BIOL 2402 Lab Report Format: Disease Paper

Organ based Disease Lab Report Format (One report per student)

Worth 65 points

Typed, 12 point font size limit
Single spaced paper (need to override MS word default for office 2010 or higher)
Double space between paragraphs
One inch margins all around

Minimum eight (8) FULL written typed content pages (not 7 and 3/4).
This does not include the cover sheet or bibliography pages or any required photos/drawings, etc.

Choose an organ relevant to the current semester's material and one that you are interested in researching for this paper. Find a miniumum of three major diseases that affect this organ to research and write up for this paper.
Topic MUST be approved by the instructor and topics will be chosen by the 3rd week of school.

Any changes to the topic must be completed and cleared by the 8th week of school with the instructor.

You must have at least three (3) references outside of your textbooks. 
You may have more than three, but cite ALL references. 
References :

Due date :: at week 13 of the semester, day will be announced in lab, but you may turn it in earlier.

Late work will be 5 points off if turned in within 30 minutes of due time on specified due date and will have an additonal 15 points per 6 hours late after this time. Time and date stamp are required if after 30 minutes and must be turned into the division/department office.

An optional presentation summary of the organ based disease paper will be made available in canvas until the 14th week of school.
Students should summarize their paper by attaching a 1 page maxiumum report for their organ disease topic.
This optional presentation value will be up to 5 points maximum added on to this lab report TOTAL.
Points will be given for a well written summary and quality of presentation and ability to answer questions that may be asked about the diseases presented.

Disease Paper will consist of the following 5 parts:

I. Cover Sheet -- Title, Date, Course & Section, Name, CWID (last 4 digits) : centered on page

II. Introduction -- Background information on selected organ regarding normal location, discription and hand drawing and labels of normal gross and histological structures, and all normal physiological functions

III. Body - Pick 3 (or more) major diseases that affect your approved organ and write up each disease to include

a) History of each disease (when / who discovered, causative agent(s), general information about the disease and its impact on society, etc)

b. Signalment [HX] (who gets each disease --> sex, age, race, etc AND how they get it)

          c. Clinical Signs (disease syndrome for each disease, chief complaint [cc], symptoms and signs)

  d. Differential Diagnosis [DDX] (what other diseases could it be) for each disease

   e. Etiological cause for each disease and Diagnostic Tests [DX] done (Blood work, Radiographs, MRI, etc) and why these are done for each disease
What is a positive or confirming result and give a definitive test if any.

   e. Treatment [TX] options (types of medications used, etc) for each disease

          f. Prognosis [PX] (outcome --> disease cured, palliative, fatal) for each disease

g. Any new research being done on treatment, cure, diagnostics?? (may or may not have info) for each disease

h. Any alternative (homeopathic) therapy that may be done ??  If so, what and why would this work or help.

    i. Include one pathology drawing or photo representing the histology for each disease discussed
(Note: the photo or drawing does not substitute for written content of eight (8) full pages)


IV. Conclusion :: Nursing care you would give for this patient with this diseased organ. 
List six (6) things you would specifically discuss with your patient and/or their family.
Please discuss what did you learn by researching this organ and it's possible diseases/conditions?

Citations and Bibliography page :: Properly cited references in paper as style directs.
Use correct format listing found in reference books the writing center in the library or on line under bibliography citation styles for bibliography page. 

Preferred citation style uses MLA, second choice would be APA style.

MLA style web site reference:

See Collin College writing center for help regarding the grammar, punctuation, etc.

Students may want to reference writing center texts, English writing texts, or related Internet sites for questions about how to cite your Bibliography references.

Library Reference

Written Report Page Summary for the minimum 8 content pages
NOTE: Does NOT include photos or drawings, nor does it include the coversheet or bibliography.

Introduction: 1 Page written content
Disease #1: 2 pages written content
Disease #2: 2 pages written content
Disease #3: 2 pages written content
New research, CAM, conclusion and nursing care: 1 page written content

If 3 diseases for this organ are not enough for 6 full pages of written-typed and properly formatted content, please add more diseases to discuss.

Disease Paper Grading Rubric
Format, cover sheet, proper margins, etc. [all or none]
3 points
3rd person writing style, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence development.
3 points

Following directions, overall content, correct topic,
proper font size and spacing,

6 points
Organ introduction, drawings, physiological functions
8 points

Clinical Signs/symptoms/chief complaint, differential diagnosis, etiological causative agent, specific diagnostic tests, final diagnosis, specfic treatment(s) or therapies, prognosis
(comprises majority of paper) for all three (or more)
organ diseases selected

30 points
New research, new treatments or complementary alternative medical (CAM) treatments
3 points
Picture, drawing, photo of histological disease process
for each disease discussed
3 points
Conclusion, nursing care, etc
6 points
Bibliography and proper citations in paper
3 points


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