Biology 2401 A&P I                Lecture Review        Nervous System Pathways       Dr. Weis              


1. Be able to recognize names and know information carried for all ascending and descending spinal cord tracts in order to “match” or tie the tracts together with their function.

2. Explain “Decussation” of the pyramids

3. Define and give the function of the cerebral association areas and the general interpretive area.

4. Give all brain wave names and describe when they are seen on an EEG

5. Describe the location and function of the RAS.

6. Define sleep and know the general stages of sleep; explain REM sleep.

7. Define memory and discuss the types of memory and stages of memory. 

8. Know the structures involved with memory and their related function. 

9. Know what consolidation means.  Be able to discuss the neuron changes that happen with consolidation.

10. Know two aging changes with the nervous system related to memory and learning.