Microbiology Abstract Report

20 points towards lab report total

Students are to read a currently published (2015 or later) MICROBIOLOGY related professional journal article (source: internet, library, hospital/clinic) and write a three paragraph (minimum 3/4 page of content) summary abstract of the article.
Articles from main stream journals will not be accepted. If you are not sure, ask before doing this report.

If the article is not related to microbiology or from a main stream (general public publication), up to full credit will be taken off (-20 points).

No students may share articles, nor may students use the same articles used as a reference for their disease paper, or another student's disease paper. You may not write an abstract over the topic you chose for a disease paper.
This is a different article on a different subject. 

Individual work is to be turned in, so avoid cheating/plagiarism as outlined in the Collin Student Code of Conduct.

Format should be as follows:

            Title of Article

            Student Name

            Lab Course / Section

            Article Writeup (3 well formed paragraphs [with a minimum 4 complete sentences]) :

            Article Citation (MLA or APA style) -> see Writing Center for reference books on citations

Attach a copy of the original article

The article is due anytime during the first 7 weeks of the semester or by the first lab practical review date.
The final due date is at the first lab practical review, by the beginning of lab or late points will apply.

Late reports will be docked 1 point if turned in during the lab period and if turned in after the lab (within 30 minutes) 1 more point and after that time an additional 4 points for every 12 hours late will be applied.

Late reports are to be date and time stamped by the division or associate office administrative assistants and turned into the instructor’s on-campus mail box.

NOTE: Articles that do not correlate or difinitively relate to microbiology topics not receive credit.

Grading Rubric

Microbiology Abstract Article




Typed, Proper Syntax, Punctuation, Sentence Structure, 3rd person writing 0.5
Heading: Title, Name, Course/Section 0.5
Microbiology Article Write up
(3 well formed, grammatically correct, and complete paragraphs with topic development from summary to detailed information and its importance)
Bibliography 0.5
Attached copy of original article 1.5
Professional Medical / Microbiology resource(s) used 2

Remember: If the article is not related to microbiology or from a main stream (general public publication), up to full credit will be taken off (-20 points).

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