BIOL 2421 Microbiology                    
Review Sheet   Viruses            
Dr. Weis

  1. Define virus and name the two viral phases.
  1. Name the unique parts of a virion regarding specific structures and functions
  1. Name several ways viruses are classified (taxonomy) and give examples
  1. Regarding Bacteriophages:
    1. Describe the lytic life cycle
    1. Describe the lysogenic life cycle
    1. Relate generalized and specific transduction involving genetic recombination to the above two life cycles
  1. Describe DNA viral replication in animal cells
  1. Describe RNA viral replication in animal cells
  1. Be able to give specific examples of DNA and RNA animal viruses regarding their taxonomy.
  1. Name and describe terms related to viral infections
  1. Name 4 host cell changes that result from a viral infection
  1. Name 3 major ways that viruses can be inhibited and give examples of each
  1. Define prions.  Explain how they function and the end results of infection.
  1. Define horizontal and vertical transfer regarding genomes