BIOL 2401/2402 Anatomy and Physiology Medical Word Part Vocabulary List: Prefixes-, -suffixes, Root words/ combing vowel

a-, an- without ab-, from abyss-, deep -ac, pertaining to acou/o , hearing
acr/o, extremity; peak ad-, to or toward aden/o, gland adren/o, adrenal adip/o, fat
aer/o, air af-, to; toward agglutinat-, glued together -agra, air -al, pertaining to; condition of
alb/o , white -algia, pain allo/o , other; different alveol/i, cavity amphi- , both; double
ana- , up; back andr/o, male angi/o, vessel ankyl/o, crooked ante-, before
ant-, anti- against apo-, from or off aqu/a, water arachn/o, spider arch/e, ancient
arter/o, artery arthr/o, joint articul/o, joint asc/o, sac -ase, enzyme
-asis, -asia, state or condition -asthenia, weakness astr/o , star -ate, do atel-, imperfect
audi-, hearing aur/o, ear auto-, self aux-, envelope axilla, armpit
bacil/o, rod balan/o, glans penis bas/o, basic bar/o, pressure bi-/ bis, twice
bi/o, -bios, life blast-, -blast , precursor bol/o, throw brachi/o, arm brachy- , short
brady-, slow blephar/o, eyelid bronch/i, windpipe; airway bucc/o, cheek burs/o, bag or bursa
calc, calci/o, calcium calc/i, stone carcin/o, cancer cardi/o, heart cat/a, down
cec/o, blind -cele, hernia; tumor; swelling -centesis, puncture centr/o, center cephal/o, head
cerebr/o, brain cervic/o, neck cheil/o, lip chem/o, chemical chol/e, bile
chori/o, fetal membrane chondr/o, cartilage chrom/o, color chy/o, pour cid/e, -cise, cut; kill
cili/o, eyelid circum-, around -clast, break; tear down coel-, -coel, cavity col/o-, colon
colp/o, vagina co, con, com, together cor, coron/o, heart core/o, pupil contra-, against
corp/o, body cortic/o, rind; bark; shell cost/o, rib crani/o, skull cribr/i, seive
-crine, to separate crur/o, shin; leg cry/o, cold crypt/o, hidden cut/o, cutan/o, skin
cyan/o, blue cycl/o, circle -cyesis, pregnancy cyst/o, sac; bladder cyt/o , -cyte, cell
dacry/o, tear dactyl/o, finger; toe de-, down from, away; removal of dendr/o, tree dent/o, teeth
derm/o, dermat/o, -derma, skin desm/o, band -desis, surgical binding dextr/o, right di- , twice
dia-, through diaphor/o, sweat dilat-, expanded digit/o, finger dipl/o , double
dis-, apart; separate diure/o, urinate -drome, run dolor/o, pain dors/o, dorsi-, back
duct/o , lead dura- , hard dys - , painful; difficult    
-eal, pertaining to -ectasis, expansion; stretch ecto-, outside -ectomy, excission; cut out ef- , away from
electr/o, electricity -emesis, vomiting emmetr/o, proper measure encephal/o, brain en, end/o , inside
enter/o, intestines epi- , on episi/o, vulva erythem/a, flushed erythr/o, red
-esthesia, percieve; feel estr/o, female eti/o, cause eu- well, good ex- , out; away from
extra-, outside        
faci/o, face fasci/o, fascia (membrane) febr/o, fever -ferent, carry ferr/o, iron
fil/o, thread; filament fibr/o, fiber flav/o, yellow flex/o, -flect, bend for-, opening
fore-, before; in front fovea/o, small pit -form, shape fract/o, break -fuge, flee
galact/o, milk gangli/o, swelling gastr/o, stomach gen/e, -gen, to produce genicul/o, knee-like
geni/o, chin ger, geront/o, old age germ-, bud gest/o, bear; carry gingiv/o, gum
glauc/o, gray -glia, glue gloss/o, tongue glott/o, language [tongue] gluc/o; glyc/o, sugar
gnath/o, jaw gn/o, know; discern grad/o, walk -gram, record gran/o, grain
-graph, machine to record -graphy, process of recording grav/o, heavy gyr/o, ring gyn/o, woman
hect/o, hundred hem(e), hemat/o, blood helic/o, spine hemi-, half hep/a, hepat/o, liver
heter/o, other hidr/o, sweat hist/o, tissue holo- , entire home/o, hom/o, same
horm/o, impulse or excite hyal/o, glass hydr/o, water hyo- , U-shaped hyper-, above
hypo-, under hypophys/o, pitutiary hypn/o, sleep hyster/o, uterus  
-ia, state or condition of iatr/o, physician idi/o, ones own ile/o, ileum ili/o, ilium
immun/o, safe, protection in- , in; within infra- , beneath insul/o, island inter-, between
intra-, within ipsi-, itself ile, illa, illus,
little version of
-in, substance inguin/o, groin
irid/o, colored circle -ism, theory; characteristic of is/o, equal -ist, specialist -itis, inflammation
-ity, quality -ium, thing -ize, do    
jact-, ject/o, throw jaund/o, yellow jejun/o, hungry junct/o, yoke juxta-, near
kal/i, potassium kary/o, body kel/o, fibrous growth kerat/o, horn; cornea keranun/o, lightning
kern-, nucleus ket/o, ketones; acetones kilo-, thousand kin/o, -kinin , to move kyph/o, humped
lab/i, lip lact/o, milk lapar/o, flank or loins laryng/o, larynx -lemma, husk
lep/i, -lepsy, take; seize lept/o, slender; thin leuk/o, white lien/o, spleen lig/a, to bind together
lip/o, fat lith/o, stone lute- yellow lymph/o, clear water; lymph lyso-, -lysis, -lyze : dissolution
macr/o, large mal-, bad; abnormal malac/o , soft mamill/o, little breast man/o , hand
-mania, morbid impluse mast/o, breast mega-, big melan/o, black men/o, month
ment/o, mind mero-, part meso-, middle meta- , after -meter, measurement
metr/o, metri/o, uterus micr- , small mono- , single morph/o, form mort/o, -mortem, death
muc/o, mucus multi-, many -mural, wall mut/a, genetic change myel/o, marrow OR spinal cord
my/o, myos/o, muscle myring/o, tympanic menbrane myc/o, fungus mydr/o, wide myx/o, mucus
narc/o, to numb; deaden nas/o, nose natri-, sodium necr/o, corpse; death neo- , new
nephr/o, kidney neur/o, nerve noct/i, night non-, not norm/o, normal
nulli-, none nutri/o, noursih nos/o, disease nyct/o, night  
ocul/o, eye odon/o- , tooth odyn- , pain -oid, form oligo-, few
-ology, the study of -oma, swelling omphal/o, navel onco-, mass; tumor onych/o, nail
oo-, egg ovari/o; oophor/o, ovary ophthalm/o, eye op, opth, opia, eye orb-, circle
orch/i, testis orth/o, straighten -osis, [abnormal] condition os, or/i, mouth -osmia, smell
osm/o, push os, oss/, oste/o, bone ot/o, ear ov/a- , egg ox/o, -oxia, oxygen
pachy, thick palpebr/o, eyelid pan- , all; everything papill/o, small elevation para-, beyond
-para, to give birth path/o, -path, disease pedi/a, child pell/o, skin ; hide penia,
lack; deficiency
peps/i, pept/i, digestion per-, through peri-, around peripher/o, away from center pexi-, fix; make fast/tight
phac/o, phak/o, lens phag/o, eat phall/o, penis pharmac/o, drug -phasia, speech
phelg/o, burn; inflame -phil, -philia, love phleb/o, vein -phobe, phobia, fear phon/o, sound
phot/o, light phrag/o, fence/wall off phth/i, decay; waste -phylaxis, guard physi/o, nature
-phyte, plant -plasia, formation -plasty, surgical re-shaping platy-, flat -plegia, paralysis
pleur/o, rib -plexy, to strike -pnea, breathing pneum/o, air pod/o, foot
-poiesis, making poikil/o, variation poly-, many pont/o, bridge porosis, porous
post- , after -praxia, movement pre-, before presby-, old prim/o, first
pro-, before proct/o, anus pseudo-, false psych/o, mind pteryg/o, wing
pto- , fall ptal/o, saliva -ptysis, spitting pulm/o, pulmon/o, lung pulp/o, flesh
pyel/o, trough; pelvis py/o-, pus      
quadr/o, four or one fourth        
rach/i, spine rad/i, ray radi/o, radiation radicul/o, nerve root re-, back; again
rect/o, straight ren/o, kidneys ret/e- , net resiscit/o, to revive reticul/o, net
retin/o, retina retro-, backward rhabd/o, rod shaped rhabdomy/o, striated muscle rheumat/o, watery flow
rhin/o, nose rot/a, wheel -rrhage, burst forth -rrhaphy, suture -rrhea, discharge; flow
-rrhexis, rupture rubr/o, red rug/a, crease or fold    
sacchar/o, sugar sacr/o, sacrum salping/o, uterine tube sanguin/o, blood sarc/o, flesh
schis/o, schist/o, schiz/o, split scler/o, hard scoli/o, twisted -scope, view -scopy, process of viewing
-sect, to cut semi-, half -seps/o, -septic, sept/o, putrid sial/o, saliva sider/o, iron
sigmid/o, sigmoid sinistr/o, left -sis, state or condition som/o, body sphygm/o, pulse
spin/o, spine; vertebral column spirat/o, breathe splanch/o, viscera spor/o, seed somn/i, sleep
squam/a, scale -stalsis, contractile -stasis, condition of standing stear/o, steat/o, fat sten/o , narrowing
steth/o, chest stern/o, sternum -stitial, pertaining to a place stomat/o, mouth -stomy , mouth like opening
styl/o, stake; pole sub- , under super- above; beyond supra-, on the upper side syl-, sym- syn-, sys-, together; with
synapt/o, point of contact synov/o, synovia syring/o, tube system/o, system systol/o, contraction
tachy- , swift; rapid tel/o, end tens/o, strength terat/o, malformed fetus tetan/o, rigid; tense
tetra- , four thel/o, nipple therm/o, heat -therapy, treatment thorac/o, chest
thromb/o, clot -tocia, -tocin, labor -tomy, cut ton/o, tension tox/i, toxic/o, poison
trans- , through tri-, three trich/o, hair -tripsy, crushing trop/o, -tropic, turning
troph/o, nutrition -trophy, nourishing tympan/o, eardrum tuber-, swelling typhl/o, blind
-ule, little version ungul/o, hoof uni-, one ur/o, -uria, urine uter/o, uterus
vacc/o, cow vagin/o, sheath vas/o, vessel vascul/o, vessel ven/o, vein
vert/o, turn vertebr/o, spine vesic/o, pouch or cyst or urinary bladder viscer/a, organ vit/a, life
xanth/o, yellow xer/o, dry xiph/o, sword    
zo/o, animal zyg/o, yoked -zyme, enzyme