BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page

1. I have an old textbook or an older edition of the required textbook, will that still be alright to use?

The medical field is a rapidly changing one. Older texts and editions may not have the current information.
If you have access to someone with a current edition, then using your older book may work. It will require
more time and research on your part. It's your choice, between spending more time or spending more money.


2. It's been a while since I've taken BIOL 2401 / A&P I. Do I need to retake A&P I ?

The concepts that you learn in A&P I will be used in A&P II. If your A&P I is over 3 years old, then you
will be required to retake that course. Remember that some health professions programs have limits on how
old your science courses can be and still be acceptable. You may elect to retake A&P I if your grade is to
low to be used for a GPA required on the health professions application.


3. I want to take several classes along with my A&P II course work. What can I take to maximize my time?

A&P II is primarily a physiology based class. If you have a good chemistry bacground, then you may be able
to handle other courses. Although microbiology (BIOL 2420) can be taken as a co-requisite with A&P II,
it is recommended that you take these courses in different semesters to get the full benefits of both courses.
If you still need to take courses within a given time, take a course that works with A&P II and that does NOT
require in-depth reading assignments (i.e. history or english). Medical terminology, psychology, and even math
could work well with A&P II. Most students find that A&P takes up most of their time. Don't jeopardize your
GPA because you want to finish your course prerequisites quickly.


4. I had different instructors for A&P 2401 lecture and lab last time. Now I have a different instructor for A&P 2402.
How am I supposed to know what is expected?

Your new instructor will go over the course syllabus and their particular addendum for lecture and lab.
While it is nice to have the same lecture and lab instructor for the course, you will not always have that
option because of the unique scheduling issues for each campus. Good instructors will challenge you to
grow out of your comfort zone, all the while supporting and helping you through the course material.


5. What if I have a problem with my instructor?

For full time faculty, follow the directions on the departmental syllabus. For associate (part time) faculty,
contact the associate dean.. Make sure you have the specfics of the "incident" documented. Keep an open
mind and understand that each professor has a unique teaching style. The associate / division dean will be able
to assess the severity of the situation.


6. What if I have questions?

Make sure you know the contact information for your professor. Refer to their addendum for this information.
Schedule an appointment with them to discuss concerns or to clarify the information presented.

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