Biology 2401 A&P I Lecture Review Brain and CN Dr. Weis
1. Know the embryological development of the brain regarding adult structures and the Latin names.
2. Know the Cerebrum : gross anatomy (gyri/sulci), divisions (longitudinal/transverse),
corpus callosum structure and fxn, lumen names, 4 (5) lobes and function.
Generally know the white matter vs. gray matter (what and where) and function.
3. Define and name 4 structures associated with the limbic system and their purpose. Give the function of the hippocampus and the rhinencephalon.
4. Be able to define and generally describe all the association areas and the general interpretive area.
5. Be able to label a drawing/picture of the brain (see lab text).
6. Know Cerebellum : gross anatomy (lobes and divisions) and its function.
7. Know the parts of the brain stem and the functions of each part. Be able to compare and contrast the brain stem structures.
8. Know the parts of the diencephalon. Give a function for the epithalamus and thalamus, and know at least 4 functions of the hypothalamus.
9. Know how the brain is protected and supported (skull, BBB, meninges, CSF, etc). Be able to explain the importance of each.
10. Know ALL cranial nerves : #, name, foramen, fxn (nerve type: sensory, motor, mixed), action (what it does), and a function test (how do you know the nerve is working).
11. Be able to name some problems associated with the brain : cerebrum, diencephalon, cerebellum, brainstem, CN (cranial nerves).