BIOL 2401 A&P I
Lecture Review : Muscle System Gross
Dr. Weis

1. Know the lever class systems : name , structure, examples, most common lever type and why.

2. Know 4 ways muscle are named and give a specific example of each.

3. Be able to give the muscle name, origin, insertion, action @ joint, innervation (nerve supply) for all superificial muscles (*).

4. Know major tendons: biceps, triceps, quads, hamstring, gastrocnemius, patellar

5. Define hernia, sprain, strain, tendinitis, and other conditions/problems/diseases related to muscles.

(*) Know the superficial muscles (origin/insertion, action @ joint, innervation) in groups :

a) heand and neck

b) trunk (abdomen and thorax)

c) shoulder (muscles that move the scapula)

d) upper arm ( muscles that move the humerus at the shoulder joint)

e) lower arm ( muslces that move the radius & ulna at the elbow joint)

f) hand (muscles that move the wrist at the carpus and phalanges of the hand)

g) pelvic region (muscles that form the pelvic floor or those involved with the spine)

h) hip region (muscles that move the femur at the coxofemoral joint)

i) uppper leg (muscles that move the knee)

j) lower leg (muscles that move the ankle or foot)