Biology 2402  A&P     Endocrine System  
Dr. Weis                 


Influences the metabolic activities of cells by means of chemical messengers called Hormones

Classic Glands (PTA= 3P,2T,1A)


Other organs with endocrine function include:

pancreas, heart, kidney, gonads, several digestive organs (liver, intestines, stomach)
Hypothalamus, placenta, adipose tissue, skin, tumor cells

Endocrine system has ties to and works with the Nervous and Immune systems in order to maintain homeostasis.

These three systems form a triad of balance and communication.

[NOTE: Be able to compare and contrast the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems based on class discussion and previous A&P classes.]


Chemicals secreted in small amounts from ductless glands and released into circulation to have their affects on other organs. Organs may belong to same system or another system.  If hormones affect organs within the same system, they are local hormones known as paracrines.
NOTE: The use of the term "cytokines" should be reserved for the immune system chemical communication mechanisms.

Classified chemically :

Amino Acid based ::
1. Individual amino acids [i.e tyrosine, tryptophan]
2.Peptides (short chain amino acids, less than 200 AA in length)

3. Polypeptides (long chain amino acids, greater than 200 AA in length)

a) Proteins
b) Glycoproteins
(hemopoietic hormones)

Lipid Based ::
1.Steroids..................derived from cholesterol

2.Eiconosoids........derived from fatty acids (lipid class)
a) Prostaglandins [PGF2alpha]
b) Leukotrienes [inflammatory mediators]

Hormones will influence the activity of certain cells :

Target cells, due to the presence of specific receptors.

Alter cell activity by causing changes in:                                                    

membrane potential changes
protein synthesis
enzyme activity
secretion of substances
Muscle contraction

Hormones may circulate freely or may be bound to carrier proteins. After a certain time in circulation, the various hormones will be inactivated by enzyme breakdown in the plasma, ISF, liver, or kidneys.
The hormone receptors are proteins synthesized by each target cell. The number of receptors for a particular hormone can change depending on the hormone's concentration level and duration in the blood. The receptors are then said to be up-regulated (if the number increases) or down-regulated (if the number decreases). Hormone receptors can either be located within the cell membrane or in the cell. The location and number of receptors will dictate the target cell's response to a particular hromone.

Therefore, all cells are exposed to hormones.  The specific receptor determines the cell's activity to bind the hormone and creating a receptor hormone complex, called the HRC. This is a chemical fit and must happen to create a signal that sends the message.  This signaling is called signal transduction.

Two Signal transduction mechanisms of action [MOA] are involved after the hormone has bound to the receptor::

For receptors located on the membrane:
Formation of secondary messengers :  cAMP, Ca++, cGMP, tyrosine kinase (TK)

For receptors located inside the cell: Direct gene (DNA) activation

Secondary Messenger System

Used by peptide and polypeptide hormones and most single amino acid hormones.  These hormones (first messenger) bind to cell membrane receptors and exert effects through secondary messengers created or released in the cell such as cyclic AMP (cAMP) , Calcium ion (Ca++), or cyclic GMP (cGMP), TK.

Binding to the receptor coupled to a G protein as an intermediary causes activation of an amplifier enzyme.

Specific Examples of Secondary Messenger Systems:

A) Adenyl
cyclase activated  by GTP --> GMP, in the G protein.  This activated enzyme causes the conversion of ATP to cAMPcAMP then activates protein kinases whose main action is to add a phosphate group to different proteins.  The result is the activation or inhibition of these proteins.  cAMP is then degraded by phosphodiesterase (PDE) in the cytoplasm.

B) G protein activates phospholipase C to split PIP into diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol triphosphate (ITP) that act as secondary messengers.  Diacylglycerol activates protein kinase C and can trigger the opening of Ca++ channels.   Ca++ enters from ECF and can then act as a secondary messenger and will bind to its protein calmodulin.  This binding can activate other enzymes.    Inositol triphosphate triggers calcium release from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  This calcium can then act as a third messenger and will bind to its protein calmodulin to then cause activation of certain enzymes, or increase the response of other hormones.

C) Inhibitory mechanisms for Secondary Messengers:: Other G proteins (inhibitory G proteins) when activated  can reduce the levels of secondary messengers and stimulate their removal by other enzymes.  This is seen when an inhibitory G protein activates phosphodiesterase [PDE] to help degrade cAMP to AMP.

Signal Transduction for hormone receptors located in the cell:

Direct Gene Activation

The plasma membrane of the cell is a phospholipid and is lipid soluble.  Steroids and single amino acids will be able to diffuse through the cell membrane to bind to receptors located within the cell.  This hormone-receptor complex interacts with nuclear chromatin at specific DNA regions.  This binding can activate  the genes to start DNA transcription of messenger RNA and translation will result in protein synthesis or this binding can inactivate and therefore decrease the rate of transcription.  This is especially seen with metabolic rates involving thyroid hormones.

Direct gene activation is slower in onset than those messenger systems used by proteins. The delay may be hours to days.

Hormones are very potent chemicals at low blood levels, have short half lives

(t 2 = 1 to 30 minutes), target organ response can be minutes to days.

Control of release: Through negative feedback mechanisms called Endocrine Reflexes.

Stimulus ==> hormone ==> target effect

This stimulus for hormone release can be

1. Hormonal (one hormone causes the release or inhibition of another hormone)
2. Humoral (ions, nutrients in the blood..Ca+, Na+, H20, glucose) == Body fluids (ECF)
3. Neural (nerve fibers stimulate hormone release...seen in the posterior pituitary and adrenal medulla)

The nervous system can override normal endocrine controls primarily by way of the Hypothalamus and its control over the pituitary gland. Recall that the hypothalamus has several nuclei to regulate the functions which include:

The hypothalamus is in the region of the brain called the diencephalon, located below the thalamus.  In this region, during embryological development, the neural ectoderm of the diencephalon forms a diverticulum called the infundibulum which will gravitate downward to form the nervous portion of the pituitary gland. 

From the oral ectoderm of the primitive mouth, a diverticulum known as Rathke's Pouch grows upward toward the brain to form the glandular portion of the pituitary.  These two diverticulum will come in contact and will eventually become the pituitary gland that is located in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone.

The pituitary is therefore two different tissues::

The glandular portion from oral ectoderm is called the adenohypophysis
The nervous portion from neural ectoderm is called the neural hypophysis.

These two lobes of the pituitary can also be named based on anatomical references:

             the anterior lobe or anterior pituitary (AP)

             the posterior lobe or posterior pituitary (PP).

The adenohypophysis (AP) consists of the :

pars distalis..........anterior wall of the anterior lobe
pars tuberalis.........small dorsal extension
pars intermedia........poorly defined, rudimentary in humans

The neurohypophysis (PP) consists of the :

median eminence
infundibular stem
pars nervosa ..........forms most of the posterior lobe

The pituitary is connected to the hypothalamus by way of the pituitary stalk that is formed from the pars tuberalis and the infundibular stem.  Around the stalk are blood vessels that supply both parts of the pituitary individually and are named the posterior pituitary artery & vein and the anterior pituitary artery & vein. Hormones secreted from each area of the pituitary enter their own individual blood supply to eventually be delivered to the heart and then sent to the rest of the body tissues.

Because the pituitary consists of two different tissues, the Hypothalamus has to maintain control over the pituitary by two different means :

The posterior pituitary by neural connections called the hypothalamo-neurophyseal system
The anterior pituitary by vascular connections called the hypophyseal portal system.

Neurons whose cell bodies are located in the hypothalamus are involved in secreting peptide hormones.  Their unmyelinated fibers have a pathway through the median eminence and pituitary stalk and will end on the basement membrane of capillaries from the inferior pituitary artery that supplies the posterior pituitary.  These hypothalamic neurons, the supraoptic and paraventricular, can secrete one of two peptide hormones:

             antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or also called arginine vasopressin (AVP)

             oxytocin (OT)

These hormones are formed in the neuron cell body and travel by axonal flow down the nerve fibers by way of a protein carrier (neurophysin) and will be stored in the nerve endings, to be released upon stimulation of the particular hypophyseal neuron, and then this neuropeptide can be carried through the blood system.

Therefore, the posterior pituitary has close direct anatomical association with the hypothalamus due to its neural connections. The nerve fiber tracks and axon terminals form the hypothalamic hypophyseal track and are supported by pituicytes, the cells of the posterior pituitary.

Hypothalamic Control over the Anterior Pituitary

The hypothalamus has no direct neural connection to the anterior pituitary, but has connections through the blood supply from the superior pituitary artery.  This vessel will break into two capillary plexuses. 

The primary plexus is located near the median eminence and surrounds the axonal ends of the tuberinfundibular neurons located in the ventral hypothalamus. The secondary plexus surrounds the anterior pituitary lobe.  The two plexuses are connected by small hypophyseal portal veins and this whole system becomes the hypophyseal portal system and provides a vascular connection between the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus.......How ?  

     The tuberinfundibular neurons in the median eminence secrete releasing or inhibitory peptide hormones.  (releasing hormone or RH, inhibitory hormone or IH).  These hormones go into the primary plexus through the fenestrations in the capillary wall, then into the portal circulation, and then secondary plexus that surrounds the anterior pituitary (AP).  These RH or IH affect the AP by regulating its hormone producing cells.

Some Hypothalamic factors :

CRH..........      corticotropin releasing hormone

GnRH.........     gonadotrophic releasing hormone

TRH..........       thyrotropic releasing hormone

GHRH........     growth hormone releasing hormone

GHIH.........      growth hormone inhibitory hormone (also called somatostatin)  

PIH.........         prolactin inhibitory hormone (also called Dopamine)

PRH.........       prolactin releasing hormone

Therefore.......the posterior pituitary STORES the hormones of the hypothalamus, and the anterior pituitary responds by releasing or stopping its hormones under the direction of the hypothalamic factors, -RH or -IH.  Thus, the anterior pituitary cells become the target cells for the hypothalamic factors. 

The various cell types of the AP are :

chromophobes : no color, resting and precursor cells
chromophils : take up color -->
acidophils...........either secrete GH or PRL
basophils............secrete one of these hormones: FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH

So the anterior pituitary hormones are :

1. Growth hormone (GH)  {also called somatotrophin}

increase cell size, increase mitosis,
increase cell uptake of amino acids for protein synthesis,
increase use of fatty acids for energy,
conserves glycogen
decreases use of glucose. 
With the help of somatomedins from the liver, will affect bone and muscle growth.
GH is secreted throughout life, varies in response to stress and the state of nutrition

2. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)  {a.k.a.  Thyrotrophin}

stimulates activity of the thyroid gland to release its hormones T3 and T4
 Regulated by TRH and somatostatin

3. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)  {corticotropin}

stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids, primarily glucocorticoids
regulated by CRH from the hypothalamus

4. Gonadotropins : regulate function of gonads

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) or {Follitropin}-->

gamete production

 females.......follicle production, oogenesis, estrogens (estrones, estradiol)

Luteinizing Hormone (LH or {Lutropin}) -->

gonadal hormones

female : ovulation, progesterone, estrogens (to a lesser degree)
male : androgens (testosterone) from interstitial cells of testis

Gonadotropins are regulated by GnRH, negative feedback, and inhibin

5. Prolactin (PRL)

stimulates milk production and mammary gland development due to increase in receptors triggered by the
increases estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy.
positive feed back cycle due to sucking of baby
Regulated by PRH
inhibited by PIH (dopamine)
In males: PRL helps regulate androgen prodcution via LH sensitivy of the interstitial cells of the testes.

6. Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) or {Melanotropin}

from pars intermedia of the anterior pituitary
stimulates melanocytes to increase melanin production in most mammals
may help to stimulate the adrenal gland in humans.

POSTERIOR PITUITARY storage hormones :

1. Oxytocin

Primarily from the paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei
smooth muscles of uterus for contraction during labor
Stimulates contraction of muscles around mammary gland for milk ejection (or milk letdown)
regulated by neural stimuli, positive feed back

2. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or argenine vasopressin (AVP)

Released due to a change in blood pressure or changes in osmolarity of body fluids,
regulated by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamic nuclei that transmit excitatory impulses to the supraoptic or paraventricular nuclei for hormone release. (Primarly from the Supraoptic hypothalamic nuclei).
Also will be released in response to trauma, pain, drugs

*targets the kidney distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts to change their permeability to water causing reabsorption, and thereby decreasing the amount of urine that is produced.
* constricts arterioles in response to decreased blood volume

Problems seen :
lack of ADH, therefore increased water loss seen with Diabetes Insipidus (DI)
Treatment --> vasopressin as injection or nasal spray.

Excessive ADH: due to neuronal damage or ectopic cancer cells
Treatment--> monitor fluid and Na+ levels


I. Thyroid gland

gross : below larynx, anterior to trachea,  two lobes connected by an isthmus

micro : simple cuboidal epithelial lined follicles that produce colloid that is primarily thyroglobulin

   center cavity (lumen) stores thyroglobulin and iodine trapped by the epithelial cells.

   parafollicular cells....tissue around the follicles produces calcitonin

Two thyroid hormones are produced from tyrosine (-----) on the thyroglobulin and the oxidized form of iodine (*)

tyrosine + 1 iodine --> monoiodotyrosine  (MIT) or T1  *------

tyrosine + 2 iodines --> diiodotyrosine   (DIT) or T2  *------*

Enzymes link  MIT + DIT --> T3 or triiodothyronine   and    DIT + DIT --> T4 or thyroxine                

These thyroid hormones have the same function :

stimulate metabolic rate and tissue growth BUT differ in potency : intensity and duration


more potent, shorter half life
10% is produced by thyroid gland
most is converted at the target tissue from T4 to T3.

T4....thyroxine has a .longer duration, 90% of the thyroid hormone that is produced by the thyroid follicle.

The thyroid gland stores the hormone linked to the thyroglobulin and releases the hormone into circulation.  It can remain free and therefore stay active as thyroid hormones , and then can diffuse into the cell and bind to receptors in the cell  (DNA direct acting system).  The receptors are either in the cytoplasm and the hormone receptor complex then moves into the nucleus or the thyroid receptors can also be found on the mitochondria, thus affecting ATP production.  Because these hormones are considered lipid soluble, they can thereby potentially affect all cells.  Very small amounts of thyroid are in the unbound active state, these are called "free" thyroid hormones. Most of the thyroid hormones are bound to proteins such as albumin, or a specific protien called thyroid binding globulin (TBG). Protein binding of hormones allows for transport to target tissues & then the hormone is released from its protein to have an effect on the cell.

 Controls :                   

          Hypothalamus --> TRH  ==> AP --> TSH ==> Thyroid --> T4, T3

inhibited by glucocorticoids, somatostatin ,negative feedback from T4, T3 concentrations

Thyroid hormone functions :

increase metabolic rate, increase protein synthesis,
affects Na+/K+ transport across cell membrane,
simulates uptake of glucose and has effects on glycolysis rates
affects cardiovascular system. : increased rate, blood flow, and oxygen usage
increase motility of digestive system                         
promotes growth in young children, especially for muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems

Thyroid hormone problems :

hypothyroidism.....defects in TRH, TSH, gland
lack of iodine
gland inflammation (thyroiditis)
gland removal
hyperthyroidism....hyperplastic gland :: thyroid adenoma
 due to antibodies.....autoimmune disease from antigens to thyroid cells
Graves Disease
Toxic Goiter

Thyroid Gland :

Calcitonin from parafollicular cells --> C cells

Control for this Hormone's release is under humoral or blood levels of calcium ion. It is then triggered by high levels of blood calcium.
The final effects
are to lower blood calcium levels by effects on skeletal system :

stimulates calcium uptake and storage in bone, target cells are the osteoblasts
inhibits release  primarily useful in children

short duration of effects, overridden by PTH


II. Parathyroids

Tiny glands embedded in posterior aspect of thyroid

produce parathormone (PTH) from the chief cells

*** most important control of blood calcium levels.

Calcium is maintained at 9-10 mg % in the blood

50% in ionized in plasma and is functional
41% bound to proteins in the plasma
 9% bound to citrate or phosphate

If calcium is too low ----Hypocalcemia occurs causes changes in the neuron membrane and makes it more excitable. (decreases in calcium ion cause increases in sodium ion)   neurons fire impulses & cause muscle contraction to the point of tetany affects blood clotting mechanisms

If calcium is too high --- Hypercalcemia (Increases in calcium ion cause decreases in sodium ion) neuronal membranes change, slow down and heart changes seen on ECG  at QT interval
Calcium can precipitate in soft tissues, primarily kidneys.

When calcium levels in the blood fall, PTH stimulates :

1. skeletal system......osteoclasts to digest bone and release calcium, inhibits osteoblasts activity to decrease the rate of calcium deposition.                                                      

2. digestive system....increase absorption of calcium, but Vitamin D is required

3. kidneys...... resorption of calcium and put in back into the plasma via hormonal release of calcitrol (made from Vit D)

Problems :

Hypoparathyroidism..........decreased blood calcium--> Muscle Tetany
Hyperparathyroidism..........increased blood calcium -> CNS depression
decalcification of bone
Kidney stones


III. Adrenal Glands

Located at superior pole of kidneys; Grossly triangular in shape

structure :

            inner medulla from neural ectoderm
            outer cortex from mesoderm, three zones
            connective tissue capsule

A) Adrenal Cortex......cortical cells arranged in 3 regions

1. Zona glomerulosa

outermost region, under capsule
produce mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
control balance of minerals and water
stimulated by Na+ levels and Angiotensin II
Blocked by ANP

2. Zona Fasciculata

middle region of the adrenal cortex
secrete glucocorticoids (cortisone, cortisol) in response to ACTH from the AP

3. Zona Reticularis

inner region of the adrenal cortex
secrete glucocorticoids [in response to ACTH] and gonadocorticoids [primarily testosterone]

Adrenal Gland Cortical Hormones


95% aldosterone

primary regulation of Na+

decreases the secretion of sodium by acting on the distal kidney tubules and collecting ducts to stimulate reabsorption of sodium and allows potassium elimination in the urine. when sodium is reabsorbed, water is reabsorbed by the osmotic gradient that is created.

Aldosterone release controlled by :

a) renin-angiotensin system

in response to decresed Na+, increased K+ renin from the kidneys initiates a cascade that converts angiotensin to angiotensin II to stimulate aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex=s zona glomerulosa.

b) Plasma concentrations of Na+ and K+ can directly affect the zona glomerulosa

Decrease Na+,  increase K+   --> stimulate
Increase Na+,  decrease K+   --> inhibit

c) ACTH  --> increased amounts during stress can cause and increased rate of aldosterone secretion

d) atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)    old name ANF   (F= factor)

peptide hormone from the heart responsible for fine tuning of blood pressure
will BLOCK secretion of Aldosterone
(an inhibitory affect), thereby allowing sodium and water to be lost and decreasing blood pressure

Problems :


1. edema
2. hypertension
3. K+ excretion excessive ==> hypokalemia
causing hyperpolarization & preventing action potential transmission

Hyposecretion ...........Addison's Disease

lack of aldosterone
increased K+  ==> hyperkalemia
changes heart contraction and causes arrhythmias

Glucocorticoids :

synthesized from cholesterol

influence metabolism :  gluconeogenesis by liver (make glucose)  anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive

allow us to adapt to stress situations  (AP exams :-)

          Three glucocorticoids  (GCC)

cortisol  (hydrocortisone),  primary GCC secreted

Hypothalamus, CRH --> AP, ACTH --> Adrenal Gland, GCC

control by negative feedback due to GCC concentrations

            Problems :

Hyperadrenocorticoidism (Cushings Disease)

hypersecretion of GCC, classic changes seen related to fat metabolism, muscle thinning

Hyposecretion of GCC, usually associated with Addisons disease

Gonadocorticoids from zona reticularis :

primarily androgens --> testosterone in small amounts
problems ==> tumor cause increase, if in female can cause masculization

Adrenal Medulla Hormones

connections with the sympathetic nervous system since it becomes the postganglionic neuron

hormones secreted :

Epinephrine (primarily)

released in response to sympathetic stimulation. 

Affect tissues with alpha and beta receptors  :

stimulate heart (beta 1)
affects blood vessels  (alpha and beta)
dilate bronchioles (beta 2)
increase blood sugar, fat mobilization
dilates pupils (alpha 1)

IV. Pancreas

Endocrine and exocrine gland

associated with the first part of the duodenum of the small intestine

Exocrine pancreas  --> 99% of the pancreass, acinar cells secrete digestive enzymes

Endocrine pancreas --> cluster of cells called the Islets of Langerhans

alpha cells...secrete glucagon
beta cells....secrete insulin
delta cells...secrete somatostatin
F cells........secrete pancreatic peptide

1) Glucagon

alpha cells produce in response to low blood glucose
agent targeted at the liver to cause :
a) glycogenolysis  (glycogon --> glucose)
b) gluconeogenesis (fatty acids -> glucose-> and also amino acids --> glucose)
c) Triglyceride breakdown to release Fatty Acids for energy

  glucagon will then cause a rise in blood glucose inhibited by somatostatin and high blood glucose

2) Insulin

synthesized as proinsulin

produced by beta cells of the pancreatic islets

effects : lower blood glucose

            enhances membrane uptake & glucose transport into cells

(except for liver, kidney, brain --> no insulin is needed)

glucose is then used for ATP production, or stored as glycogen, or fat

Insulin release is stimulated by :

increased blood glucose
increased amino acids
gastrointestinal hormones
GH, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone
decreased release of insulin due to somatostatin and glucagon  

Problems for Endocrine Pancreas:

hyposecretion or hypoactivity of insulin

causes blood glucose levels to increase --> Hyperglycemia.

  Renal threshold for glucose is reached and glucose is eliminated in urine --> causing glycosuria.

fats are mobilized since glucose cannot be used metabolites form and are called ketone bodies these are acids and will decrease the blood pH levels causing ketosis, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis.

signs : polyuria --> increased urination

glucose prevents water resorption
from kidneys, therefore lost
   polydipsia --> loss of water stimulates
thirst center in hypothalamus due to dehydration
   polyphagia --> excessive hunger, increased food consumption

therefore :

DIABETES MELLITUS   (DM)  occurs...........

types :  Type I DM, insulin dependent

uvenile onset, no insulin is being produced

Type II DM, non insulin dependent

mature, adult onset,  insulin produced -->due to:
inadequate amounts  or decrease in cell receptors

chronic problems of Diabetes ::

               affect the circulatory system.......hemorrhage  because of changes in vascular system

               cataracts...due to change in glucose metabolism in the lens

V.  Gonads

Female.........ovaries : follicles produce estrogen in response to FSH

            Allow for secondary sex characteristics, and development of reproductive organs, follicular development and oogenesis

LH causes ovulation of mature follicle and the corpus luteum to produce progesterone and some estrogens

Male...........testosterone production in response to LH:

allows reproductive organ maturation,
secondary sex characteristics, sex drive, and sperm production

Regulated by GnRH from hypothalamus ==> FSH, LH from AP ==>Gonadotropins

Inhibited by negative feedback of hormone concentrations and inhibin

VI. Pineal Gland

located in the epithalamus (Aeye brain@) of the diencephalon

produces melatonin

amount of hormone produced is related to visual pathway and light

Melatonin reduces the rate of GnRH,  thereby slowing down reproductive organ activity.

This provides seasonality to lower mammals in regards to reproduction, and stops the heat cycles in winter months to prevent pregnancy and loss of offspring due to decreased survival rates.

VII. Thymus

located in the anterior mediastinum, behind the upper portion of the sternum

found in infants and children, will atrophy after puberty with the gradual loss of cells and be replaced with adipose tissue

produces hormones essential for development of the immune system. 

The  major hormones are called  : Thymosins

            These hormones  have their effects on the lymphocytes to process

            and program them to become Specific Immune System defense cells.

The hormones create and are responsible for producing the group

of lymphocytes known as T-lymphocytes (T-cells) that are necessary for cellular immunity.

Other Tissues with endocrine functions ::

Placenta ::   reproductive hormones

Adipose: Leptin, Resitin, Estrogen

Heart     ::   ANP

Kidneys ::   

1. Calcitrol.....hormone secreted in response to PTH from Parathyroids.
Calcitrol is responsible for the effects seen with PTH on Ca++
And this hormone will also affect the GI tract's absorption of calcium
2. Erythropoietin....hormone secreted that affects the bone marrow stem cell
to produce more red blood cells (RBC).  Stimulus is O2 dependent.
3. Renin (angiotensin) affect adrenal gland zona glomerulosa and production of aldosterone

Summary ::

Hormone concentrations are regulated by feedback mechanisms (+/-)

pulsated, not a continuous production
levels are increased by increasing frequency of pulses
times :: pulsated hourly, 1-24, every 24

Hormone interactions

Antagonistic (glucagon vs insulin for blood glucose levels)
Synergistic (GCC and GH)
Permissive (NE and thyroid to affect metabolism)
Integrative (somatomedins and GH)

Disorders :

deficiency of hormone
excessive amounts of hormones
resistance due to receptor deficits,                                             
antibodies against hormones

Aging :  

decreased secretion rates
decreased organ response
change in target cell receptor sensitivity
 structural change -->
increased connective tissue
decreased vascularity
decreased hormone production

Clinical Assessment

Relate results to normal basal levels of hormones using organ function tests

specific tests :

blood levels of hormones
response to drug challenges to detect changes in levels or negative feedback
levels or negative feedback controls

Review Hormone Effects on