Biol 2401 A&P Lecture Review Skeletal System Gross Dr. Weis
Axial Skeleton ::
1. Name the bones of the skull, their functions, markings, formina, palpation points
2. Know 4 bones for each region (cranial
and facial) and be able to draw or describe the bones
that you discuss based on shape classification, ALL distinguishing markings,
major foramina, and specific function.
3. Vertebral Column : know the basic vertebra structure, the human vertebral formula, the divisions, primary and secondary curvatures, and a function of each region.
4. Boney Thorax : know the bones involved and their function
5. Hyoid bone : general structure, location, and function.
6. Sinus : define, name, location, lining, function
7. Name two problems with the axial skeleton
Appendicular Skeleton ::
8. Know the names, markings and function for ALL bones.
9. Be able to describe or draw with labels the bones in the appendages (arm and leg)
10. For the hand :: know the names and numbers of carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges
11. For the foot :: know the names and numbers of the tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges
12. Know the function for the hand and the function for the foot.
13. Name two problems with the appendicular skeleton