Biology 2402 AP II Lecture Review Questions Heart Dr. Weis
Know all heart anatomy related to:
location and landmarks
gross: Anterior and posterior external features, Internal features
histology of the cardiac wall components
2. Know blood flow pathway through the heart :: naming all structures, all valves
3. Know the names of all valves, their location, anatomy, function, and problems
4. Know the supply of blood to and from the heart
Ascending Aorta branches for the Left and Right Coronary Circuit and their branches
Define arterial anastomoses
Venous return from the cardiac veins into the Coronary sinus
5. Heart Physiology :: conduction system => name and describe the sequence of structures, locations of nodes and the fibers pathway, conduction rates for the nodes and fibers and the events triggered in the myocardium. Explain the ANS effects on the heart's conduction system. Know a problem with the conduction system.
6. ECG : Know (name and recognize) the lead II wave deflections, their meaning and electrical events involved. Know a problem that is identified on ECGs. Know the names of the other types of tracings seen on a 12 lead ECG.
7. Myocardium : be able to discuss it's histology and the physiology terms and events in relationship to RMP, depolarization, Action Potential excitation-contraction, and Repolarization. Be able to compare and contrast cardiac muscle to skeletal muscle in regards to histology and physiology.
8. Be able to label the cardiac myocardial electrical graph with the ions involved and the reason for the plateau.
9. Cardiac Cycle : Define this term and list the events of this cycle and how the components relate (electrical -> mechanical -> physical) to creating the graphs/pictures seen with this cycle.
Know the cardiac output formula and the factors that affect / change SV
and HR and in turn, how these changes affect CO.
Be able to manipulate
the formula and understand the interconversions.
11. Name two aging changes seen with the heart
12. Know the fetal circulation bypasses in the heart in regards to the names of structures, location, and function.