BIOL 2402 A&P II                  Acid Base Formal Report Format                     Dr. Weis

Heading (1 point)

Introduction (5 points)

            Define these terms

1)      Acid (strong and weak)
2)      Dissociation
3)      Base (strong and weak)
4)      Buffer
5)      pH
6)      Salt
7)      Ion and electrolyte
8)      mEq
9)      Acidosis and Acidemia
10)  Alkalosis and Alkalemia

Purpose: The purpose of this lab and why you chose to write up this lab (1 point)

Anatomy: (6 points)

            Draw and label the following

A)    Gross Respiratory
a.       Pulmonary Ventilation
b.      Control Centers for Respiration
B)     Renal Histology
a.       Nephron (both types)
b.      Blood supply
C)    Titration curve for bicarbonate buffer system

Physiology (8 points)

            Record results for ALL experiments in

a)      Acid/Base Electrolyte Lab handout
b)      Referenced related lab book exercises

Conclusion (3 points)

Bibliography (1 point)