AP II 2402 Lecture Review Questions
GI : Metabolism
Dr. Weis
1. Define calorie, metabolism, catabolic, anabolic, oxidation, reduction (redox)
2. Know the source and usage of ATP.
3. CH2O breakdown, absorption, usage, storage/retrieval names.
4. Glycolysis, Aerobic respiration (= Krebs Cycle + oxidative phosphorylation)
General information about what is needed, where occurs, what is made (end products)
5. Lipids : different classes and function for each in this group.
6. Triglyceride : breakdown, absorption, usage, storage, retrieval, and names for these processes
7. Define beta oxidation, what and where it happens
8. Define ketone bodies (ketones) vs. keto acids. Give an example of each
9. Cholesterol source, storage, use. HDL vs LDL and what is happening.
Proteins : # of AA, examples of 2 essential and 2
nonessential AA.
Know how proteins are broken down (names of enzymes involved) and where.
Transport of proteins, storage, usage, regulation of metabolism.
Define and generally describe the liver metabolism of proteins in transamination
and deamination.
Know the source of ammonia and urea.
11. Vitamins : 3 fat soluble, 2 water soluble and their function
12. Minerals : 2 bulk, 1 trace and their function. Know name and chemical symbol
13. How is glucose homeostasis maintained in absorptive and post absorptive states.
14. Define BMR
15. Temperature : normal range, how controlled
16. Define fever and know causes for abnormal temperature regulation
17. Know 2 ways that heat is transferred from the body