Math and Natural Sciences Addendum
Microbiology Laboratory

Instructor:    Dr. Mary Weis  Course:            BIOL 2420/2421 Lab
Office:     C200A @ CPC  Phone:             972.881.5725
Email:   Office Hours:     _________________

Please refer to the M/NS Biology Department Syllabus for Microbiology for general course information:

2420 Microbiology Lab Manual Link

2421 Microbiology Lab Manual

Preparation Outside of Class:

A minimum of three (3) hours of preparation outside lab is typically expected for every hour spent in lab each week.  Any assignments, reading, or studying is in addition to this preparation time.  The student is expected to have read the assigned text material (listed on the lab schedule for that week) PRIOR to the lab. However, science courses generally require more time for study and preparation. Expect to spend 20-30 hours for this portion of the course depending upon your science background.

Attendance and Participation:

Regular attendance is expected and necessary for students to do well in this course.  If a lab is missed, it is the student's responsibility to get the information covered.  There are no scheduled make-ups during the semester for a missed lab and the student will receive a zero (0) for that days work. Student's have the option of attending and participating in another lab covering the same material in order to make up the work missed. This make-up privilege is at the discretion of both microbiology instructors. Observing the work of others will not get you credit.  Preparation before lab will allow participation in lab. Please ask if you have any questions.

In addtion to the ADA statement as described in the department syllabus, this course makes no exception of accommodation(s) for any student beyond the documented accommodation(s) initially set up by the ACCESS Office at the beginning of the semester, by the third week of school. The instructor does not have to make any additional exceptions beyond the initial filed documentation.

Course Repeatability:

A course in which a grade (including W) has been received can be repeated only ONE time without financial penalties or addtional departmental approval in order to replace the grade.

Method of Evaluation:

There will be two major lab practicals worth 30% each.  See the departmental syllabus for the exam date and material to be covered.  No make-ups will be given and the student will receive a zero (0) for any missed lab practical.

Weekly quizzes worth ten (10) points each will be given.  Approximately twelve (12) quizzes will be given over the semester and the lowest two (2) grades will be dropped.  The total of the final ten (10) best quizzes are worth 20% of the final lab grade. More quizzes may be given by the instructor to insure student preparation. These pop quizzes may or may not be dropped.

Lab Reports are worth 20% of the final lab grade and are discussed later in this addendum.

2420 Lab Schedule Link for Dr. Weis' Lab

2421 Lab Schedule Link for Dr. Weis' Lab

Grading Policy:

The lecture portion will be 65 % of the overall grade. 

The lab portion will be 35 % of the overall grade.                       

Grades will be assigned as follows::

90.0 and above            =         A

80.0 to 89.99               =         B

70.0 to 79.99               =         C

60 to 69.99                  =         D

Below 60                     =          F

There will be NO curve at the end of the course.  Plan to study accordingly.

Enforcement of the Right to Privacy Act means that grades will ONLY be discussed in person.
Grades will not be given or discussed over the phone. Cougarmail will be the only possible method of contacting the instructor regarding grades.

Academic Ethics:

Cheating on assignments, quizzes, exams, lab practicals, will be dealt with according to the procedures described in the Student Code of Conduct portion of the Collin student handbook. Academic ethics is also addressed on the division syllabus under academic ethics.

Please read this material and be familiar with the contents of the student handbook as registered Collin students are responsible for its contents.

Students found guilty of violations of the college's Academic Ethics / Honor Code policy in either lecture and/or lab will receive the strongest penalty available. This penalty will usually be a failing grade for the course (whether the student withdraws or stays enrolled), no matter how much work was accomplished.

FERPA Compliance
Student performance cannot be discussed with anyone other than the student, unless the student provides written permission. Student information cannot be given to students over the phone or via non-secure email address. Students may communicate with the instructor about grades or other sensitive information in person or via their college provided cougar mail email address.

Classroom disruptions: If you need to leave early or come in late, please do so quietly and use the exit door closest to the back of the room or sit near the exit if the door is in the front. As a courtesy, please inform your instructor if you need to leave early.

Please turn the ringer selection on all electronic devices including cell phones, smart watches, pagers, PDAs, and any timers or other electronic devices, etc. to the OFF setting !
Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off and put out of sight in purses/backpacks/etc. during class or lab time. Unapproved use of electronic devices will result in confiscation of that device for the duration of the class. If classroom disruptions continue, the dean of students will be contacted.

Use of electronic devices for medical purposes must be addressed with the instructor prior to the start of any class or lab.
Other student disruptions and consequences are addressed in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.

Electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, cameras, audio or video tape recorders, and computers are prohibited without prior approval of the instructor. When allowed for note taking or recording of lectures, no authorization is granted for redistribution by any student to any social media outlet.

Other Pertinent Information:

* You MUST clean your lab table surface at the beginning AND at the end of the lab period.

* You must also wash your hands before and after lab and wear gloves during lab.

* A disposable lab coat will be worn at all times during lab to help protect yourself and your clothing.

* Goggles must be purchased and worn when working with chemical dyes for staining.

* Be on time for lab or you will miss the quiz and discussion.  We will start on time!

* No eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking, etc. in the lab. Refer to the lab safety sheet.

* All tube media is to be labeled with tape and the tape removed at the completion of reading the test results.

*All discarded tube media goes in the proper disposal rack (with tape removed) and all old agar plates are to be placed in the orange bio-hazard autoclave bag in proper container.

*DO NOT use black felt tip markers to write direclty on any glassware ! Please use appropriate color tape.

*Make sure you know the dates of the lab practicals.  The student who misses a lab practical will be given the grade of zero (0).

*Make sure you know the drop dates.  No late drops will be given for any reason.

*Read & reread the Microbiology Laboratory Safety Guidelines throughout the semester and bring these guidelines with you, in case you have questions.

* Take notes and ask questions

Suggestions :

Remember: Safety First

Failure to follow safety precautions and laboratory regulations will result in IMMEDIATE removal from the lab area and a grade of zero (0) will be given to the student and/or students for that lab. 
This grade will not be dropped & any corresponding lab work will not be accepted.

Keys to success:: Maintain sterile technique, streak for isolation, and common sense safety !

            Microbiology Lab Reports:      20% of Lab Grade

10% of Lab Report Grade will be applied to the primary lab report: The Unknown Report

100 Points for Unknown Report

 Format is available on the instructors website under lab reports

(must have detailed log sheets, test analysis, biochemistry, flow chart, microbe identification, and conclusion)

Due during the 14th week of lab; specific due date to be announced

Negative (-) points [up to -75 points] will be deducted if this report is not submitted

10% For Remaining Reports: Infectious Disease Paper, Abstract, Group Reports, Mock Unknowns

30 Points for Infectious Disease Paper

                Format is available on the instructors website under lab reports

                Due by the 15th week of school at the second lab practical REVIEW

                Topic sign up will be available around the third week of lab

                Each student will sign up and research a different infectious bacterial or viral disease.

20 Points for Microbiology Journal Abstract

                   Format is available on the instructors website under lab reports

                   Due by the 7th week of school at the first lab practical Review

20 Points (total) for Lab Group Summaries of Lab Experiments / Exercises /Homework

                   3-5 points given on instructor selected labs for various in lab group reports

                    Interpretation and summary of lab results will be done in lab on specific sheets given by the instructor. Any homework assignments related to the lab exercises/results will have specific instructions provided on the assignment. Students who miss the related lab(s) will not receive credit for the related group report exercises.

30 Points (total) for Mock Unknown Reports over GPR, GPC, and GNR.

Three reports total @ ten points per Mock Unknown Report.

If a student does not set up their own reactions, their report will not be accepted for any reason. If a student has set up their reactions, but is not present on the mock unknown results day, s/he can read their saved reactions at the next scheduled lab, but only half credit will be given as a starting grade. Results and the related reports over 1 week old will not be accepted.

The format is on each report and these reports will be due the on their respective results day.

Microbiology Lab Report Summary
Uknown Report

Due when done, but last due date is during week 14. Specific Date TBD.
Late points will be given if turned in after this time.
Negative points if not submitted based on work completed.

100 points
Infectious Disease report Due when done but last due date is Week 15 @
lab practical II review
30 points
Microbiology Journal Abstract Due @ lab practical I review 20 points
In lab Group Reports / Homework assignments various due dates 20 points
In lab Mock Unknown Reports various respective results due days 30 points

Lab Reports Calculation
Unknown Report at 100 points @ 10% = 10 points toward lab grade.

Other Lab reports totaling 100 points @ 10% = 10 points towards lab grade

If not previously indicated for a specific report, late lab reports are docked 10% points off of total value if turned in within a 10 minute period after the lab period has officially ended and will be docked an additonal 15% of report value for every four (4) hours that it is late after that time.
You can email your report via email attachment or turn it into the division office for a time/date stamp to avoid accumulation of late points

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