2402 AP II
Lecture Notes Heart
Dr. Weis
Heart Anatomy :
Location......anterior mediastinum in pericardial cavity
extends from 2nd rib to 5th intercostal space, ~ the size of the fistoblique position --> tilted to the left, with 2/3 mass to the left of the midsternal lineposterior to the sternum
Shape : cone-like, has superior broad base and inferior pointed apex
Coverings : Double walled pericardium, to keep heart suspended, anchored and to reduce friction
1) fibrous pericardium : outer, dense C.T., fxn: protection, anchor2) serous pericardium : two layers, thin dense C.T. divided into --> parietal and visceral (epicardium)cavity between 2 layers is called the pericardial cavity and contains serous fluid --> pericardial fluid that acts to lubricate and decrease friction.
Wall : Three layers
1) epicardium (visceral pericardium), outer serous membrane with C.T.2) myocardium , middle, contractile muscle3) endocardium , inner endothelial simple squamous lining of chambers and valves continuous with the endothelium of the vessels.
Myocardium : three types of cardiac muscle
a. atrialb. ventricularc. excitatory/conductive : autorhythmic, spontaneously depolarize, non contractile which makes up ~ 1% of cardiac muscle, smaller in size
Cardiac muscle :
branches, striations due to actin/myosin arrangementcentral single nucleus, intercalated discs are gap junctions anchored by desmosomes, help with electrical conductionindividual small cells in series and create syncytium (atrial & ventricular)fxn: contraction has longer duration of depolarization and longer refractory period
Myocardium also has connective tissue (collagen & elastin fibers) that are arranged in bundles to form a fibroskeleton that fxn: links myocardium together, provides reinforcement and anchor, and helps direct electrical conduction pathway.
CHAMBERS : #4 --> 2 upper atria (R,L); 2 lower ventricles (R,L)
The chambers have muscular and connective tissue divisions.
Septal muscular walls divide Right from leftSulcus connective tissue divides upper from lower
Atria : small, thin walled, separated by interatrial septum that has a depression --> fossa ovalis
Atria have an auricle as an extensable appendage for extra blood storage within its walls
Within the auricle are ridges of tissue called the pectinate muscle.
right atria : receives blood from three veins -->
Superior Vena Cava from head and upper trunkInferior Vena Cava from lower trunkCoronary Sinus from heartleft atria : 4 pulmonary veins from lungs
Ventricles : thick walled, muscle ridges formed and consist of trabeculae carnae and papillary muscles
right ventricle : forms anterior surface of heart
pumps blood to pulmonary trunk
thin walled structure as compared to the left ventricle
left ventricle : posterior surface of heart forms apex and PMI (point of maximal intensity) for auscultation. It is the thickest of all chambers, pumps blood to aorta -> body.
Grooves :
atrioventricular groove : (right and left)at junction of atria and ventriclesalso known as the coronary sulcus or "crown"
Interventricular sulcus :
anterior separation of rt/lf ventricles anteriorlyposterior separation of rt/lf ventricles posteriorly
Systemic Circuit Pulmonary Circuit
serves many tissues/organs serves single organ
many controls and requirements by different organs passive system, single organ requirement
high resistance (R = P/F) low resistance
covers long distance short distance, lungs @ same level as heart
high pressure due to left ventricle low pressure
BLOOD PATHWAY also involves the coronary circuit that supplies the myocardium itself and is part of the systemic circuit.
Arteries carry blood AWAY from the heart, Veins carry blood back to the heart
Blood from body --> rt atrium --> rt ventricle --> pulmonary trunk / pulmonary arteries -->
pulmonary capillaries in lungs for gas exchange (CO2, O2) --> pulmonary veins --> left atria --> left ventricle --> aorta --> body
Heart Valves (#4)
A) Two atrioventricular (AV) at junction of atria/ventricle
rt AV ==> tricuspid (three flaps)lf AV ==> bicuspid (two flaps), a.k.a. Mitral valve
These valves are anchored by collagen fibers called the CORDAE TENDINAE that extend from the papillary muscles to help keep valves in closed postion and prevent bulging of valves too far back into atria.
B) Two semilunar valves at junction of ventricles and vessels
aortic..........left ventricle and aortapulmonary.......right ventricle and pulmonary trunk
The semilunar valves have three cusps that
are cup-like and normally stay closed to prevent back flow of blood into the
ventricles. They will open with increased pressure in ventricles.
Problems with valves :
incompetent valve..............does not close
valvular stenosis..............stiff, constrict opening
Fxn ....blood supply within epicardium, for the heart muscle itself
From base of aorta, first arterial branches of the ascending aorta are the Coronary Arteries.
The Coronary arteries encircle the heart in the AV groove and has right and left branches.
These arteries interconnect to form an anastomoses and allow continual
blood flow to heart m.
The left coronary artery give rise to the:
1) anterior interventricular a.
supplies the interventricular septumruns along the anterior rt/lf ventricles
2) circumflex a.
supplies left atrium & posterior left ventricular wall
The right coronary artery gives rise to the :
1) marginal a.
supplies the lateral right myocardium
2) posterior interventricular a.
supplies the heart apex
Blood return from the heart back to the Right Atrium:
Coronary capillaries form the cardiac veins :
Great C.V. from the anterior interventricular a., lies in the Anterior Interventricular sulcus
Middle C.V. from the posterior interventricular a., lies in the Posterior Interventricular sulcus
Small C.V. from the marginal a., lies along the Right Inferior Margin
These cardiac veins and other anterior and posterior cardiac veins will drain into the cardiac sinus that empties into the right atrium.
In addition to the blood supply, the cardiac muscle requires a constant supply of oxygen, and can store oxygen on the heme units of the myoglobin. The muscle contains large number of mitochondria and will use energy stores from glycogen and lipids.
Cardiac Muscle Histological Characteristics:
1) Synctial.......cells that are electrically fused together to create a single unit.
Created by intercalated discs (gap junctions
anchored by desmosomes) and branching of cardiac muscle cells found in
the atria and ventricles
2) Specialized Conduction System....... ~ 1 % of cardiac muscle, modified cardiac muscle cells that are autorhymic
may be seen grossly, pale large areas of modified cardiac fibers that contain large amounts of glycogen
parts of this conduction system :
Cardiac Conduction System :
a. sinoatrial node (SA node)...........Pacemaker
located along the superior lateral wall of the right atrium, near the entrance ofthe Superior Vena Cava. The primary part of the conduction system, whosefibers are continuous with the atrial fibers
b. Atrioventricular node (AV node)
rt. atrium above the rt AV valve (tricuspid) on right side of interatrial septum
c. AV bundle (Bundle of His) connects atria and ventricular synctia
d. Rt., Left Bundle branches in septal wall
e. Purkinje Fibers and moderator band
located in papillary muscle and ventricular free wall
Contraction.........Muscle Action Potential Events
Cardiac muscle has
1) ion channels : fast sodium channels for initial depolarization
slow calcium channels, voltage regulated
slow potassium channels
2) smaller sarcoplasmic reticulum, stores some Ca++
3) shorter, wider T-tubules, store Ca++
4) no triads
Upon stimulation from
the specialized cells of the cardiac conduction system, Cardiac muscle
events are as follows:
Na+ channels open, Na+ in, changes membrane potential and causes depolarization.
Na+ channels will close rapidly. Voltage regulated Ca++ open, 20% Ca++ flows in and triggers the T-tubules to cause a releases some of its stored Ca++ in the SR and allow Ca++ in extra cellular fluid (ECF) to go down the tubules which prolongs the depolarization via the slow Ca++ channels.
SR completes the release the rest of its stores of Ca++ into the myocardial cells. The SR will contribute 80% of the calcium need for contraction.
Ca++ binds to troponin & allows myosin to interact with actin to cause cross bridge formation and movement of Sarcomeres to create a contraction. Contraction is graded, variable and is proportional to the number of cross bridges formed (myosin binding to actin)
The contraction stops when the AP ceases and Ca++ is then taken up by SR and T-tubules
a) prolonged depolarization and increased strength of contraction due to slow Ca++ channels
b) K+ slow channels are delayed in opening until all Na + and Ca++ channels close.
This will delay the return of membrane
potential toward resting which affects prolonged depolarization.
When K+ channels open, K+ out to repolarize
c) Refractory period also longer to prevent wave summation and tetany
Muscle contraction occurs as a unit :: all or noneThe heart muscle is self-excitable due to autorhythmic cells
For the specialized cells of the cardiac conduction System:
Overall, they follow some of the same rules as regular cardiac muscle just discussed, however, this excitable tissue can discharge repetitively since the threshold for stimulation is lower..........
The resting membrane potential is @ -60mV (vs -90mV)
due to the leaking of Na+ in.
(K+ is kept out due to decreased permeability)
2) Na+ in will allow for a change membrane potential toward threshold (-40mV)
3) At threshold, Na+ and fast Ca++ channels open generating AP
4) Ca++/Na+ channels close
5) K+ channels open, K+ out, repolarize and overshoot to hyperpolarize membrane
6) K+ channels close, Na+ leaks back in via leak channels to cause Na+ gated channels to open and start the cycle again.
Sequence for conduction system and resulting events:
SA node.........spontaneously depolarizes, determines fastest heart rate ==> sinus rhythm at 75-100 bpm
atria..........contract to empty final contents of blood into ventricles
AV node (inferior to interatrial septum).........delays
AP to ventricle due to the delay in the node itself due to decreased number
of gap junctions and therefore decreased ion transport and smaller more
resistant fibers.
This delay allows the atria to finish their contraction
(systole) phase.
AV bundle (Bundle of HIS at the superior interventricular septum)..... will divide into
the right and left Bundle branches.... in intra-ventricular septum
Purkinje fibers... large fibers, velocity
of AP --> FAST gap junctions @ intercalated discs
Start from base of septum --> apex --> ventricles (papillary
muscles then ventricular free walls)
Since ventricular muscle spirals, the impulse
angles and contraction occurs at the same time due to the sequencing of Purkinje
fibers and so an ejection wave is created.
If conduction too slow, one part may contract before another.
Summary of conduction :
*Ion effect......
*Link between atria and ventricles
AV node ==> AV Bundle (AVB)
must be functional to transmit SA node impulses to the ventricles
*Spontaneous depolarization of autorhythmic cells
SA...........70-80 beats per minute (bpm) = sinus rhythm
AV............40-60 approx. 50 bpm = junctional rhythm
AVB............35 bpm
Purkinje........15-40 approx. 30 bpm
1. irregular cardiac rhythm.........arrhythmia
2. uncoordinated contraction...atrial or ventricular
3. fibrillation.........irregular, out of phase
4. ectopic focus........abnormal pacemaker
5. premature contractions......PVCs, extra systole
Other control ........
* ANS to modify the activity of the intrinsic system
* Drugs
electrical currents recorded by electrocardiography to produce a tracing --> Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Standard Leads : Lead I, II, III are called bipolar limb leads that use the right leg as ground and records same event from different perspective
Lead I :: RA (-) ---------------> LA (+)Lead II :: RA (-) ---------------> LL (+)Lead III :: LA (-) ---------------> LL (+)
These leads form an equilateral triangle around the heart known as Einthoven's triangle
If the voltage in two leads is known, the other lead can be calculated since :
voltage of II = I + III, known as Einthoven's Law
If the heart is placed in the center, these
voltage lines will allow for vector analysis to determine which direction
the heart is depolarizing.
Other leads involve chest leads and augmented unipolar leads.
The current flows from base to apex, from endocardium outward through the ventricular muscle.
The ECG tracing will detect the electrical events and depict the event as a deflection wave:
ECG can be divided into Segments and Intervals ::
Segment/Interval Bioelectrical Event
P - Q interval conduction from SA node TO ventricular muscle
P - Q segment His/Purkinje impulse conduction
QRS interval impulse conduction through ventricular myocardium
Q - T interval depolarization of ventricular myocardium, repolarization of ventricular myocardium
S - T segment depolarized state, no current, should be at baseline if deviates......myocardial damage/ ischemia
T - P segment no Bioelectrical activity, variable length : depends on heart rate if fast may not see, since P wave will overlap t wave
ECG tracings are calibrated using lined paper
10 vertical lines = 1mV
1" horizontal = 1 second
Arrhythmias :: can be detected on ECG
1) abnormal pacemaker rhythm2) different pacemaker (not SA node)3) blocked transmission4) abnormal impulse pathway5) spontaneous generation of impulses (ectopic, PVC)
** abnormal sinus rhythm :
tachycardia........>100 bpm, increased temp, sympathetic, toxicbradycardia........< 60 bpm, causes : vagal stimulationsinus arrhythmia ... cause : respiration
** impulse conduction :
SA P waveventricles will pick up rhythm, have QRSAV block .....causes --> ischemia of node/fiberscompression of scar tissue or calcium depositinflammation (myocarditis)
vagus nerve excessive stimulation
1) first degree AV block
2) second degree AV block
3) Complete or third degree AV block
other arrhythmias ::
* premature contractions (ectopic beats)
result of ectopic foci that emit abnormal impulses at odd times.
Caused by ischemia, calcification, toxins
premature atrial contractionsAV node/ Bundle prematurepremature ventricular contraction (PVCs)
* paroxysmal tachycardia
* fibrillation : ventricular and atrial
* cardiac arrest
Cardiac Physiology Continued:
CARDIAC CYCLE.....all the events that happen with blood flow through the heart in the period from one heart beat to the next
> 1 sec.
Cardiac Cycle Events::
contraction and relaxation change the pressure and blood volume within the heart
Mechanical phases:
cycle occurs for all chambers, so that we have
Recall that the energy for muscle contractions comes from
For aerobic respiration, oxygen is stored in cardiac muscle bound to myoglobin
Cardiac cycle ----->
1) DIASTOLE (atrial and ventricular)
low pressureblood from circulation --> atria --> AV valves open --> filling ventriclesthen P wave, atrial contraction (systole) --> remove blood from atriaempty remaining into ventriclesVentricles depolarize (QRS)atrial diastole
2) Ventricular SYSTOLE
AV valves closed, increase in ventricular pressure during isovolumetric contraction that finally exceeds arterial side and forces open the semilunar valves and creates the ventricular ejection phase to move blood to aorta or pulmonary trunk
The atria are in diastole, filling with blood
3) Ventricular Diastole (t - wave)
decrease pressure in ventricles during isovolumetric relaxation, so the semilunar valves close
[second heart sound]increased pressure in atria, open AV valves and allows ventricular filling
flow controlled by pressure changes due to contraction and relaxation phases
flow from higher pressure to lower heart valves keep blood flow in one direction
AV (tricuspid, mitral) --> prevent back flow of blood from ventricles to atria during systole
Semilunar (aortic, pulmonary) --> prevent back flow of blood from aorta and pulmonary artery during diastole
Valves passively close and open due to pressure gradients created by myocardial contraction
Heart sounds :: associated with closing of the heart valves
first heart sound .....AV valve closure onset of systolesecond heart sound ... semilunar valve closure ventricular diastolethird and fourth heart sounds ... due to systolic and diastolic blood flow.Almost never heard in normal heart.
Auscultation of individual valve sounds at various intercostal spaces
Murmur.....abnormal heart sound due to the turbulence of blood flow
1) incompetent valve, blood flows backward
2) stenotic valve, restricts blood flow
CARDIAC OUTPUT..............measured in ml/min
Defined as: the amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle in one minute
Formula is based on the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV)
CO = HR (beats/min) x SV (ml/beats)
Heart rate is given in beats per minute
Stroke volume or ejection fraction is the amount of blood pumped by a ventricle with each beat and is calculated by EDV-ESV
If the heart rate is 75 beats per minute and the normal stroke volume is 70 ml per beat, then the cardiac output would be :
CO = 75 bpm X 70 ml/beat = 5250 ml/min = 5.25 l/min
(remember that
normal blood volume is 5 liters)
Factors that affect CO
Output can be increased or decreased depending on the demand, and can be affected
by volume or rate
The difference between cardiac output at rest and cardiac output at maximum
is known as the cardiac reserve.
The amount of volume that the heart can pump is regulated by :
1) venous return2) autonomic nervous system
I. Venous return : The primary control for CO
the greater the heart is filled during diastole, the greater the quantity of blood that is pumped into the aorta.
This degree of stretching before cardiac contraction is called the PRELOAD
Increased stretching ==> causes a change in the orientation of actin and myosin, and will increase the # of cross-bridges, therefore increasing the force of contraction. Preload will also stretch nodes in atria and therefore increase HR
So, the enlargement or the degree of stretch of ventricles is the preload and affects its control over::
a) stroke volumeb) force of contraction
AFTERLOAD : is the load against which the muscle exerts its contractile force.
for the ventricle --> the pressure in artery against which the ventricle must contract
Increase in resistance will decrease CO and is measured during the diastolic phase and indicated by the diastolic pressure.
II. ANS....the medulla contains cardiac centers controlled by the hypothalamus
and monitored by baroreceptors
for pressure and chemoreceptors for O2 and CO2
Sympathetic : distributed to all parts of the heart
Norepinephrine (beta 1) -->> increases Na+/Ca++ perm.
therefore moves the resting membrane potential toward threshold.*** Increased force and rate increase cardiac output
Parasympathetic effects via the Vagus Nerve:
primarily supplied to atria near SA/AV nodeseffects --> decrease cardiac contractions and decrease rate
ACH from postganglionic parasympathetic neurons will decrease rate of rhythm of SA node due to:
decrease excitability of AV junction fibers, therefore slows transmission of cardiac impulse to ventriclesincreases permeability to K+, so K+ leaks as K+ moves out, the membraneinside goes toward -70mV., hyperpolarizing the membrane. Therefore, Na+ leak takes longer to reach threshold
Regulation via:
1) ANS......Symp/Parasymp
Vagal tone
on SA node
2) Pressure -- Baroreceptors to detect Blood pressure
located in carotid sinus, aortic arch
3) Chemical .........
hormones : Epinephrine, Thyroxineions : Ca++, Na+, K+
4) Other.......Exercise, Drugs, age, gender, exercise tolerance, temperature
Changes in heart rate are termed
Tachycardia (increased HR) due to
- increases in temperature
- Stress
- Drugs
- Sympathetic stimulation
Bradycardia (decreased HR) due to
- head trauma
- decreased temperature
- drugs
- Parasympathetic stimulation
Increased cardiac rate ---> pump more blood will occur up to a certain limit
Excessive rate --> decreased strength due to decreased ventricular filling since diastolic time is reduced
Balance between Venous return and Cardiac Output
Disease............Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
the heart develops from mesoderm in the region of the neck
two tubes fuse into one chamber, fold and change into a 4 chamber structure.
Begins beating by three weeks
Fetal circulation :
bypass lungs, due to certain structures
a) foramen ovale , between two atria in septal wall becomes fossa ovalis in adultb) ductus arteriosus, between pulmonary trunk and aorta. Becomes the ligamentum arteriosum in adults
Congenital defects :
AGE changes in the heart.........
Valve :: sclerosis, thickening primarily occurs in the mitral valve since the left ventricle, has increased stress due to increased pressure and blood flow.
Cardiac muscle :
fibrosis at nodeschange in conduction and transmissionHeart attackAtherosclerosisArteriosclerosis