BIOL 2421 Microbiology         Lecture Notes: Viruses Chapter 11       Dr. Weis

Viruses: are not considered living organisms as they are acellular and are inactive outside the host. Sometimes thought of an obligate intracellular parasite, they also can be viewed as inert biochemical complex of organized macromolecules. They are nonmotile and are entirely dependant on physical factors for chance movement and spread to infect other susceptible cells.

A complete virus is called a virion and consists of a nucleic acid enclosed in a protein coat. Virus and virion are used interchangeably in most books.

            Viruses can exist in two phases:

                        a) Extracellular: cannot reproduce independently, few enzymes present

                        b) Intracellular: replicates nucleic acids, induces host metabolism for                               enzymes to synthesize virion components.

            Therefore, their simple structural organization is characterized by:

                        1) contain single nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) called the viral genome

                        2) protein coat that surrounds nucleic acid  (NA)

                        3) Multiply inside cells by using substances: ATP, enzymes

                        4) Synthesize structures that can transfer viral NA to other cells

Cultivation for Identification

            * chick embryo

            * tissue culture: animal cells or bacteria or plant cells

            Purification for ID and study

                        * centrifuge: differential, gradient

                        * precipitation

                        * denature

                        * assay: hemagglutination, plaque, PCR

Viral Host Range

            Spectrum of host cells a virus can infect (broad or narrow)

            Most infect specific types of cells on one host species


                        ~ attach at specific host receptor sites

                                                bacteria = cell wall, fimbria, flagella

                                                animal = plasma membrane receptors

                        ~ certain host cellular factors are needed for viral replication

                                    proteins, enzymes, free NA, tRNA, ribosomes, ATP

Size: smaller than bacteria, range from 20-1000 nm length and 10-400nm diameter.  Most must be viewed with scanning /transmission electron microscopes.      


            Parts of the Virion

                  ^ NA : DNA or RNA : contain genes for capsid and key genes for initiating its lifecycle                                                                                          

                                    ss (single strand) or ds (double strand)

                                    linear or circular

                                    can be in segments

            the combination of viral NA can be as follows

                        ds DNA: linear or circular,  majority of DNA virus are double stranded

                        ss DNA: linear or closed circle

                        ds RNA: segmented

                        ss RNA: majority of RNA viruses are single stranded, many are segmented

                                                 if strand same as mRNA =  (positive) + strand

                                                if strand is complimentary to mRNA = (negative) – strand

                        ^ Capsid

                                    Tight protein coat that surrounds NA

                                    Protein coat is coded by viral NA

                                    Identical symmetrical structural building units of the protein coat are                                           called protomers

                                    May contain enzymes necessary for NA replication

                                    Capsid Shapes:

                                                Icosahedral= regular polyhedron with 20 equilateral triangles

                                                Helical  = hollow tube like cylinders, rigid or flexible

                                                Complex = other structures such as a tail or multiple layers

                                                            * Bacteriophage: sheath, base plate, pin, tail fiber

                                                            * Poxviruses

                                    Can also have capsomeres, ringed protein protomer subunits                                         arranged in groups (5 or 6 subunits) around the outside of the                                              capsid that forms as an extension of the capsid.                                                             Capsomere proteins can be the same or different proteins                                                          than the capsid. Capsomeres aid in :

                                                protecting from harsh    environmental conditions : pH , temp

                                                enzymes for cell penetration

                                                immune response

NA + capsid = nucleocapsid or genocapsid

                        ^ Envelope

                                    lipid + protein + CH20

                                    covers capsid in some viruses, forms a spherical shape

                                    sometimes forms as a leftover host cell plasma membrane that

                                    had been modified to contain a mixture of normal and  viral                                            proteins/glycoproteins coded via NA from virus or host

                                    + /- spikes (peplomers)

                                                * CH20 + protein projections from envelope

                                                * help to ID viruses

                                                * used to help viruses attach

                                                * may possess enzymes to help in penetration

                                    If envelope is lost, so is virulence/ infectivity

            NOTE:  If no envelope, called non-enveloped virus (or naked) viruses. Sometimes naked is used when there is no protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid, as seen in plant viruses. To avoid confusion, use the word "non-enveloped".

Viral Taxonomy:
Host Range: Animal, Plant, Bacteria

            NA characteristics, Capsid symmetry, Nucleocapsid diameter

            +/- envelope,  number of capsomeres

            location of viral replication, immunologic prosperities, special features

            Disease caused, method of transmission


            Viruses that infect certain strains of bacteria

            Most have ds DNA

            Classified as to morphology     

                        a) tailless icosahedral

                        b) Contractile tails

                        c) Noncontractile tails

                        d) Filamentous

            Lifecycle: Lysogenic, Lytic

                        Lytic Cycle: seen with virulent bacteriophages, lyse their host cells

                                    * landing and attachment via tail fibers to specific receptor sites

                                    * tail contraction, penetration, unplugging, DNA injection (ATP)

                                                lysozyme enzymes released to breakdown cell wall

                                                capsid and other structures remain outside as a “ghost”

                                    * Biosynthesis

                                                host DNA/RNA/protein synthesis stops, host DNA                                               is degraded by viral enzymes coded for by viral proteins

         early mRNA made to direct synthesis of enzymes for viral DNA replication, uses old host nucleotides

          late mRNA directs enzyme synthesis for structural proteins, assembly, and cell lysis. 
3 capsid proteins are made
 for construction of tail, tail fibers, heads.

                                    * Maturation: virus is spontaneously assembled

                                                            (assembly line style)

                                                            nucleocapsid made first, then baseplate/tube/sheath

                                                            added. Finally a collar (at neck) and tail fibers

                                    * Release: lysis of bacteria

                                                            lysozyme made via viral genome attacks host cell                                                                       wall peptidoglycan

                                                            another protein attacks bacterial plasma membrane

                                                            osmosis causes swelling and eventual rupture

            approximate time for lytic cycle (burst time) : 20-40 minutes

Bacterial defenses:

            1) Bacterial mutations can change receptor sites used by phages for recognition

            2) Bacterial restriction enzymes can  recognize and cut up foreign DNA

            RNA bacteriophages

                        ssRNA codes for enzymes to create RNA replicase

                        creates temporary dsRNA, each acting as a template

                        several RNA copies made

                                    +RNA for viral genome

                                    mRNA for translation of viral proteins

            Lysogenic Cycle: seen with temperate bacteriophages, co-exist

                                    Virus is latent until it initiates a lytic cycle

                                                * attach to cell wall      

                                                * penetration

                                                * integration -> virus now called a prophage inserted at                                                                         specific site

                                                            viral genome does not take control of host

                                                            does not destroy host while producing new phages

                                                            viral genome replicated along side of host DNA

                                                            creates clones of infected cells that appear normal

                                                            can change phenotype of host that is not directly

                                                                        related to life cycle of virus

                                                            may or may not be an actual part of host DNA, if

                                                            not part of DNA, usually initiates a lytic cycle

                                                * induction:

                                                            lytic cycle starts when viral genome excised

                                                            triggered when host is unable to survive

                        3 results of lysogeny

                                    a) surviving hosts are immune to reinfection

                                    b) phage lysogenic conversion -> host acquires new properties

                                    c) specialized transduction: bacterial genes are picked up during

                                                excision of viral genes and transferred to another bacterium

Viruses of Eukaryotes: Animals

            Classification: Virus morphology, chemical nature, disease caused, location, genetic relationships, individuals who discovered

One group: based on system affected second classification based on viral families.

            Viral Multiplication/Replication in Animals

                        1) Attachment of virus reactive protein sites to host plasma membranes at                                              glycoproteins.  Passive reaction and specific for binding.

                                    Damage (chemical) or blocking (antibody neutralization) of the viral                               binding sites can render virions noninfectious

                                    Host receptors are genetically determined, may be found in all or                                               local / specific cells

                                    host receptors are necessary for function/role:

                                                maybe site for hormone binding or other molecules

                                                that involve the immune system signaling/reception

                                    complementary receptors on host to viral attachment sites

                                                viral attachment sites vary:

                                                           a)  icosahedron fibers on capsid

                                                           b) envelope spikes

                                                           c) bottom of a surface or depression of viral capsid

                        2) Penetration

                                    a) direct penetration:  seen with nonenveloped viruses

                                                binds to receptor

                                                change in capsid structure allows the NA to enter the cytoplasm


                                    b) fusion: seen with special enveloped viruses that have certain                                                               protein fusion glycoproteins

                                                fusion with plasma membrane to create a pore

                                                nucleocapsid taken into cytoplasm

                                    c) receptor mediated endocytosis: seen with enveloped viruses

                                                attach to coated pits

                                                forms coated vesicles

                                                fuses with lysosomes of host that begin uncoating 

                        3) Uncoating

                                    varies depending on virus

                                    separation of nucleocapsid :

                                                removal of capsid

                                                release of viral NA

                                    accomplished by one of three ways

                                                a) lysosome enzymes  inside vesicle

                                                b) viral coded enzymes

                                                c) via cytoplasmic enzymes of host

                        4a) Biosynthesis of DNA Viruses

                                    early genes take over host cell to synthesize DNA, RNA

                                    may inhibit host DNA or may stimulate macromolecule synthesis

                                    normally, viral DNA replication occurs in the host cell nucleus

                                                during the S phase of the normal host cell cycle

                                    early mRNA is transcribe from viral DNA via host enzymes

                                    ds (+/-) DNA à DNA – strand directly transcribed to viral mRNA

                                    ss (+) DNA  à converted to ds DNA and the (-) DNA used

                                    ss (-) DNA  à converted to ds DNA and the (-) DNA used

            General Summary for DNA virus transcription/translation

                        Viral DNA is replicated via viral enzymes in host nucleus, usually

                        If viral DNA is inserted in the host genome called a provirus.

                        Host enzymes are used for synthesis of capsid and other proteins

                        Early genes-> proteins for DNA synthesis (RNA and DNA polymerase)

                        Late genes -> proteins for capsid synthesized by free ribosomes

                        Assembly of nucleocapsid occurs in nucleus, usually

                        Proteins + viral DNA = virions

                                    Virions move to endoplasmic reticulum for release

                        If enveloped, glycoproteins synthesized by the RER are sent to the Golgi

                        Golgi vesicles transport glycoproteins to PM to form clusters at viral exits

                        Some viruses do not use the host PM for their envelope, but rather the                           nuclear membrane (seen in Herpes viruses)

                        4b) Biosynthesis of RNA Viruses

                                    similar to DNA viruses: attach, penetrate, uncoat

                                    RNA replication usually in cytoplasm

                                    Only (+) mRNA strand can be used to synthesize proteins

                                    more diverse that DNA in strategies for replication and  translation

Sometimes put into classes (Class III, IV, V, VI) to create the 4 RNA virus groups:

            Class IV ss (+) RNA à synthesis from positive sense strand is analogous  to mRNA, used to make proteins use viral replicase to make ss (-) RNA as template for more ss (+) RNA

            Class V ss (-) RNA  à transcribe +sense from antisense (-) strand for use as mRNA. Uses (-) RNA via viral replicase to make +RNA , then makes copies of more ss (-)RNA.

            Class III ds (+/-) RNA à one strand sense (+) other antisense (-). Uses transcriptase to make mRNA à proteins mRNA used to make (+ /-) RNA copies via replicase enzymes.

            Class VI   2 ss (+) RNA   à has own enzymes:

                                                           RNA dependenta DNA polymersase and  reverse transcriptase

            ss (+) RNA+ à (-) DNA complimentary à ds (+/-) DNA à mRNA and ss (+) RNA

                        5) Viral Maturation (assembly)

                                    late genes code for capsid proteins

                                    capsid assembly usually in cytoplasm, can be in nucleus

                                    procapsid forms, nucleic acid inserted after condensing

                                    viral components held together by weak bonds (hydrogen)

                                    accumulation of virion assembly may form inclusions which are visible (microscopically)

                        6) Viral Release

                                    Naked virion released by host cell lysis

                                    Enveloped virion released by budding

                                                 virion pushes through host plasma membrane.

                                    Other internal membrane sources can be the nucleus, E.R. and Golgi

                                                Does not necessarily destroy the cell during viral exit

Host Cell Damage causing cytocidal (cell death) results or degenerative changes causing cytopathic effects, which eventually end in cell death

1) Inhibit host cell DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis – cell death

2) Damage host cell lysosomes resulting in release of hydrolytic enzymes – cell death    
3) Alter plasma membrane via insertion of viral proteins – immune system destroys

4) Increases in viral protein concentrations have toxic effect – cell damage/death

5) Inclusion bodies formed, disrupt cell structure – cell death

6) Chromosomal changes / disruptions – cell death

7) Host cell transformed into a malignant cell, if immune system attack – cell death

Viral Infections

            Acute: rapid onset, last for a short time

            Chronic: persistent, lasting many years, replicate at slow rate over a few years

                          Detectible, eventually fatal.  Many are related to brain degeneration.

                                    (Measles, Rubella, Papovirus, HIV, Echovirus)

            Latent: stops reproducing, dormant, no symptoms until reactivated. (Herpes)

                        At equilibrium and not reactivated until stress or decr immune response

            Slow: extremely slow developing, replication lasting many years

Integration into host genome may be reason for chronic or latent viral infections

If virus integrated into animal genome, called a provirus and sets up a lysogenic state where the new cells (via mitosis) carry viral properties and are considered infected as well or may create cancerous cells.

Diagnosis of Viral Infections

            A) Direct: detection and demonstration of the virus itself

                        * growth amplification in culture

                        * electron microscopy

                        * serological techniques

                                    1) precipitation

                                    2) agglutination

                                    3) immunofluorescence

                                    4) ELISA

                                    5) Compliment fixation

                                    6) Radio immuno assays

                                    7) purified vial antigens

                        * molecular techniques

                                    1) Gel electrophoresis

                                    2) Western blotting

                                    3) PCR

                                    4) Southern blotting

                                    5) Genome sequencing

            B) Indirect: study of host’s response to that virus

                                    (see previous host response to damage)

Emerging Viruses

            Existing viruses that have expanded their host territory

            Arise due to:

                        1) Changes to cause disease in individuals only immune to viral ancestor

                        2) Spreads from one host species to another (monkeypox à humans)

                        3) Disseminates from small area to more widespread (hantavirus, AIDS)

                        4) Increased exposure: isolated areas exposed à roads, deforestation

See textbook and other charts for comparison of

Bacteriophage to Eukaryotic phage, DNA viruses, RNA viruses

Viruses and Cancer

            Cancer = uncontrolled cell growth

                        a) Proto-oncogenes promote growth

                        b) Tumor-suppressor genes control proto-oncogenes

                 Changes in either or both can lead to uncontrolled cell growth

            Neoplasia = “new form” caused by abnormal cell growth

                                    Benign if localized, remains in one place

                                    Malignant if actively spreads causing secondary tumors

            Anaplasia = “without form” causing a reversion back to a primitive state

    Cancer Causes:


            Carcinogens (mutagens)

            Genetic (oncogenes related to cell growth factors)

            Viruses: can alter genetic material and turn “on” oncogenes (initiation) as

                                    a result of other changes [genetic, chemical, physical]

                           or can inactivate a tumor suppressor

                        Viral DNA integrates into host DNA and replicated ~ lysogeny

                        Provirus never excised

                        10% of cancers are known to be virally induced

                        Transformation : acquire properties distinct from normal

                                    create antigens on surface: TSTA on PM; T antigen on nucleus

                                                change cells à shape abnormalities; chromosome abnormalities

            DNA oncogenic viruses

                        * Adenovirus

                        * Herpes

                                    Epstein-Barr Virus à 2 cancers: carcinoma, lymphoma of the jaw

                        * Pox


                                    Papillomas à cervical cancers


                                    Hepatitis B à liver cancer

            RNA oncogenic viruses

                                    Retroviruses à 2 types of adult HTLV leukemias

Virus Inhibition

            by the immune response

                        * Phagocytosis

                        * Antibody neutralization

                        * Lymphocytes (T-cells)

                        * viral vaccines (inactivated, attenuated)

            by treatment with antiviral drugs

                        * prevent attachment

                        * prevent uncoating

                        * act as a nitrogen base analogue for substitution in the genome

                        * inhibit reverse transcriptase

                        * cell protection by inhibiting viral replication via interferons

            by physical or chemical agents

                        * heat (moist and dry)

                        * UV light

                        * chlorine

                        * iodine

                        * heavy metals

                        * formaldehyde / gluteraldehyde

                        * lipid soluble detergents


            Proteinaceous infectious particle

            Neurological Disease = spongioform encephalopathy (holes in the brain)

                                                Loss of coordinated movements

                                                Progressive degeneration, eventual death

            Cause conversion of normal host glycoprotein (PRPC) to cellular prion protein                          (PRPSC). Still searching for a related/hidden NA to code for conversion or some very small virus hidden within these proteins.

            Will affect cell adhesion, recognition, and uptake, primarily in neurons in the brain

            Brain neurons have the PRPC protein which protects them from free radical damage.

            PRPC on membrane reacts with PRPSC which converts normal to abnormal as it folds into a different form consisting of clumps of pleated sheets.

            These abnormal proteins are taken in and accumulate in lysosomes creating plaque as the lysosomal enzymes are unable to degrade the changed protein. Empty areas of dead tissue begin to appear in the brain causing clinical signs.

            Prion based neurological diseases

                        * Scrapie (sheep and goats)

                        * BSE (mad cow disease)

                        * CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)

                        * GSS (Gerstamnn-Sträusler-Scheinker Syndrome)

                        * kuru

                        * fatal familial insomnia

Plant Viruses

            Similar to animal viruses

            Based on morphology

            Most are RNA viruses

            Rod shape capsid with spiral capsomeres

            Horizontal or vertical transmission


                                    Plant receives virus from an external source

                                    Many require insect vectors as plants are protected by cell walls

                                    Viruses can also enter through injured epidermal sites on the plant


                                    Inherits viral infection from parent

                                    Asexual propagation

                                    Sexual reproduction via seeds

                                    Once infected, spreads from cell to cell via plasmodesmata

            Cause: color change, deformed or stunted growth, wilting


                        Circular, ssRNA (naked as they are not covered by a protein coat)

                        Self splicing, self replicating.

                        Does not code for any proteins (act like an intron in eukaryotic genome)

                        Disrupt normal plant metabolism, development, growth by causing

                                    errors in regulatory systems that control gene expression

                        Transmitted between plants

Fungi and Algae Viruses

            ds RNA

            mycoviruses induce disease symptoms and eventual host destruction and lysis

Insect Viruses

            ds DNA or ds RNA

            Inclusion bodies formed in host either in nucleus or cytoplasm

            Can be latent infections