Lecture Review Questions Blood

Dr. Weis

1. Define blood as a connective tissue (cells, fibers, fluid) and give the source of the formed elements

2. List 4 functions of blood (as a tissue)

3. ID and/or describe the unique characteristics of the formed elements (cellular) portions regarding formation processes, hormone control, unique characteristics of each particular element (#, size, shape, color, etc), unique and different functions, & problems.

4. Know the hormone control for the formed elements that target the red bone marrow.

5. Know plasma components and contents (constituents) and 4 functions.  Remember,  there are NO cells/formed elements in plasma as shown/demonstrated on the hematocrit/PCV test !!! Name a hormone that controls the major component of plasma.

5. Hemostasis: name and describe the 4 phases involved.

6. Coagulation: be able to specifically discuss this phase in regards to the three pathways (extrinsic, intrinsic, common) and how these processes are initiated, the cascade of events for the common pathway. Know a problem with this specific phase.

7. Know the requirements for hemostasis (Ca++, VitK, functional liver for clotting protein formation) and two problems with hemostasis.

8. Name the blood groups (ABOD) and why they are important and how identified / tested for.

9. Completely and accurately Be able to define the following terms :


10. Name 4 tests that can be performed using blood (CBC, WBC diff, coag profiles, chemistries, blood typing, crossmatch, etc).  Remember the tests performed and discussed in lab.