Biology 2401 A&P I                Lecture Review   Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves               Dr. Weis            

1. Know how the spinal cord is protected : Names and specific protection provided.

2. Name all the meninges and spaces and functions

3. Gross anatomy of the cord : length, width, segments, spinal nerve (#)

4. Define spinal cord plexus, name all four and give an example of a nerve that comes from each plexus.

5. Be able to draw and label a histological cross section of the spinal cord : gray matter areas, white matter areas, spinal roots and spinal ganglia, spinal nerve, etc.

6. Define ramus and identify or describe where they occur.

7. Define dermatome and its importance during a neural exam.

8. Know the components of a reflex arc.  Know the two major types (monosynaptic and polysynaptic) and give a specific example of each.

9. Be able to give some problems with the spinal cord, plexus, nerve roots, spinal nerves, sensory components and LMN (motor nerve component).

10. Be able to recognize the white matter of the spinal cord as to the general arrangement of tracks.