Biology 2401    A&P I             Lecture Review      Skeletal System                    Dr. Weis         

1. Give four functions of the skeletal system.

2. Describe cartilage based on CT criteria, give the histological anatomy, function, types, location, problem.

3. Regarding bone classification :: Give the various shapes and a specific example of each.  Describe how the

matrix histology relates to the bone shapes, know terminology based on markings.

4. Know the two bone membrane coverings : name, location, structure, and function.

5. Describe the histology of the matrix and be able to draw and/or label a representative picture.  Know the

functional unit of compact bone in detail vs. the arrangement of spongy bone generally.

6. Name the two ossification processes and the general steps involved with each process.

7. Name and describe the function of hormones and vitamins associated with bone growth.

8. Describe how bone is remodeled; the cells involved; ossification processes; surface changes

9. Describe the general repair of bones : steps, ossification processes involved.

10. Name two problems and two aging changes seen with bone.