Microbiology Infectious Disease Paper  (One report per student)

Typed, single spaced content, double space between paragraphs. (Must override MS word spacing defaults)

One inch margins.  Minimum three (3) FULL pages (not 2 and 3/4) of written content.

This does not include the cover sheet , bibliography pages, or photos/drawings.

Choose an infectious disease (bacterial group or viral group) that you want to learn more about and research.

Topic MUST be approved by the instructor by the 7th class week and prior to midterm (8th class week).

Sign up for the paper will be done by number lottery, usually by the third or fourth week of lab.

You must have at least three (3) references outside of your textbooks. 

You may have more than three, but cite ALL references. 


Due date :: the week of the last lab practical @ lab practical review, but you may turn it in earlier.

Worth 30 points

An optional presentation of the disease paper is available during the lab practical week at the review.

 This presentation is called a “three minute” summary and students may bring notes from their paper on a 3x5 card to help with their presentation and any discussion or questions. Students will not receive any credit for just reading their report. This is a summary of the information that you have learned.

Classmates are encouraged to ask questions or make comments about the infectious disease report.

This optional presentation value will be up to 5 points maximum added on to the lab report TOTAL.

Late report penalties are discussed in the lab addendum under lab reports.

Format for Infectious Disease Paper ::

Cover Sheet -- Title, Date, Course & Section, Name, CWID-4 (last 4 digits) : centered on page

Introduction -- History of disease (when discovered / how discovered / who discovered, causative agent(s), etc)

Major Portion of paper should include information based on

Four (4) major Bacterial Species in Genera chosen or Four (4) maor Viral Genera [-virus] in Family [-viridae] chosen that includes

                At least three (3) drawings, photos, pathology reports, and/or brochure must be included. One of these must be of the organism itself and another must be of the physical changes due to the disease process. This information should not be considered as your entire paper nor does it take the place of three full pages of WRITTEN content!

Conclusion :: Nursing care you would give for this patient as well as five things you would discuss with your patient and/or their family with regards to this disease/condition.

Bibliography page :: cited references, using correct MLA or APA format (online source or writing center and remember, this does not count as your third page).

See Collin College writing center for help regarding the grammar, punctuation, etc.

Students may want to reference English writing texts for questions about how to cite your Bibliography references.

Disease Paper Grading Rubric
Cover sheet, 3rd person writing style, following directions, etc
2 points
Paper format, margins, and that the overall content has correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and
proper format of organism name (italicized), etc.
3 points
Introduction, History, Signalment, etc.
3 points
Clinical Signs/symptoms/chief complaint, differential diagnosis, specific diagnostic tests, final diagnosis, specfic treatment(s), prognosis, and prevention.
NOTE: If missing written content, points will be deducted
12 points
Prevention, new research, new treatments
or alternative treatments
2 points
Add photos of organism, disease process, and any related pathology
3 points
Conclusion, nursing care, patient discussion, etc
3 points
Bibliography and proper citations in paper
2 points

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