of
Isotopes of an element have the same
atomic number, but vary in the number of neutrons.
Their atoms decompose spontaneously into
more stable forms giving off
alpha, beta, or gamma radiation.
Atomic Weight
Very close to the mass number (protons + neutrons)
Will differ due to
1.) Isotopes (neutrons)
2.) Small weight
difference between protons/neutrons
Let's take a look at some atoms from
the periodic table
Oxygen :
Atomic Number 8, therefore 8 protons
Mass Number 16 (protons + neutrons)
The Mole refers to every element that has a mass in grams equal to the atomic weight, will contain the
same number of atoms.
The atomic weight of oxygen is 15.99
If we express this in grams 16.0 grams, then we will have one mole of
If you will recall from chemistry,
that one mole will contain
6.02 X 10 number of atoms. This is also known as Avogadro's
This will work for any atom, ion,
molecule. For instance
Nitrogen (N)
Atomic number 7
Mass # 14
Atomic wt 14.007
........14g Nitrogen = 1 mole = 6.02 x
10 # of atoms
Potassium (K)
Atomic # 19
Mass # 39
Atomic Wt 39.098
...........39g Potassium = 1 mole
= 6.02 x 10
Electrons and Energy Levels
Remember in neutral Atoms that the # protons = # electrons
....electrically neutral + = -
proton number -----> are also the
atomic #
Ok, so for Magnesium (Mg)
Atomic # 12
Mass # 24
# protons 12
(atomic number)
# neutrons 12
(Mass number - protons)
# electrons 12
(protons = electrons)
Electrons have different Energy levels....ORBITALS
The maximum number of electrons in each
energy level
is given by the formula
2n where
n = 1, 2, 3 etc.
1st principal E level max
2 e (n = 1) 2(1) = 2x1 = 2
" " max
8 e (n = 2) 2(2) = 2x4 = 8
" " max
18e (n = 3) 2(3) = 2x9= 18
Each energy level can have a set of orbitals
called s, p, d, f .
these orbitals have sublevels for
s has (1)
p has (3)
d has (5)
f has (7)
and no more than 2 electrons can
occupy each sublevel.
This means that s can have 2 electrons
p can have 6 electrons
d can have 10 electrons
and f can have 14 electrons
elements, their atoms want a full energy level to be happy and stable
The first energy level (1) can only have 2
electrons (2n ), then 2(1) = 2 x 1 = 2 {electrons}
therefore the s orbital fulfills it's needs
first, and will only hold 2 electrons.
second energy level can have 8 electrons.
The s orbital isn't quite enough (only 2), but if we also
include the p level that can hold an
additional 6 electrons, then we can
meet our maximum
(2 + 6 = 8).
people love short hand notation for things, so
we can abbreviate the above discussion by saying
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d etc. and using the superscript to let us know how many electrons we have
2 2
6 1
2s 2p 3s (Remember,
we fill the closest orbitals first before going on to the next energy level.)
Take a look at Hydrogen Atomic Number 1
protons = 1
electrons = 1
This electron will be in the
first Energy level occupying the s orbital.
The shorthand notation for this is
1s .
Helium (an inert gas) has Atomic #
so, the electron number is 2. The first energy level can hold 2 electrons
and the s orbital still
has one opening. So we fill the first energy level
(1s ) and the atom is happy and stable.
Oxygen (Atomic Number 8) will have 8 electrons to place in the
orbitals of the energy levels
So it will look like this ............
2 2
1s 2s
2p if you add the superscripts
2 + 2 + 4 you will get 8 electrons. But remember that the p level can only hold 6
and it only has 4. This will make oxygen act in certain ways to
get 2 more electrons to
complete the p orbital and have a full outer shell to be happy and stable.
Molecules and Compounds
Atoms will chemically combine
with other atoms to achieve a full outer orbital shell.
In doing this, atoms can form
Two or more atoms of the
same element form a molecule of
that element.
2 hydrogen atoms form
hydrogen gas
2 oxygen atoms form oxygen
two or more different atoms bind together
to form a molecule of a compound
2 hydrogen atoms + 1 oxygen
atom =
chemistry a solution is defined as a homogenous mixture of two or more
1. solvent..... dissolving medium
(usually a liquid)
2. solute ..... what is being dissolved
The concentration of a solution can be
expressed as
a. percentage (%)
b. molarity (M)
II. Chemical Bonds
The energy relationship between electrons
of reacting atoms
Atom with a full outer shell is stable
Helium These
are the inert gases, do not react
Atoms w/ unfilled outer energy levels
(valence shell) are unstable
be stable------ they will need to :
1. share
2. gain electrons
3. loose
In order to form molecules : a chemical structure containing more than
one atom
Form chemical compounds : combination of atoms of different elements
of Bonds
Covalent bonds
1. Strong, electrons tie them together
2. electrically neutral, electrons spend equal
around each atoms nucleus.
stable framework (i.e. Carbon)
4. sharing electrons (e) ======> Covalent bonds
sharing one pair of e ......single covalent bond
sharing two pairs of e .......double covalent bond
B. Polar covalent bonds : have unequal sharing of electrons, so are slightly weaker bonds.
The best example of this is water.
Remember, hydrogen has one electron in its outer orbital and oxygen
has 6.
Hydrogen could gain an electron and be happy and full.
Oxygen needs 2 electrons to be full, happy
and stable.
2 atoms of hydrogen can each share their electron with oxygen.
Each hydrogen has "2" electrons and
the oxygen has it's "8".
But, oxygen isn't very nice, and doesn't share
equally. In fact, it hogs the hydrogen's
electron, which creates a little Atension@
and makes the molecule polar
(having a
positive charge at one end and negative charge at the other ).
These are slight charges, but do affect
how the molecule orients itself.
Hydrogen Bonds
Hydrogen bonds occur when polar covalent
bonds are formed
Since the atom no longer has the electron equally,
this makes it slightly positive.
This slightly positive charge is
attracted to a slightly negative charge and
forms a weak bond that can easily be broken, but it still can alter shapes
of molecules such as proteins, DNA,
and water.
Bonds are the third type of chemical bond
It is a bond in which one atom has strong
affinity for the electron an the other atom loses its hold
entirely. These create ions, (charged particles).
They are stable since their outer shell is full.
They do NOT share electrons but are now
attracted to each other by the electrical charge.
An atom that gains an electron becomes negatively
charged and is called an anion.
minus - sign in the upper corner is used to denote an anion
Sodium has 1 electron in its outer shell.
Chloride has 7.
[Rembember the rule of "8" for
most valence shells]
Chloride has a strong attraction and will
take the electron from sodium to fill its outer shell.
Sodium doesn't mind since getting rid of that valence electron will mean it
too has a full and complete (stable) outer shell.
This means that chloride has 8 electrons, but
still only has seven protons, therefore having an extra
negative charge. The chemical shorthand is
Cl - and is called chloride ion (anion).
Sodium has now lost it's electron, but
still has protons ( + charge ) in the nucleus that are not
balanced so this makes the
sodium +, commonly written as......
Na+ and is called sodium ion ( which is a cation)
These ions will still be attracted to each
other by their opposite charge, even though they do not
share the electron in question.
Cl - ---> NaCl
(a salt)
Most Ionic compounds will fall into the chemical category called SALTS.
III. Chemical Notation.......Chemical shorthand
Abbreviation of an element indicates 1 atom
Number proceeding abbrev indicates more
than one atom (2 O...two atoms of oxygen)
Subscript------molecule w/ that # of atoms
H one molecule with 2 atoms of hydrogen
4. Superscript indicates ionic charge
+ - ++
Na Cl Ca
Chemical Reactions
chemical reaction neither creates nor destroys, only will rearrange
and the number of atoms will be the same.
a chemical reaction will have ::
a. Reactants
b. Products
c. Arrow indicates direction
of chemical reactions :
a). Decomposition.....break down molecule into
smaller fragments. Energy is released
when bond is broken.
AB -----> A + B
b). Synthesis.....assemble larger molecule from
smaller fragments
A + B -----> AB requires Energy
c). Exchange or displacement
AB + CD -----> AC +
in this reaction,
break old bonds and make new ones.
Can be exergonic , releasing Energy or
endergonic, absorbing Energy.
Oxidation/Reduction {REDOX} reactions that involve electron
cellular respiration and the Krebs Cycle)
d). Reversible Reactions
A + B <=====>
will reach an
equilibrium when the two rates are in balance.
rate of the chemical reaction depends on
2. particle size
3. concentration
4. enzymes
5. energy requirements
V. Inorganic compounds
do not contain Carbon or Hydrogen atoms
as primary structure.
are usually small molecules held
together by ionic bonds.
Examples........Acids, Bases, salts, water
WATER 2/3 body weight
60% - 80% of volume of living cells
due to hydrogen bonding and polar covalent bonds
1. Temperature
takes a lot of Energy to
break bonds to make a liquid into a vapor (vaporization)
Absorbs and releases large amount of heat
before changing temperature and therefore
2. An effective solvent
acts as transport medium
causes dissociation of ionic bonds and the ions in solution can carry
electrical current (electrolytes).
This is important in muscle
and nerve conduction.
3. Chemical reactant, involved in
hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis
4. pH (hydrogen ion
concentration) of body fluids
one liter of pure water, a small number of
molecules will dissociate giving.........
H 2O <=====> H +
+ OH
Equal numbers of hydrogen ions
and hydroxyl ions were found, .0000001 moles of each.
This can be expressed as
[H+ ] = 1 X 10(-7 power) moles per liter
The pH is the negative exponent of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed
in moles per liter.
Or pH
= - log [H + ] {remember this
Therefore the pH of pure water is
- (-7) or 7 and is considered neutral.
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.
pH of 0
means [H +] = 10 or 1.0
pH of 6 means [H+ ] = 10 to -6 power or .000001
pH of 11 means [H+ ] =
10 tp -11 power or .00000000001
The pH of blood ranges from 7.35
(venous) to 7.4 (arterial).
A low pH corresponds to high [H +] or
A high pH corresponds to low [H +] or
prevent acidosis or alkalosis the body uses
1. Acid/Base buffer systems (seconds)
use weak acids and weak bases
a. Bicarbonate
Chemical Buffer system
b. Phosphate Chemical Buffer system
c. Protein Buffer system
2. Changes in respiration and
CO2 (minutes)
3. Renal/urine excretion (hours)
Acids, Bases, Salts
Acids release H+ and shift pH down, making the solution more
acidic because there is more free H+
are considered proton donor. A strong acid will completely dissociate in
a one way reaction.
For example
HCl ------> H+
+ Cl
other acids H2CO3- (carbonic acid) are weak acids
and help to control pH by controlling
free H+
are solutes that removes H+
liberate OH ions
a strong base will completely
dissociate in a one way reaction,
NaOH -------> Na+
+ OH
other bases HCO3- (bicarbonate) are weak bases
inorganic compound created by the reaction of a strong acid with a
strong base
held together by ionic bonds and dissociate
in water.
These ions in solution are called
electrolytes. Electrolytes create an
electrical current when they move across cell membranes.
Common salts : NaCl, KCl, Ca2CO3
Electrolytes : Na+,
Cl-, K+, Ca++
are compounds that maintain pH within normal limits by removing or
replacing hydrogen ions
primarily use weak acids and weak
bases, that fail to completely
<====== > HCO3- + H+
VI. Organic Compounds contain Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen
Carbon is important because ::
1. shares electrons forming covalent
2. 4 bonds
4 classes of Organic Compounds (Macromolecules)
Nucleic Acids
Carbohydrates (CH2O)
Energy source.....cellular fuel, provide
some structure for DNA, cell membranes
CH2O will vary in size and therefore
solubility, as larger molecules are less soluble in water.
Sugars and starches
C : H : O in a
1 : 2 : 1 ratio
Sugars ......
Monosaccharide one sugar
3-7 C, chain or ring
means two monosaccharides (sucrose, lactose,
Polysaccharide three or more monosaccharide
2. starches (plants),
involved in Energy reserve, structure and
insoluble in water, but readily dissolve in
other lipids
examples are fats, oils, waxes
Fatty Acids R - COOH
the R group is
composed of carbon chains of variable length
can be saturated (four single covalent bonds for the
carbon chain)
unsaturated C == C
polyunsaturated refers to multiple C == C
glycerol + Fatty Acid
glycerol (a sugar alcohol)
has three sites for Fatty Acids to bind.
Can make mono-, di-, triglycerides, the
neutral fats.
Prostaglandins (PG)
belong to a larger group of lipids called EICOSANOIDS
a five carbon ring with 2
short chain fatty acids
there are 6 types : A, B, C, D, E, F with various degrees of saturation (1,2,3)
involved in uterine
control of inflammation
regulation of body temp
regulation of stomach acid
regulation of gi motility
example.... PGF 2 alpha (uterine contraction)
Steroids found in diet and body
synthesis by the liver
four ringed structure
made of hydrocarbon, fat soluble, very little oxygen
based on cholesterol which is
involved in
cell membranes
steroid hormones : testosterone,
estrogen, corticosteroids
bile salts
adrenal cortical hormones
synthesized from fatty acids
and glycerol, with an added phosphate
(phospholipid)or carbohydrate
(glycolipid) group.
Phospholipids have a phosphorus group
and two fatty acid chains which cause
specific arrangement of
their polar and non-polar ends
Phospholipids important in
cell membranes and their arrangement in water to
micelles.....fatty acid tails to the inside, and glycerol and phosphate heads
to the outside
Chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds
Consist of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
Make up 20% of total body weight.
Several functions:
(I) Fibrous
Movement/Contraction (muscles)
3. External Defense by keratin of the skin
(II) Globular
4. Transport --- minerals, hormones,
Defense Internal by immune system (immunoglobulins)
Amino acids (AA) are the building blocks of proteins
Consist of a carbon with
four bonds to ::
b. amino
group (NH2)
COOH (acid)
Side chain (R group) makes each amino acid different and unique in
chemical behavior because of
different number and arrangement of atoms.
There are 20 amino acids. Some
are manufactured by the body, others are required in the diet.
The peptide bond is between
COOH of one AA and NH of
another AA
2 amino
3 amino
many amino
acids.......Short chain peptides and long chain polypeptide or PROTEIN
The shape of proteins are based on
structure and will determine its function.
1. Primary Structure is the sequence or order of amino acids. Coded by the DNA and copied
and interpreted by the RNA.
2. Secondary structure
hydrogen bonding between the
NH and CO groups to form alpha helix (coil)
twisting and folding upon
some chains can link together by their hydrogen bonds in a side to side
manner (not coiled)
and this is called a beta pleated sheet.
3. Tertiary Structure
coiling and folding due to
the interactions of R groups into a ball-like or globular molecules
4. Quaternary structure
interaction between
polypeptide (protein) chains
The structure of a protein dictates its
function ::
Fibrous proteins ....linear, strand-like,
stable, insoluble in water
function : support, strength
ex : collagen, keratin, elastin, muscle
Globular proteins.....compact and
spherical chemically active @ certain sites, water soluble
ex : antibodies, hormones, enzymes
Enzymes....globular proteins with
active sites
biological catalysts increase speed of reactions
by lowering the activation energy
highly specific and control single chemical
named for the type of reaction they catalyze.
Usually end in - ase
may need co-factors (Vitamins)
have specific pH and temperature for for optimal function
If protein shape is altered, especially
globular proteins, then the functional properties will change.
This primarily involves the tertiary and
quaternary structures and hydrogen bonding.
These can be changed by increases in
* temperature
* pH
Denaturation occurs when bonds
are broken :
proteins unfold an loose their 3-D shape.
May be reversible, unless the temperature
or pH change is extreme.
D. Nucleic Acids
Two classes of nucleic acids
1. DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid)
2. RNA
(ribonucleic acid)
Basic functions are to store and
process information at the molecular level.
in the nucleus of Eukaryotic cells and is free floating in Prokaryotic
codes for enzymes and protein
synthesis thereby regulating cellular metabolism,
Cell structure and shape
helps to manufacture proteins.
Three types : rRNA, tRNA, and mRNA
Nucleic Acids are a series of nucleotides,
composed of C, O, H, N, P
These nucleotides consist of
1. 5 Carbon Sugar, Pentose (either deoxyribose or ribose sugar)2. Phosphate3. Nitrogen Base
purine is a two
ringed structure found in DNA and RNA
Nitrogen bases are Adenine (A) and Guanine (G)
Pyrimadine are single ringed structures
Nitrogen bases are Cytosine (C) found in DNA and RNA
Thymine (T) found in DNA only
Uracil (U) found in RNA only as it takes the place of Thymine
RNA is single
distributed throughout cytoplasm and
ribose sugar and bases A, U, C, G
consists of 2 nucleotide chains attracted by hydrogen bond of opposing
nitrogen bases
creating a double helix
described as a twisted ladder
complimentary base pairing :
A = T (DNA) A = U (RNA)
G = C (DNA, RNA)
High Energy compounds are molecules whose
structure includes high energy bonds.
The bonds store energy formed by
phosphorylation, therefore when the bonds are broken,
Energy is released.
of High Energy Compounds include
1. Adenosine Triphosphate ATP
2. Guanosine Triphosphate GTP
3. Uridine
Triphosphate UTP
Adenosine monophosphate AMP
a nucleotide (adenine, ribose sugar, and has one phosphate group).
To that, two more phosphate groups are added to form ATP.
of ATP ::
1. Energy for transport of substances across
cell membrane
2. Energy for mechanical work (muscle
3. Energy requiring chemical reactions