Biology 2402  AP II     Lecture Notes   
Dr. Weis           

Part of the cardiovascular system.
Considered ECF located in Blood Vessels
Study of Blood ::  Hematology
Hemogram for clinical diagnostics = Erythron, Leukon, Thrombon, Total Protein

Connective tissue :

~ 45% formed elements : RBC, WBC, Platelets

~ 55% fluid and ground substance.......Plasma

Of the 45% Connective Tissue formed element portion

                        (Hematocrit which is the actual test

                        or PCV which is calculated, both are expressed as %)

44.9% Erythrocytes
>1% Leukocytes
>1% Platelets

Characteristics and Function of Blood

pH : 7.35 - 7.45
temp : 100.4 degrees F
volume : 5-6 liters in males, 4-5 liters in females

  function -->

1. Distribution

a) oxygen & nutrient delivery
b) transport metabolic wastes
c) transport hormones and enzymes

2. Regulation

a) maintain body temperature
b) maintain normal pH / acts as a buffer
c) maintain adequate fluid volume

3. Protective

a) clot formation to prevent loss
b) body defense
c) ties with lymphatic system

Blood cell formation.........called hematopoiesis

In the fetus, it occurs in the yolk sac, spleen, liver, lymph nodes

After birth and throughout life it occurs in:

Blood cell formation ....cells arise from stem cell called the PHSC or pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell;
(formerly known as the hemocytoblast or hematocytoblast) which is the precursor for ALL blood cells.

Mitotic divisions of PHSC will create different committed stem cell lines or colony forming units.

Hormones and other chemical proteins will induce growth and differentiation:

An example of such a growth inducing immune protein is IL-3 (Interleukin - 3), from CD4+ T cells

An example of a differentiation inducer is EPO, Erythropoietin hormone, from the kidneys

I. Cellular Components :

A. Red Blood Cells ::  RBC formation......called Erythropoiesis.......takes approx 1 wk

PHSC --> myeloid committed stem cell --> proerythroblast line [rubriblast --> prorubriblast --> rubricyte --> (starts loosing ribosomes, synth. hemoglobin) --> metarubricyte  (nucleus ejected)] ---> reticulocyte (ribosome remnants clumped) -->erythrocyte

Red Blood Cells (RBC)or Erythrocytes = make up most of the formed element % of blood

1) Characteristics....

2) Primary Function....

   *       ENCLOSE hemoglobin within membrane for :: reversible binding of oxygen and TRANSPORT to tissues

Note: The lack of mitochondria, means no Oxygen usage & therefore provides good mechanism for transport

Most common form of human adult hemoglobin is called Hemoglobin A and consists of a protein globulin made up of 4 polypeptide chains (two alpha and two beta) that combine with four groups of a red pigment Heme that contains ferrous iron (Fe++) in the center of each group.

In RBC's, there are millions of hemoglobin molecules that make up 95% of the proteins in RBCs

     there will be 15 grams of Hemoglobin per deciliter (dl) of whole blood, written as 15g/dl.

 Overall, in the body fluids, the hemoglobin % will be approximately 34%, (34g/dl)

 The oxygen can reversibly bind to the ferrous iron so hemoglobin can transport up to 4 oxygen molecules:

hemoglobin + oxygen ==> oxyhemoglobin  (bright red)
removal of oxygen --> deoxyhemoglobin  (dark red)

Carbon dioxide can bind to amino acid of globulin when oxygen has dissociated.

 Called : Carbaminohemoglobin and occurs approximately 20% of the time.

Other functions of RBCs :

Enzymatic : by means of the enzyme Carbonic Anhydrase that catalyzes the reaction with water & carbon dioxide for the eventual transport of CO2 creating the buffering properties of bicarbonate ion and thereby helping in control of pH.

The formula as follows is one YOU WILL HAVE TO KNOW :: (you'll see it in most systems)

CO2  +  H2O <==== >  H2CO3 < ======= > HCO3-  +  H+

Number of circulating RBC is relatively constant

Hematocrit measures the percentage of whole blood occupied by formed elements. RBCs are 99/9% of the formed elements. HCT (hematocrit) or PCV (Packed Cell Volume) ranges sre 40-54% for males and 37-47% for females.

Hormonal control  ........

by a glycoprotein from the Kidneys (90%)  & liver (10%)  : Erythropoietin
secreted in response to low oxygen tissue levels to cause an increased stem cell production of the proerythroblast stem cell series and cause more rapid maturation.

Additonal hormones such as T4, GH, and androgens also influence erythropoiesis

Requirements for RBC formation ::

iron.............stored in the body, primarily in the liver,
bound to protein for transport
as transferrin and storage as ferritin.

B-complex vitamins.....B-12, B-6, and folic acid                   

B-12 needed for DNA synthesis and maturation.
(B-12 absorption from the digestive track
intrinsic factor that is produced in the stomach).

Folic acid needed for DNA and RNA

Life span of RBC............100-120 days

degenerate..........trapped primarily in spleen, but can be phagocytized in the liver and bone marrow

Stored in liver bound to proteins as Ferritin and hemosiderin

Erythrocyte Problems :

RBC disorders : Too little RBCs

Anemia.........therefore causes low oxygen carrying capabilities, tissue hypoxia,
decreased viscosity, increased CO2

Anemia Types:

1) decreased RBC count

a) blood loss : Hemorrhagic anemia
b) RBC destruction : Hemolytic anemia
c) Bone Marrow failure : Aplastic anemia

2) decreased hemoglobin content

a) iron deficient anemia, will see microcytes
b) deficiency of B-12 : Pernicious anemia, will see Macrocytes (large RBC)

3) Abnormal hemoglobin :: genetic causes, involve globulin portion causes the RBC to become frail, rupture easily
Diseases :
  Sickle cell anemia, Spherocytosis, Thalassemia

RBC disorders : Too many RBCs

Blood Groups :

RBC antigens on membrane, over 50 antigens (agglutinogens)

Examples fo these antigen units are

4 cause severe reactions :  A,B,O, D (Rh)

reaction --> agglutination [clumping of RBCs due to an immune reaction]

Presence or absence of agglutinogens  will classify blood as either:

therefore the possible major blood groups of concern are: A, B, AB, and O

In Plasma : preformed antibodies --> agglutinins (IgM or IgG gamma globulins) occur after birth, due to exposure of A or B antigens in food. If Antibodies react with the RBC surface antigen receptor, it can cause a clumping {agglutination} of the cells and mark them for destruction by the immune system. Also, bacteria can attach to 2 or more RBC due to bivalent/polyvalent structure cause cells to adhere and clump.                                 

Therefore to create a chart we have :

Genotype Phenotype

Blood Group RBC antigen called an agglutinogen 

Plasma antibodies called agglutinins   Blood received
A & B
anti-A & anti-B

Population in Percentage for each major blood type:
47% O
40% A (80% are A1 and 20% are A2)
10% B
3% AB

Percentage of each ABO Blood Type by Country
ABO Type



Remember the genotype is a co-dominant pattern of inheritance   I¨  I¨

Blood typing ...use recipient RBC, and anti-Sera

RBC membrane
   Serum immune proteins
A (subtypes 1 and 2)

For more information about Blood Groups and Subtypes use the following links:

Blood Typing tests continued :

Cross Match ::

1) RBC donor with plasma of recipient
2) RBC recipient with plasma of donor

Transfusion Reactions ::

DONOR RBC are attacked by RECIPIENT'S plasma agglutinins causing : clumping, lysis, release of hemoglobin

sequela : acute renal failure : due to circulatory shock, vasoconstriction, and blocking of renal tubules


Transfusion reactions cause agglutination (clumping) and the phagocytic process (hrs - days) by the reticuloendothelial system will destroy the agglutinated cells, releasing hemoglobin.

Acute renal failure (kidney shutdown) can occur due to :

1) Antigen-Antibody reactions that release toxins causing renal vasoconstriction
2) Blood cell decrease can cause circulatory shock
3) Free Hemoglobin in large amounts can precipitate and block renal tubules

Rh Factor  :

6 different Rh agglutinogens that are inherited    


each person will have one of each of the three Rh antigens:

for instance :: for the C antigen: If the person has a C, cannot have c, if no C, then must have the c

Rh+.....RBC carry Rh antigen D, majority of the population are Rh+ (85-95%)

Rh- means negative for D & will have d. (remember, everyone has Rh agglutinogens)

In plasma, anti-Rh antibodies develop if individual is sensitized (Rh+ mixed with Rh-) problems seen

     * delayed transfusion reactions

     * severe reactions in future transfusions

     * pregnancy

Rh- mother with second Rh+ fetus:: If mother was previously sensitized by first Rh+ fetus, her anti Rh antibodies can diffuse across the placenta and cause agglutination (clumping) of the fetus' blood. A condition called:  Erythroblastosis fetalis
The baby will be jaundiced and ANEMIC with an enlarged liver & spleen.
Death is due to the severe anemia and treatment involves multiple transfusions  

II. WHITE BLOOD CELLS ::  Leukocytes

Production of WBC : Leukopoiesis

stimulated by hormones collectively called ->Colony Stimulating factors (C-SF)

Pathway :

Hematocytoblast (stem cell) ----------> undergoes Leukopoiesis

      myeloid stem cell                                                    lymphoid stem cell

              |              |                                                                           |

myeloblast        monoblast                                                         lymphoblast

                |                         |                                                                         |

     promyelocyte      promonocyte                                                         prolymphocyte

            |                               |                                                                                 |

myelocyte                        monocyte                                                                  lymphocyte

        |                                       |                                                                                       |

metamyelocyte                   macrophage                                                                    T, B, NK

     |                                                                                                                                    |

 band                                                                                                                               plasma cells    

    |                                                                                                                         from B cells

granular WBC [PMN, Eos, Baso]

WBC   Numbers : 7000 per microliter of blood

 Function : defense.  Mobile cells that will travel through blood stream and go to tissues by diapedesis: a movement type of attraction caused by the release of inflammatory chemicals in the tissues.

Two Categories : Granulocytes and Agranulocytes

Can identify different WBC on blood smear :

            Differential white cell count, also known as a WBC differential

A. Granulocytes :  From myelocytic stem cell line

cytoplasm contains granules
lobulated nucleus (polymorphonuclear or PMNs)
phagocytic function

1) Neutrophils :  ("polymorphs" or "segs" or "PNMs")

40-70 % of WBC number

2x RBC size

granules take up both stains == Neutral

lobed nuclei :  3-6 lobes

respond to damaged tissue, phagocytize bacteria and destroy pathogens using various chemicals and enzymes
release several chemical mediators to signal other leukocytes to aid in defense response

1 week formation, 1 day (12-24 hour) lifespan

2) Eosinophils

1-4 % of WBC number

nucleus 2 lobes

granules are large and pink staining lysozomes

function : respond and digest antigen-antibody complexes usualy caused by allergic reactions (lungs of asthmatics, skin)

    parasitic infection (schistosomiasis, trichinosis)

3) Basophils

0-3% of WBC number

nucleus is U shaped or bilobed

granules contain histamine, bradykinin, serotonin and will stain blue

function : some allergic reactions involving IgE

               some parasitic diseases in animals (heartworm disease)

           possibly related to mast cells (as a tissue form of the cell)

B. Agranulocytes

lack granules, nuclei round to kidney shaped

1) Lymphocytes : from Lymphocytic stem cell line

function : immunity

T-Lymphocytes : cellular immunity, specific defenses

B-Lymphocytes : humoral immunity, specific defenses,
Daughter cells called plasma cells produce antibodies 

NK cells: nonspecific Immune survellience, usually seen in fighting cancer and viral infected cells

2) Monocytes : from myelocytic stem cell line

function : phagocytic, chronic, immune response

examples of tissue macrophages:

macrophages in skin : langerhans
macrophages in C.T. : histiocytes
macrophages in liver : Kupffer cells
macrophages in CNS  : microglia
macrophages in lungs : alveolar
other areas :: spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow

The Monocyte-Macrophage system together with the endothelial cells of the Bone Marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes form the RETICULOENDOTHELIAL System for phagocytosis in response to injury.

Inflammation is the tissues response to injury, whether caused by bacteria, trauma, chemicals, heat or any other phenomenon.  Signs of Inflammation are to due vasodilation caused by inflammatory mediators that are released such as histamine, bradykinin, serotonin and prostaglandins. Pressure changes also occur due to the increased blood flow  ::

1) increased blood flow due to vasodilation, also increases redness of tissue 
(more RBCs)
2) swelling in interstitial spaces (edema) due to capillary leakage
3) clotting of fluid due to leakage of proteins and fibrinogen
4) Migration of WBC due to chemotaxis and diapedisis
5) Swelling of tissue cells

Intensity of inflammation is usually proportional to the degree of tissue injury. 

Results :: wall off area of injury by swelling & clotting to delay spread of bacteria or toxic substances

    Local macrophages in the injured tissue are the first to respond within the 1st hour.

    Neutrophils arrive within hours by chemotaxis and diapedisis.  Other monocytes and macrophages arrive over the next few days to weeks to help with the clean-up

Bone Marrow is stimulated to produce more WBCs over the next week and months if   necessary.

WBC Disorders :

Leukocytosis : high WBC count

Leukopenia   : low WBC count

Leukemias    : abnormal, undifferentiated WBC = cancer

named for primary abnormal cell type
myelogenous or myelocytic leukemia
lymphogenous or lymphocytic leukemia

Mononucleosis : increase in monocytes, viral induced

Individual cell increases or decreases :

Neutrophilia, lymphopenia, eosinophilia  etc., based on differential white cell count

III. Platelets     

            Size :  2 - 4 micrometers, fragments of megakaryocyte, enzyme bags

            Function : clotting process --> enzymes, plug, contract

Formation....:: Thrombopoeisis via enzyme thrombopoietin

Hemocytoblast --> megakaryoblast --> promegakaryocyte -->
megakaryocyte -->  cytoplasmic fragments called thrombocytes or platelets

Platelets have many functional characteristics of whole cells:

1. actin and myosin contractile proteins : contraction
2. R.E.R. and glogi for synthesis and storage of enzymes important for clotting cascade
3. Mitochondria for ATP synthesis

Platelet formation in the red bone marrow is regulated by hormone : Thrombopoietin [TPO] from the kidneys as well as Interleukin 6 (Il-6) and Multi-CSF

Life span : approx. 10 days  (8-12 days) and are removed by the macrophages (spleen)

Number : 150,000-300,000 per microliter

Low number of platelets : thrombocytopenia, results in bleeding disorders {pettechia, ecchymosis}

Excess number of platelets : thrombocytosis, results in thrombus formation

IV. Plasma   ~ 55% of blood volume (46-63%)

92% water

remaining : Plasma Proteins.....90% of which are synthesized in the liver

albumin (60%)
globulins (35%)


  Electrolytes : Na+, CL-, K+, etc


  CH2O (glucose), Fatty acids, amino acids



  nonprotein nitrogens (urea)


transport (above)
heat distribution
O /CO2 exchange by diffusion due to concentration differences

NOTE:  serum Vs. clotting factors in serum

Blood Tests :

CBC :  Complete blood count

RBC.....#, size, hemoglobin content

WBC.....differential count

platelet count

HCT (hematocrit) or PCV (packed cell volume)

Clot times


V. Hemostasis :: prevention of blood loss


1) vascular spasm
2) platelet plug
3) coagulation
4) fibrinolysis

a) vascular spasm.......vasoconstriction due to local pain

                                  receptors, smooth muscle contraction will decrease diameter of vessel

In smaller vessels, platelets release thromboxane A2 to cause vasoconstriction.


b) platelet plug...... seal break in vessel wall by attatching to damaged tissue. 
Platelets become sticky, swell,
take on irregular form and make processes

thromboxane A2 causes platelet granules to release chemicals to activate more platelets,
as well as vasoconstriction
Other chemicals are released such as ADP, serotonin, Ca++, and PDGF {platelet derived growth factor}

c) coagulation  (blood clotting to prevent blood loss)

            two pathways (extrinsic and intrinsic) cascade into one common pathway

Events of the common pathway

1) prothrombin activator is formed  (PTA)
2) converts prothrombin to thrombin (PT -> T)
3) thrombin causes fibrinogen --> fibrin, & fibrin traps blood cells, seals hole

d) Fibrous tissue : fibroblasts change clot to C.T.

                             Dissolution of clot : fibrinolysis, thrombolytic events

Coagulation Process of Hemostasis :

  Whether or not the blood will coagulate depends on the balance between the two groups of substances above.

Coagulation Cascade : Two Pathways  --> Extrinsic, and Intrinsic

both pathways require calcium ion (Factor IV)

both sequence forward toward Factor X,
use the same pathway (common pathway) toward forming prothrombin activator (PTA)

extrinsic pathway --> shortcut, clot can start within 15 seconds, begins at vessel wall

intrinsic pathway --> clotting 3-6 min, begins in the bloodstream

 remember...prothrombin and fibrinogen are plasma proteins formed in the liver.

  Vit K is needed for prothrombin formation.

Extrinsic Pathway :

trauma to tissue  releases tissue thromboplastin  (Factor III) and reacts with  Factor VII and Ca++ to activate ---> X

            X    ------------>      active X


PTA (Factor XI)


                        V and Ca++


            PT  (Factor II)  -----------------à   thrombin (IIa)


                        fibrinogen  (Factor I)     --------------------à   fibrin, stabilized with XIIIa to help crosslinking

INTRINSIC PATHWAY :  trauma to blood or exposure to collagen will activate proenzymes and cause platelets to release other chemicals to cause::

XII   à       XII active


XI  -------à  XI active

                          | VIIa, Ca++

IX  ---------à    IX active


VIII-----à VIIIa

                        X  -----à  Xactive



Ca ++ V -----à


PT (Factor II) ------------------------à thrombin (IIa)


fibrinogen (Factor I) ----------------------à  fibrin


Both are positive feed back mechanisms. 

Factor Xa levels for Extrinsic and Factor VIII levels for intrinsic pathways can be measured.

More common measurements are done using Factor X, PTA, thrombin and fibrinogen.

Clot retraction :

platelets contract to compress the clot, causing the edges of tissues to be pulled together for tissue repair and unneeded clots are removed by fibrinolysis involving the enzyme plasmin, the activated form of plasminogen.

Clot growth or formation is limited by :

1) rapid removal of coagulation factors
2) inhibition of activated clotting factors
3) anticoagulants :

Hemostatic Disorders :Thromboembolic and Bleeding

  A. Thromboembolic

thrombus --> blood clot along a vessel wall causes blockage (occulusion)

embolus --> free floating thrombus, can become trapped in smaller vasculature

causes : roughing of vessel wall (endothelium)to slow, flowing blood = stasis

treatment : drugs --> Aspirin affects platelets adherence

          Heparin affects thrombin, Cumarin

     dissolve clots --> streptokinase

B. Bleeding disorders :

1) thrombocytopenia : decreased # of platelets spontaneous bleeding in small vessels

causes : suppression / destruction of myeloid tissue due to radiation, drugs, autoimmune

2) Liver disease: decreasedsynthesis of procoagulants

   prothrombin in Vit K deficiency (fat soluble vitamin); needs bile to absorb fat

factors : VII, IX, X, and fibrinogen (Factor 1)


3) Hemophilia.

sex-linked hereditary bleeding disorders  

Treatment : blood transfusion, clotting factor injection

4) Von Willebrands : protein carrier deficiency for factor VIII

Coagulation tests :  Bleeding time, Clotting time, prothrombin time (PT), and APPT


Whole blood --> severe blood loss, thrombocytopenia

Packed red cells --> anemia

Plasma --> clotting factors

Plasma expanders --> increase blood volume

See appendix for clotting summary, if available