Biology 2401 A&P I                Lecture Review        Integumentary                     Dr. Weis                    

1. Define cutaneous membrane and give its function.

2. Know ALL the layers of the epidermis : names, cell types, function, possible epidermal problems

3. For the dermis : know the two regions/zones regarding : names, histological characteristics, cells involved, function.

4. For the Hypodermis : know alternate names, histological structure, cell types, function.

5. For accessory structures : choose two epidermal appendages (accessory structures) and describe each

as to location, gross anatomy, histological anatomy, function, problem.

6. Know four (4) functions of the integumentary system.

7. Describe the general process of regeneration of the skin, vs. fibrosis (scar tissue).

8. Know two aging changes with the integumentary system.

9. Know two problems with the integumentary system.

10.  Be able to generally discuss the Burn Rule of 9's and the ABCD of skin cancer classification.