Biology 2402

AP2 Lecture Review Questions  


Dr. Weis

1. List and explain the nonspecific body defenses and give examples. 

2. Know the cells involved with the first and second line of nonspecific body defenses.

3. Compliment : know what it is and what it does. The two pathways, how activated and the end results.

4. Interferon : general information on its source and its effect

5. Specific Immunity : be able to explain in detail the two components of Humoral and Cell Mediated immunity.  List the cells involved, activation/stimulus, effects, how each division works and how they are interrelated.     

6. Concepts and structure of antibody.  Know the 5 classes and their basic structure.  Be able to discuss/describe two antibody classes in detail with regards to structure, location, function/action

7. Antigen : know the two major types.  Define foreign antigen and its two types.  Know what macromolecules primarily act as foreign antigens.  Know the definition of valence and epitope.

8. Know the concept and importance of memory cells.  Where do they come from and how are they activated.  Types of memory cells (names).

9. Explain MHC*HLA : what are they, why are they important, two types and which cells interact with these regions.    

10. Give two examples of problems with the Immune system (other than hypersensitivities).

11. Define Hypersensitivity.  Know the types and pick one type and describe it in more detail inregards to specific mechanisms and the result of activation.

12. Name two aging changes that happen with the immune system.