ENDOCRINE SYSTEM (orange dot or square)    REVISED MAY 2008

1.        Hypophysis (Pituitary)

2.        See demonstration slides of the Pituitary with a special stain

3.        Pineal……………………………………………………………..human

4.        Thyroid………………………………………………...See also slide #6

5.        Parathyroid…………………………………………….See also slide #6

6.        Thyroid with Parathyroid

7.        Thymus

8.       Pancreas (Pancreatic Islets/Islands of Langerhans)

9.        Adrenal Gland

10.     Ovary………………………………………………….See also slide #77

11.      Testes…………………………………………………See also slide #92

12.     Hypothalamus

13.     See demonstration slides of Diseases related to the Endocrine System


14.     Human Blood

15.     Human Blood

16.     See demonstration slides of Blood Diseases

17.     Bone Marrow (Hematopoetic)

18.     Cardiac Muscle

19.     Entire Heart

20.    Heart with Purkinje Fibers

21.     See demonstration slides of Heart Valves

22.     Aorta

23.     Vena Cava

24.     See demonstration slides of the Carotid Artery

25.     Artery and Vein………………………………………………mammal

26.     Blood Vessels………………………………………………….human

27.     See demonstration slides of Cardiovascular Diseases


28.    Lymphatic Vessel (with Valve)

29.     Lymph Node (Gland)

30.    Tonsil………………………………………………………….palatine

31.     Spleen

32.     See slide # 7 Thymus

33.     See slide # 57 Ileum (Peyer’s Patches)

34.     See slide # 60 Appendix

35.     See demonstration slides of Lymphatic and Immune Diseases


36.     Nasal Septum………………………………………………….primate

37.     Nasal Epithelium

38.    Larynx

39.     Epiglottis

40.    Trachea

41.     Bronchus

42.     Lung (with Bronchiole and Alveoli)


44.     See demonstration slides of Respiratory Diseases


45.     See demonstration slides of the Lip

46.     Tongue

47.     Tooth, Decalcified

48.    See slide # 6  of the Esophagus in BIOL 2401 BOX (A&P I BOX)

49.     Esophagus/Stomach Junction

50.    Stomach (3 Regions)

51.     Cardiac Stomach

52.     Fundic  Stomach

53.     Pyloric Stomach

54.     Stomach/Duodenal Junction

55.     Duodenum

56.     Jejunum

57.     Ileum

58.    Small Intestine Composite (3 Regions Injected)

59.     Colon

60.    Appendix

61.     Rectum-Anus  Junction

62.     Tooth, in situ

63.     Composite Salivary Glands

64.     Submandibular Gland (Also see Parotid Gland slide # 11 in A&P I BOX)

65.     Liver…………………………………………………………………………………..human

66.     Liver………………………………………………………………………………………...pig

67.     Gall Bladder

68.    See demonstration slides of the Bile Duct

69.     Pancreas

URINARY SYSTEM (yellow dot)

70.    Kidney…………………………………………………………………………………..section

71.     Kidney……………………………………………………………median sagittal section

72.     Kidney…………………………………………………………………..……..PAS&H stain

73.     Ureter

74.     Urinary Bladder

75.     Urethra (Female)

76.     Urine Sediment

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM (lime green dot or square)

77.     Ovary…………………………………………………………………See also slide #10

78.    Ovary (with Corpus Lutem)

79.     Fallopian Tube (Oviduct, Uterine Tube)

80.    Uterus , Secretory (Progravid, Luteal)

81.     INSTRUCTOR BOXES ONLY Uterus (Diestrus)………..non-primate

82.    Uterus, Early Proliferative (Follicular)

83.    Uterus, Menstrual

84.    Uterus, Pregnant (Fetus)

85.    Vagina

86.    Mammary Gland, Inactive

87.    Mammary Gland, Active

88.    Nipple

89.    See demonstration slides of the Cervix

90.    Placenta

91.     Testes  and Epididymis

92.     Testes………………………………………………………………See also slide #11

93.     Ductus Deferens (Vas Deferens)

94.     Spermatic Cord

95.     Penis………………………………………………………………..…primate/monkey

96.     Penile Urethra…………………………………………………………..human penis

97.     Sperm………………………………………………………………………………..human

98.    Seminal Vesicle

99.     Prostate Gland

DEVELOPMENT (pink dot or square)

100. Zygote……………………………………………………uncleaved/unsegmented frog egg